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ELCA Worship

All Creation Sings Resources for Time after Pentecost-Autumn, Reformation, and All Saints


As you make plans for worship in the autumn months, consider the following ways to explore All Creation Sings.

Time after Pentecost-Autumn

Sing “God’s Work, Our Hands” (ACS 1000) on September 8 in worship or at other congregational service events. Set to the tune EARTH AND ALL STARS, singers will readily learn this new text by Wayne Wold. Learn more about the hymn at

Explore the many creation-care activities in Kids Celebrate Creation. This is especially fitting if your congregation is focusing on care for the earth leading up to the commemoration of St. Francis on October 4.

Read or re-visit the 2020 Augsburg Fortress blog post, “The Animals Will Teach” for more creation-themed song ideas in ACS.


Sing one of two short songs based on Psalm 46 as a psalm refrain on Reformation Sunday: “Though the Earth Shall Change” (ACS 1035) or “Be Still and Know” (1083). The verses of the psalm can be sung on a tone or spoken by all or a leader(s) while the whole assembly sings the song as a refrain.

Introduce two new songs with reformation themes, “By Grace We Have Been Saved” (ACS 1006) and “Born, Reborn.” (ACS 956). The introductory videos will assist you with learning and teaching in your context.

Teach your choir a setting of “God Alone Be Praised.” (ACS 1023).  Commissioned for the 30th anniversary of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians and the 500th anniversary of the reformation, this anthem setting includes a part for the assembly and violin. You can listen to it as well.

All Saints

Learn the hymn “Death Be Never Last.” This video provides an introduction. If you’d prefer to have a choir sing it first, consider this anthem arrangement. Find additional anthem suggestions for several hymns in All Creation Sings in this curated PDF.

Remember a loved one by purchasing copies of the pew edition in their memory. What a gift it is for people of all ages to open a hymnal, read the name of a fellow child of God, and be connected to the community of saints through song.

Familiarize yourself with several prayers in ACS that address loss and times of transition (see pages 52–55 in the pew edition). As we remember those who have died or those near death, these prayers can give us words when we are struggling to name what is on our hearts.

All Creation Sings Resources for Day of Pentecost, Holy Trinity, and Summer


As you make plans to celebrate the festivals of Pentecost and Holy Trinity and look ahead to summer worship, consider the following ways to explore All Creation Sings. 

Day of Pentecost 

Try worshiping in multiple languages through either song or spoken word. Has your assembly worshiped using ACS Setting 11, a fully bilingual setting in Spanish and English? Watch this video from Bishop Felix Malpica as he gives pointers for beginning the process of bilingual worship. Audio recordings of the music in Setting 11 are available to support your introduction process.

Sing “Come, Holy Spirit” (ACS 940) as a gathering song or around a time of prayer. This video from Music that Makes Community shows how it can be taught to an assembly. 

Teach your choir “As the Wind Song” (ACS 943). A lovely two-part arrangement by Helen Kemp in the St. Olaf Choirbook for Women can be enhanced with free instrument parts for chime tree and glockenspiel. Subscribers to Prelude Music Planner can download this anthem (titled Wind Song) as well as an arrangement for SATB choir and handbells (Published by Choristers Guild). 

Holy Trinity 

Explore rich imagery for God by getting to know the “Scriptural Images for God” (p. 268 in the Pew Edition). This blog post gives one pastor’s perspective on this helpful appendix. Another post written prior to the publication of ACS gives helpful background on the inclusion of this content. 

Experience more fully the richness of Trinity in ACS through Kids Celebrate the Trinity, a booklet for kids but also super helpful for their grown-ups. Purchase in advance and have available for kids in worship that day and throughout the year.

Sing the hymn “The Play of the Godhead” by Mary Louise Bringle. This video will introduce you to the text and tune. 


Discover All Creation Sings outside of worship with an intergenerational event using Gather Together: 8 Intergenerational Events to Explore All Creation Sings. Perhaps you have a session close to Trinity Sunday and use “Image-ine the Possibilities: An Event about the Images of God.”  

Plan for next year’s choir season by choosing some anthem arrangements of hymns in ACS. This is an excellent way for the choir to introduce unfamiliar texts and tunes to the assembly.  This PDF available from Augsburg Fortress offers several suggestions from multiple publishers. 

Use the Service of Word and Prayer as the scaffolding for a brief summer outdoor worship. This video gives help for using the service. 

Dig Deep into the All Creation Sings website, especially if ACS is new to you. You’ll find many more articles, videos, and webinars as well as PDFS and image files to assist in any introductory events.

All Creation Sings Resources for Lent, The Three Days, and Easter

As you are planning for Lent, the Three Days, and Easter, All Creation Sings provides several resources for your assembly’s worship.


Explore the collection of “short songs” in All Creation Sings. These could be incorporated into a weekly Service of Word and Prayer (ACS pp. 42-45) for a Lenten midweek service or during communion, gathering, or other times in Sunday worship. This blog post provides video links and tips for using these songs in ACS. 

Enrich your use of Setting 12 in All Creation Sings with the Ensemble Setting arranged by Anne Krentz Organ. You don’t need a full orchestra; even a single instrumentalist or a few handbells would be a lovely addition. Read this blog post for one congregation’s experience using this setting.  Watch the composer share more about Setting 12. 

Pray using several of the new prayers in All Creation Sings. Several collects, laments, and thanksgivings are offered. This video gives a very brief introduction to this content.  

Holy Week and The Three Days 

Teach a “paperless” setting for the procession with palms. Both “Pave the Way with Branches” (ACS 928) and “Blessed is the One” (ACS 929) could be taught and sung by rote, with harmonies being added as it becomes more familiar. Children could lead these as well. 

Sing from All Creation Sings as part of your Easter Vigil service. This blog post provides several ideas. If you are considering “Earth Is Full of Wit and Wisdom” as an assembly response to the creation story, this video offers a brief introduction. Do you have a children’s or unison choir? See this setting in ChildrenSing Creation.  

Consult the Indexes to Evangelical Lutheran Worship and All Creation Sings to see several suggestions from ACS for this week and throughout the year. 


Teach a new Easter hymn such as “Woman, Weeping in the Garden.”  This video provides background on the text and a singing of the tune. There is a short description of this and every hymn/song in All Creation Sings through Sundays and Seasons. This Augsburg Fortress blog post describes the value of these brief descriptions. 

Introduce your congregation to other new Easter hymns through choral settings. “Touch That Soothes and Heals” by Thomas Keesecker offers a more meditative expression of Easter and is especially suitable for Easter 2. With its beautiful piano accompaniment and setting for SAB choir, a choir could introduce the assembly to this new hymn. Take a listen. Curious about what other ACS hymns and songs have anthem arrangements? This listing would be a great help to church musicians.  

Discover All Creation Sings outside of worship with an intergenerational event using Gather Together: 8 Intergenerational Events to Explore All Creation Sings. Perhaps you have a session close to Earth Day and use the Creation Care event or Climate Justice event. You could have a “kick off” session in Easter and plan other sessions throughout the year.


All Creation Sings Resources for Advent, Christmas, and Time after Epiphany

This month we celebrate the third anniversary of All Creation Sings, the worship and song supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship. As you look ahead to the incarnation cycle of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Time after Epiphany), consider these resources to support your new or continued exploration of All Creation Sings.


Looking for a simple framework for your Advent midweek service? The basic outline of Service of Word and Prayer (ACS pp. 42-45) can be contextualized to fit your needs. This video gives help for using the service. If you are a Sundays and Seasons subscriber, visit the SSCOM library (Sundays and Seasons Resources/Seasonal Rites/Seasonal Rites for Advent) for Advent midweek services based on the ACS Service of Word and Prayer, including “Holy Darkness: A service of Word and Prayer for Advent” and “Pause, Prepare, Ponder: An Advent Midweek Series.”

Listen to “Filled with Hope and Gratitude,” a new setting of the Magnificat by Paul Damico-Carper.


Teach a new Christmas hymn such as “Night Long Awaited/Noche Anunciada.” In addition to this blog post, there is a short description of this and every hymn/song in All Creation Sings through Sundays and Seasons. This Augsburg Fortress blog post describes the value of these brief descriptions.

Introduce your congregation to other new Christmas hymns through choral settings. “We Are Waiting” by John Helgen would be a great way to have the assembly learn this new hymn. Curious about what other ACS hymns and songs have anthem arrangements? This listing is a great help to church musicians.

Time after Epiphany

Incorporate “Lamenting Racism” into worship as the church recognizes Christ’s transforming presence for all peoples and nations (ACS p. 62-63).  This video gives context around the use of the rite.

Explore a new setting of the liturgy as you plan for the Sundays after Epiphany. A webinar from Augsburg Fortress is a good place to start learning about Settings 11 and 12. If you desire a briefer video snapshot of the liturgy settings, see these 5-minute videos. Audio recordings of Setting 11 and Setting 12 are also available to support your introduction process.


Several more teaching resources for many times and seasons are available at


Observing Ash Wednesday in Unexpected Circumstances

After perhaps a year or more of not gathering on-site for Ash Wednesday services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, worshiping communities across a large swath of the US are dealing with or expecting severe weather that would prevent gathering on-site. This solemn observance is a treasured one in the liturgical year, a day to be gathered with one another and to have the ashen cross marked on our forehead, reminding us of the dust from which we came and to where we will return. 

Conversations on social media have begun, as fellow worship planners ask one another what they are doing when assembling for worship on-site will not be possible. Below are some ideas to consider.  

Incorporating elements of Ash Wednesday Worship into the First Sunday in Lent Ash Wednesday begins the forty-day journey to Easter, but elements of this service could begin the Sunday worship service on the first Sunday in Lent. Consider beginning the service for Lent 1 with Psalm 51 or another penitential psalm and the Invitation to Lent (Evangelical Lutheran Worship p. 252; Leaders Desk Edition, p. 617). Instead of what you had planned as an order for confession for that day, consider using the extended confession (pp. 252-253) followed by the Imposition of Ashes. 

Following the Imposition of Ashes, the service would continue with the prayer of the day for Lent 1 and then move into the Word portion of the service. It may be desired to use the Lent 1 scripture readings or a combination of Ash Wednesday or Lent 1 depending upon your context. 

Online worship options
Perhaps the best option for your assembly is to provide an online option, just as you may have done during the past few years. 

Although not essential, you may wish to find ashes, soil, or water to mark the sign of the cross on your own forehead, either during an online service, an individual meditation time or family worship at home, or at another point during the day. All three signify death and new life — the ashes from the palm branches of last year; common soil since human beings in Genesis 2 are earth creatures made of dust; and, water which in baptism joins us to the death of Christ.   

You may have access to ashes from a local congregation or by burning palms from a previous Palm Sunday service. Soil can simply be dug from the earth near where you live.  Water can be any water, perhaps from the tap in your home. 

Transferring to another time
Some assemblies might consider offering an on-site worship option at another time prior to Lent 1 if weather conditions have improved.  

Others might look to moving the observance a week later. If doing so, note that the language for the Invitation to Lent (ELW LE p. 617) would need very slight adjustment to acknowledge we have already begun the Lenten season.  

As you begin these days of Lent in many and various ways, blessings as you remember and are remembered by the God who is gracious and merciful, and abounding in steadfast love.

For What Shall We Pray? A Weekly Prayer Resource

In the fall of 2021, the ELCA Worship Blog began a weekly series entitled, “Prompts for Prayers of Intercession.” Each post included a listing of prayer prompts based on current news and events, as well as a listing of upcoming commemorations and observations and additional prayer and hymn suggestions from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)/All Creation Sings (ACS) and ELCA resources. 

The goal of the project was to give church leaders a resource for crafting, updating, and contextualizing the weekly prayers of intercession for their worshiping communities. The prompts were intended to be a simple way to remain mindful of world events, in order to add relevant information to the “especially…” and the “Here other intercessions may be offered” invitations in the prayers of intercession published in Sundays and Seasons. 

As we continue to evaluate and evolve this weekly resource, know that we grateful for your ongoing feedback. We are especially grateful for all who responded to our survey this past November. We have learned that many of you are using the prompts to update and supplement the prayers of intercession in worship. Many of you, however, are using the prompts for a wider variety of purposes, whether praying through the list as part of your personal prayer practice, incorporating requests into prayer times at Bible studies or church meetings, or as a resource for prayer teams in your congregation. 

Beginning this Lent, the blog series will be retitled, “For What Shall We Pray?” This new title honors a more expansive understanding of the purpose of this resource. It is not merely a worship planning tool; it is a weekly invitation for individuals, groups, and congregations to remain mindful of the needs of our world, and to lift one another up in prayer. 

Photo credit: Sundays and Seasons

Each week we will offer a list of prayer prompts, a listing of upcoming observances – inside the church and beyond – and additional prayer resources from denominational worship materials. “For What Shall We Pray?” will be posted by noon each Tuesday on the ELCA Worship Blog ( and linked on the ELCA Worship Facebook page.  

 We encourage you to find creative ways to use “For What Shall We Pray?” for yourself and for your communities of faith. You might: 

  • “Pray the news” as part of your personal prayer practice 
  • Incorporate the week’s requests in your opening or closing prayers at church council or committee meetings, or during Bible and small group studies 
  • Use the post as a teaching resource or tool for reflection for confirmation class or adult forum 
  • Choose items from the post as journaling prompts or focus items for meditation 
  • Commit to an act of service, advocacy, or financial support based on the week’s needs 
  • Celebrate a new-to-you observance with family or friends 
  • Double-check the blog before leading worship (if you are a pastor or assisting minister) for last-minute additions to your congregation’s prayers 

Whether you have been using this resource or are new to it, we hope that you will find it helpful in your spiritual disciplines and your community’s worship life, as together we faithfully ponder the question, “for what shall we pray?” 

Hepatha Lutheran Church Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Pastor Melissa Bills
Melissa Bills currently serves as the Director of College Ministries and College Pastor at Luther College (Decorah, Iowa). She is a native of the Chicago suburbs, a graduate of St. Olaf College (Northfield, Minnesota) and Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, New Jersey), and has served congregations in the Metropolitan Chicago and Northeastern Iowa Synods.