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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

Cyber Monday: Click and do good

Evidently “cyber Monday,” the Monday after Thanksgiving (December 1), is the biggest online shopping day of the year. If you’re an online shopper, consider these ways to “click and do good.” 1. Visit and scroll down to the “Gifts...

Let’s Talk Bread

I’ll be joining the Let’s Talk Bread group in here in Chicago this next Tuesday, December 2. If you live in the area (or will be visiting), we will be discussing (among other things) a phenomenal book, The Bottom Billion,...

From one generation to another

“One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4). My daughter, Annie, studied a picture of me praying with my mom. “You were three?” she asked. I nodded. “I was three when Umma...

The Problem with $2 Gas

If I may piggyback on Nancy’s (superb!) post, that to me is the problem with $2 gas. I drive much less when it costs $60 to fill up my tank than when it costs $30 (I remember when it cost...

What doesn’t kill you…

I’ve never fully bought into the phrase, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Sometimes I think things just come close to killing you. But it occurs to me that the current economic conditions in the U.S. may be a...

Please and thankyou: Zimbabwe

Thanks for making this help possible In the midst of a humanitarian disaster, your generous giving to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal allows our church to accompany the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe in life-saving ways. Thank you. Please consider...

“I am resolved” resources

I wrote an article about my 30-year journey to get Christmas gift-giving “right” for the December issue of Lutheran Woman Today magazine (visit This article won’t be featured on the LWT Web site until December, but you can get...

I am resolved…are you?

“So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). “Wake up!” says the Psalmist, “For you own good get smart and change now…life is short!” Only 27 shopping days until Christmas! What...

Are You a Sheep or a Goat?

From time to time I like to peek ahead at the coming Sunday’s Gospel to gauge how stressful the week’s sermon prep will be for the preacher (I know, I get pleasure out of the most twisted pastimes). This week’s...

Winter 2008-2009 ELCA World Hunger Resource Packet now available

The ELCA News Blog is intended to provide short, quick updates on ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It is a supplement to more detailed news releases produced by the ELCA News Service, which can be found here....