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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

Heros in faith

I visited on of my heroes last Thursday. I had heard that Ken Peterson, from NE Minnesota, was being moved to hospice care, so I decided to make a pastoral call.If you don’t know Ken, let me tell you a...

ELCA on the Travel Channel

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is currently running two ads on the Travel Channel. You can view them here. According to the ELCA News Service: “‘We hope that through television, billboards and printmedia, members of theELCA will be...

Is Anything Molding in Your Refrigerator?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about how much food is wasted because we supermarket shoppers prefer “attractive” produce. Ugly, misshapen, blemished produce doesn’t even make it in the doors of most large grocery stores. In fact, it...

Consumerism and the Fall Through Christmas Seasons

As in my previous post this week, I’m still thinking about consumerism. My daughter is already asking for things for Christmas (the catalogs have begun arriving). And she loves practically everything she sees having to do with Halloween. Of course,...

It must be September… or December. Or Maybe October.

Today is the first day of fall. Technically yesterday was still summer, though the temperatures have been significantly cooler and the days noticably shorter for a few weeks now. But inside certain windowless stores, there’s no telling what time of...

How are you and your state doing?

We all know that poverty is inextricably linked to hunger. Amoung other things, people living in poverty have less access to health care and education, both of which affect a person’s ability to get and keep a job. And as...

Subscribe to ELCA News Service

Here is a snapshot of the most recent ELCA News Service Postings as of 9/17/2008:ELCA Synod Bishop Calls on Public Officials to Take Action on Poverty Lutherans Help Support the Needs of Flood-Affected Families in India Online Registration for ELCA...

Leaves from a Lutheran Notebook: Water

This is an excerpt from a blog posting on Leaves from a Lutheran Notebook. Anne is posting from Bratislava, Slovakia, where she serves the Bratislava International congregation as a Global Mission Horizon Intern. Anne’s husband, Sean, is an ELCA volunteer...

LWR Virtual U session 9/18/08 on Global Food Crisis

There are two opportunities to highlight from ELCA World Hunger partner Lutheran World Relief: (1) LWR’s “Virtual University” sessions, and (2) LWR’s study tour to Colombia. Blessings, Sue LWR Virtual U is a monthly, interactive, online speakers’ series that directly...

A message from Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson

Statement on Hurricanes, September 12, 2008A message from Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear,...