It is easy and effective to be an e-advocate. When it comes to voicing concern for our neighbors in Zimbabwe, e-advocacy is also urgently needed. Visit to find suggested text to e-mail to your senators and representatives. Don’t know who they are? Don’t worry. All you need to know is your home address!
One Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe pastor told an ELCA colleague “I thought we had hit bottom, so it couldn’t get worse; but it seems a hole can be dug in the bottom.”
Don’t be tempted to put this off. What else can you do in the next five minutes that will be as important? E-advocate for our neighbors in Zimbabwe and urge at least one other to do the same.
Questions? Visit ,, or contact Jodi Deike, Director for Grassroots Advocacy and Communication, ELCA Washington Office.
Advocating blessings,