Karibu! Welcome!

Posted on April 6, 2009 by Global Mission Support

Memories of warm and generous welcome stay with me long after a visit to Tanzania with a group of a dozen ELCA communicators. Each person who received us shook our hands, person by person, saying “Karibu! You are welcome! You are most welcome!”

I hope this “blog digest” will be a place of welcome for you and your pictures, your stories, and your interest in ELCA Global missions, ministries, missionaries, and companions. I hope you will find “information and inspiration” in new posts and re-posts by ELCA Global Mission churchwide staff, ELCA missionaries, and other friends.

You can help launch the Hand in Hand Global Mission Support Blog Digest:

  • Sign up to receive postings in your e-mail. (It’s easy! Click the link on the right-hand column.) You are likely to have to fish the first such forwards out of your quarantine/spam limbo.
  • Affirm someone’s post by adding a comment.
  • Offer a possible post; send me an ELCA Global Mission-related photo and caption, devotion, congregation connection idea, essay, or re-post from your blog or Website.

Karibu! You are welcome. You are most welcome!
Sue Edison-Swift, assistant director
ELCA Global Mission Support
