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ELCA World Hunger

New! “River of Life” VBS At-Home Guide


We are excited to share that the at-home guide for ELCA World Hunger’s “River of Life” Vacation Bible School program for 2021 is now available for download! This at-home guide is a supplemental resource for the full “River of Life VBS leader’s guide and includes modified activities, suggestions for online and at-home VBS, links to new videos and tips for parents, caregivers and other adults leading VBS with children at home!

Learn more in the video below:

To download “River of Life” VBS, including the full leader’s guide, the at-home guide and the toolkit with images and graphics to use on your website or social media, visit

To watch the story videos or the “Meet Our Neighbor” videos from ELCA World Hunger’s partners and companions, visit the ELCA World Hunger Vacation Bible School collection on the ELCA’s Vimeo page at

Share your story! If you use “River of Life” with your congregation or group, let us know! Email and share your feedback, stories or pictures!

Looking for more ideas? Join the community-run ELCA World Hunger VBS Facebook group and chat with other leaders from across the ELCA about VBS in 2021!

Vacation Bible School – At Home!


It’s hard to overstate the impact COVID-19 has had on our communities and our worship experiences. Summer 2020 has begun with a great deal of uncertainty – about our health, the health and well-being of our neighbors, jobs and more. But these past few months have revealed in surprising ways what we have known by faith – God is still at work in our world, inspiring hope, motivating change and leading us to a brighter future. And many congregations have been hard at work, adapting to meet the new needs and changing landscape of worship and faith formation.

To help with this, ELCA World Hunger is delighted to share an adapted version of this year’s Vacation Bible School: “On Earth As in Heaven…At Home!” This adaptation simplifies some of the activities in the original leader’s guide, offers tips for doing crafts and games at home, and provides links to pre-recorded videos you can share.

“On Earth As in Heaven…At Home” Leader’s Guide

The new leader’s guide for this at-home VBS provides simplified instructions for a shorter schedule, as well as alternative activities for parents or caregivers to use at home. The small-group times from the original format have been re-structured into short bible studies, with tips for hosting an online meeting or for households doing the activity on their own. We also included tips for helping children use a journal as part of the small-group times.

New game ideas have been added with an eye toward smaller households doing them, rather than large groups, and new craft ideas can be done with both younger and older children at home. There are also links to the songs for “On Earth As in Heaven” and to pre-recorded videos.



We are also happy to share that we have pre-recorded videos for the skits and for the Story Time station for “On Earth As in Heaven!” The skits were recorded and performed by Paige and Alexis Greve. There are five videos – one for each day – and these can be shared, posted to your congregation’s website, or played live during online gatherings. Each skit helps introduce the theme for the day.

There are also five skits that tell the stories of projects supported in part by ELCA World Hunger. ELCA churchwide staff tell the stories in the videos, so in each one, children will meet one person who works for the ELCA and hear the story of our neighbors working to end hunger around the world. Each story also includes some fun facts about the countries featured.

All of the videos can be viewed or downloaded from the ELCA’s Vimeo showcase page at



ELCA World Hunger also has original music for “On Earth As in Heaven!” There is a song for each day, and you can find zipped folders for each song on our resource page at Each folder will have a recording with vocals, an instrumental recording and a songsheet with chords.

In the leader’s guide for “On Earth As in Heaven…At Home,” we included a permissions letter that details the rights your congregation has to fair use and sharing of the songs and other materials associated with “On Earth As in Heaven.”


This adaptation of VBS for 2020 is the product of many conversations with leaders across the ELCA who provided their input and suggestions as it came together. All of the materials were developed, too, with the generous support of gifts to ELCA World Hunger, and we are happy to provide them for free because of this. If you use “On Earth As in Heaven…At Home,” please consider inviting participants to continue supporting the work of our church toward a just world where all are fed.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Ryan Cumming, program director of hunger education for ELCA World Hunger, at, or Brooke De Jong, program assistant for hunger education, at

Blessings in your ministry!

Nuevo programa de Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones para el 2020 de Hambre Mundial de la ELCA!


¡Ya está aquí el nuevo programa de Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones para el 2020 de Hambre Mundial de la ELCA! “En la Tierra como en el Cielo” invita a los niños de todas las edades a aprender sobre el mundo de Dios estudiando a profundidad el Padrenuestro. Este programa completo de EBV de cinco días es gratis, y está disponible en inglés y en español. Descargue la traducción en español de “En la Tierra como en el Cielo” aquí: La traducción en inglés se puede descargar.

“En la Tierra como en el Cielo” analiza el significado del Padrenuestro para nuestro mundo de hoy, utilizando cada día una petición para estudiar la fe, la justicia y la obra a la cual Dios nos está llamando. Este año el programa tiene la particularidad de que cada día se concentra en una petición de la oración, y enlaza dicha petición con uno de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas en formas muy accesibles.

EBV “En la Tierra como en el Cielo”

En el Catecismo Mayor, Martín Lutero nos recuerda que la oración es algo “grande y precioso”. Orar es dar voz a nuestras necesidades y a nuestra confianza en Dios, que es quien las satisface.

Pero orar también es mucho más que eso. En la acción de gracias, la oración les da voz a las cosas que nos unen. En el lamento, la oración les da voz a las cosas que nos separan. Se cree que el teólogo Karl Barth fue quien dijo que “entrelazar las manos en oración es el inicio de un levantamiento contra el desorden del mundo”. Orar es exponer el dolor del mundo y confiar en que Dios lo va a transformar —y nos dé fuerza para ser parte de esa transformación.

“En la Tierra como en el Cielo” invita a niños y adultos a (re)experimentar el Padrenuestro y a ver las conexiones que hay entre la oración y el servicio en el mundo. Cuando la iglesia ora y juega junta, también servimos y caminamos juntos hacia un mundo justo, en el que todos reciben sus alimentos. Las historias de cada día exaltan a las iglesias y comunidades de todas partes del mundo que en oración y con poder están haciendo su parte en esta obra, y a la vez celebran la diversidad que Dios le ha obsequiado al mundo.

Temas diarios

Cada día incluye:

  • Un tiempo de inicio para introducir la petición de la oración y el tema del día, incluyendo un sketch;
  • El tiempo de los grupos pequeños;
  • Historias de proyectos de todas partes del mundo que son respaldados por los donativos que recibe Hambre Mundial de la ELCA;
  • Refrigerios y manualidades de los países y regiones que son presentados en las historias;
  • Juegos para diferentes grupos de edades;
  • Estaciones de simulación que ayudan a los niños a estudiar con mayor profundidad los temas del día; y
  • Sugerencias para la conclusión del tiempo del grupo grande

Este año, también nos complace incluir un apéndice de impresos para llevar a casa, a fin de que los padres y cuidadores puedan continuar la conversación con los niños al final de cada día.

Más recursos

Kit de herramientas de la EBV

Podrá encontrar un cartapacio que contiene todas las figuras, imágenes y gráficos de “En la Tierra como en el Cielo” aquí. Puede usar estos archivos para imprimir afiches o letreros, hacer sus propias camisetas playeras o decorar su espacio.

Grupo de Facebook de la EBV de Hambre Mundial de la ELCA

Si busca consejos prácticos para comenzar, únase al grupo de Facebook de la EBV de Hambre Mundial de la ELCA aquí. Este grupo de Facebook dirigido por la comunidad incluye líderes de congregaciones de toda la ELCA, quienes comparten consejos prácticos, nuevas ideas y recursos extra*.

Para más información sobre “En la Tierra como en el Cielo” y otros recursos de Hambre Mundial de la ELCA, escríbale a Ryan Cumming, director del programa de educación sobre el hambre de Hambre Mundial de la ELCA, a

 *Este grupo de Facebook es dirigido por la comunidad, y no es moderado ni administrado por la ELCA ni por Hambre Mundial de la ELCA.

New! VBS 2020: “On Earth As in Heaven”


It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start planning for 2020 already, but ELCA World Hunger’s new Vacation Bible School program for 2020 is now here! “On Earth As in Heaven” invites children of all ages to learn about God’s world by diving deeply into the Lord’s Prayer. This full, five-day VBS is free and available for download and order (coming soon.)


“On Earth As in Heaven” explores the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer for our world today, using one petition each day to explore faith, justice and the work to which God is calling us. The program this year is unique in that each day focuses on one petition from the prayer and ties the petition to one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in easily accessible ways.

“On Earth As in Heaven” VBS

In the Large Catechism, Martin Luther reminds us that prayer is something “great and precious.” To pray is to give voice to our needs and our trust in God, who meets them.

But to pray is much more than this too. In thanksgiving, prayer gives voice to the things that bring us together. In lament, prayer gives voice to the things that rend us apart. Theologian Karl Barth is believed to have said that “to clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.” To pray is to lay bare the pain of the world and to trust God to transform it — and to strengthen us to be part of this transformation.

“On Earth As in Heaven” invites children and adults to (re-)experience the Lord’s Prayer and to see the connections between prayer and service in the world. As the church prays and plays together, we also serve together and walk together toward a just world where all are fed. The stories for each day lift up churches and communities around the world who are prayerfully and powerfully doing their part in this work, while celebrating the diversity with which God has gifted the world.

Daily Themes



Each day includes:

  • An opening to introduce the prayer petition and the topic for the day, including a skit;
  • Small-group times;
  • Stories from projects around the world supported by gifts to ELCA World Hunger;
  • Snacks and crafts from the countries and regions featured in the stories;
  • Games for different age groups;
  • Simulation Stations to help children dive deeply into the topics of the day; and
  • Large-group closing suggestions

This year, we are also excited to include an appendix of handouts to send home, so that parents and caregivers can continue the conversation with children at the end of each day.

Coming Soon

More materials are on their way, including hard copies of “On Earth As in Heaven,” posters and a supplement media kit with logos and pictures you can print, post or put on t-shirts and other promo items!

Look for Us at the E!

ELCA World Hunger will once again be at the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s Extravaganza in 2020! We will have hard copies of “On Earth As in Heaven,” sample posters and lots of information to help you plan your VBS.

“God’s Good Creation” and “Who Is My Neighbor?” VBS Still Available!

ELCA World Hunger’s VBS programs from previous years are still available! Visit ELCA World Hunger’s resources page to find “God’s Good Creation” VBS and “Who Is My Neighbor?” VBS  – and lots of other resources for children, youth and adults!

For more information about “On Earth As in Heaven” and other ELCA World Hunger resources, please contact Ryan Cumming, program director of hunger education for ELCA World Hunger, at


VBS 2019! Who Is My Neighbor?


Are you daydreaming about summer as much as we are? Around the country, ELCA congregations are already making plans for next year’s Vacation Bible School, and ELCA World Hunger is thrilled to invite you to explore our new VBS curriculum for 2019, “Who is My Neighbor?” This curriculum is a free resource that is now available to order and download!

Who is my neighbor?

“Who is My Neighbor?” invites children and youth to re-imagine what it means to be neighbors in Christ. Based on the Good Samaritan story, this full, five-day program contains skits, games, crafts, snacks and intentional activities for children to enjoy and learn how our faith calls us out into the world to love and serve our neighbors.

The skits for each day introduce a new character in the Good Samaritan story, starting with the lawyer who asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Each skit shares an important lesson that directly relates to the theme and theme verse, which groups will practice at the start and end of each day.

Themes for each day:

Day One – God loves us (1 John 4:19)

Day Two – Let your light shine (Isaiah 58:10)

Day Three – No fear (1 John 4:18a)

Day Four – God loves everyone (Acts 10:34b-35)

Day Five – Building God’s neighborhood (Romans 15:2)


Based on your feedback, we’ve made “Who is My Neighbor?” more user-friendly for VBS planning teams by organizing each section by activity categories, rather than by days of the week. Organizing the sections in this way allows everyone on the team to be able to flip to the activities that they are assigned so that all of your leaders can find the materials and directions for their roles in one section. The program is organized in the following sections:

VBS 2019 - Table of Contents

Each day begins with a large group opening, including a skit to introduce the daily theme and a new character within “The Good Samaritan” story. This is followed by “family time” – small group sessions to dig deeper into the theme and bible verse. Then, participants travel through five rotations: crafts, games, snacks, storytelling and a “simulation station” – an interactive and engaging activity to learn more about hunger and how our faith calls us to respond. The stories for each day are based on real stories from projects supported by your gifts to ELCA World Hunger. Not only will children, youth and adults hear about the work this church is doing around the world, but through “Who Is My Neighbor?” they will be part of the response!

Leaders will find schedule templates, theme song suggestions and options for younger (K-2nd grade) and older (3rd grade and above) participants so that you can adapt to the needs of your group! Each lesson is rooted in Lutheran theology, drawing on our church’s strong tradition of theology and practice in the world.

The VBS program is also flexible, so you can adapt it to fit your needs. Already have a VBS for this summer? “Who is My Neighbor?” can also be used for Sunday School, family faith formation, and children’s sermons throughout the year.

How can I get my whole congregation involved?

A month or two prior to your VBS, create your own “Who Is My Neighbor?” campaign! Set a goal for your congregation to meet before the VBS starts and raise funds for your neighbors here in the United States and around the world through ELCA World Hunger.

Look for free posters, certificates and additional pictures accompanying the Storytime section coming soon!

If you have any questions about “Who is My Neighbor?” or ELCA World Hunger’s educational resources, please contact Ryan Cumming, program director of hunger education, at


Click on the image below to download “Who Is My Neighbor?” To see some of ELCA World Hunger’s other congregational resources, including confirmation lessons, interactive immersion experiences, stories and videos, visit

Who is my neighbor?







We want to hear from you! Share the story of your Vacation Bible School on social media, or email us directly at




Gifts to ELCA World Hunger are acts of love towards our neighbors living with hunger and poverty both here and around the world. Together, we are creatively and courageously working toward a just world where all are fed.

Give now