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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

TED talks Technology

As I watched the TED talk “A Third Way to Think About Aid” by Jacqueline Novogratz I began to think about ELCA World Hunger’s work with Companion Synods and partner organizations. According to the “talk” it seems that our work is heading in the right direction. We support microcredit lending opportunities and value relationships with the Lutheran World Federation and ELCA Global Mission as we work as partners with churches around the world to address solutions to hunger and poverty. The key to these partnerships is that we are able to address the real issues – those voiced straight from the communities in which we work.

As the video goes on it looks further into how the idea of a “partnership” can continue to be tuned in the 21st century. It begins to look toward increasing the use and spread of technologies in places where their abilities would be incredibly beneficial, yet are currently little known. I like the idea of moving forward with an eye toward smarter irrigation, farming, energy systems and clean water supplies. Perhaps we should continue to innovate even our tagline…as “God’s Work. Our Hands.” looks at the gifts we have received – ideas, creativity and hope – and the ways that technology can transform them – solar power, drip irrigation in the desert and all those ideas that are just waiting to be uncovered.

Enjoy the video!
