How Silently the Wondrous Gift Is Given
Today’s post is written by Chad Fothergill. Chad serves as cantor to the Lutheran Summer Music community, is editor of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians journal CrossAccent, and is author of Sing with All the People of God: A Handbook for...
All Creation Sings: Singing Lament
Scripture invites us, creatures of God, to join the whole creation in singing. Psalm 96 calls us to “Sing a new song… all the earth.” Our songs join the trees of the wood, the thundering seas, and the joyful...
All Creation Sings: Scriptural Images for God
Storm and Stillness, Breath and Dove, Thunder, Tempest, Whirlwind, Fire, Comfort, Couns’lor, Presence, Love, Energies that never tire: May the church at prayer recall that no single holy name but the truth behind them all is the God whom...
All Creation Sings: A Song for Sending
When we gather for worship, we gather to be sent. Our baptism into Christ sends us into the world. During the pandemic this sending has taken on a different character. In a time when we are advised to stay home...
All Creation Sings: Prayers, Thanksgivings, and Laments
A voice says, “Cry out!” And I said, “What shall I cry?” (Isaiah 40:6) There are times when words fail us, when we search for what to say but crying out or sighing must suffice. Yet there are also times...
All Creation Sings: Hymns of Lament and Healing
When we must bear persistent pain and suffer with no cure in sight, come, Holy Presence, breathe your peace with gifts of warmth and healing light. These words by Ruth Duck are the opening stanza to “When We Must...