Issue 60 of Administration Matters

A statement from the ELCA presiding bishop addressing our call to care for creation

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) members pray and care for God’s marvelous creation every day. We also join the global Christian community each Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 to mark the Season of Creation. >More

Religion and politics

It is important for each congregation and its leaders to understand what political activity is permissible to maintain the congregation’s tax exemption. ELCAvotes is an initiative to expand the role of the church in encouraging faithful and non-partisan voter participation by providing faith-based resources around voting. As a leader in your ministry, make sure you know what to say and do to protect yourself, your congregation and your nonprofit status. Learn from an expert in the webinar “Religion & Politics.”

Hurricane season is here. Are you ready?

If there is any good news, it’s that hurricanes are one of the few disasters that come with advance notice. Take the time now to prepare both your property and congregation for what may happen. >More

Separate incorporation

When a mission entity operates as a body distinct from the church, it is a good idea to review the following list of potential reasons to separately incorporate that entity to protect both parties. >More

Leave roof work to the pros

Although a roof repair may look like a simple thing, and you may be tempted to save some money, it’s best to leave the roof work to the pros. That realization may save you and perhaps others from serious injury. >More
