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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

Gathered and Freed: By Love, For Love

– Drew Ingram I remember the Confirmation lesson the week I was cut from the basketball team. I was telling myself that I was not good enough at basketball or at anything. The Confirmation lesson title was, “G.O.G.G.: The Gift...

Risking and Experimenting

– Pastor David Lose The world is changing – okay, major, major understatement. The world is changing like it has never changed before! Yeah, that’s more like it. Think about it: The way we communicate. The way we create meaning....

Interactive Learning

– Beth Hartfiel I remember my first Gathering as a youth. We were going to Atlanta. We’d never taken a big trip like this. We weren’t just leaving Texas; we were going all the way across the country. The hours...

the tAble

-Sarah Mayer-Flatt There’s a renewed ministry of the ELCA Youth Gathering that I am excited to be a part of for the second time as Team Leader: the tAble. Formerly known as DAYLE, The Definitely-Abled Youth Leadership Event, the tAble...

Safety & Security

– Shawn Hannon I was the kid whose parents had to drag him kicking and screaming to nearly every youth event, but whose parents also had to drag him kicking and screaming all the way home because I never wanted...

A Gathering of Spirit: An Inferno of Action

– Naomi Krizner Leaving New Orleans and looking back at my most eventful week, I realized the one thing I got most from the experience. I felt this renewed spark in me. Just seeing all those youth come together and...