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ELCA Worship

Two More Strong Center, Open Door Events this Fall


This October and November, join Susan Briehl, Matt James, Daniel Schwandt, Kevin Strickland and Scott Weidler in exploring the core foundations and new possibilities of the ELW family of resources. Strong Center, Open Door is two days of worship, workshops, music and conversation designed for everyone who plans worship in a Lutheran setting. Workshop topics range from “Worship as Faith Formation” to “Seasonal Worship Planning” and from “Navigating Sundays and Seasons” to “Singing the Word of God.”


Strong Center, Open Door is designed to give you experiences and tools to take home and share with your own worshipping community. Registration is open for two remaining locations: Minnesota (October 14-15, Rochester) and Pennsylvania (November 4-5, Lansdale). The cost is $40 per person including lunch both days. For full information and to register, go to the ELCA web site.

Come explore some of the many ways your congregation can engage Lutheran worship today!


Churchwide Assembly’s Worship in Pictures


The ELCA’s Churchwide Assembly, this August in New Orleans L.A., was highlighted by moments of worship, music, prayer and praise. Here are just a few visual highlights from the worship services in the Great Hall.

LiturgyGram: Why the Bread?

LiturgyGrams are brief snippets of worship information, drawing from the ELCA’s Worship FAQ’s and The Use of the Means of Grace.

Bread is one of the elements of Holy Communion, being the body of Christ

Bread and wine ready for a Eucharist celebration at Valparaiso University’s Chapel of the Resurrection.

Ever wondered, “Why the bread?”

Bread is one of the elements of Holy Communion, being the body of Christ.  Different assemblies use different varieties of bread for communion, including unleavened loafs, leavened loafs, and wafers, but in all cases bread is shared. Communion practice follows the example of the Last Supper, as recorded in Matthew 26:26-29, its parallels, and 1 Corinthians 11:23-24.

Congregations of the ELCA express unity but not uniformity in their communion practices. Congregations do use bread and wine, as set forth in the ELCA’s set of priorities for the practices of word and sacraments, The Use of the Means of Grace, which states:

In accordance with the words of institution, this church uses bread and wine in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Principle 44).

Wondering what kinds of bread are used and in what form? Various options and their rationale are discussed in this Worship FAQ.