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Peace Not Walls

Expediting the Expansions

Today, the Israeli government announced that another 942 housing units had been approved for construction in Gilo, one of the largest illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. According to several newspapers, including Ha’aretz and the New York Times, the plan was approved by the Jerusalem Planning and Building Committee on Monday, April 4. Normally, follow-up votes can occur months after the committee approval; in this case, the vote has been scheduled for the next Tuesday.

An Israeli army crane loads a part of a concrete wall in the Jewish neighborhood of Gilo in Jerusalem, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2010. (Photo by: AP)

This expedited schedule indicates a rush to approve and start construction on land claimed by Israeli settlers before Israelis and Palestinians achieve any substantive progress toward the establishment of Palestinian statehood. Many peace plans, such as the recently announced “Israeli Peace Initiative” (prepared in response to the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002) indicate that, in Jerusalem, “Jewish neighborhoods shall be under Israeli sovereignty; the Arab neighborhoods shall be under Palestinian sovereignty.” (more…)

Goldstone “Recants” Goldstone Report

In September 2009, the UN Human Rights Council released a report by the Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. This mission was chaired by Justice Richard Goldstone and therefore came to be known as the Goldstone Report (pdf). The report was critical of the actions of Hamas and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) in regards to civilian casualties and made allegations that perhaps both sides were responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. From the outset the report was shrouded in controversy, with some claiming it to be a bold step in even-handedness towards both parties and others claiming it a piece of anti-semitic rhetoric aimed at delegitimizing Israel.

In a recent Washington Post Op-Ed, Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes, Justice Goldstone made comments that seem to be a recanting of the position presented in the report.  This op-ed is also shrouded in controversy as people attempt to determine its actual meaning, particularly whether it counts as an actual recanting.

Take some time to read the article to determine for yourself. For more information on the Goldstone Report see the UN Human Rights Council page on the Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.

To learn more about the situation in Gaza check out our page Major Issues: Gaza.

Knesset Passes New Citizenship Law

On Monday, March 28, by a vote of 37 to 11, the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, passed a new Citizenship Law. The new law states that citizens of Israel accused with acts of terrorism against the state or in aiding those who carry out acts of terrorism against the state can have their citizenship revoked by the courts. Supporters of the new law say that it is the right of a democracy to expect its citizens to be loyal if they wish to continue being citizens. Opponents claim that the law is targeted specifically at Arab citizens and will therefore be used unjustly in its implementation.

To learn more read the following articles in the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz.

To see a perspective critical of the new law read the following post on If Americans Only Knew.