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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger


On this day in which we honor an iconic modern-day saint, I wanted to reflect a bit on race in America. It is true that we have made strides towards equality, and that in many places racist attitudes and stereotypes...

Focus Area #4: Intentional Living: Food Practices

In the fight against hunger, the way in which we live our lives matters. Small changes in our daily practices can make a big difference. This year, World Hunger is focusing on three food practices that can help alleviate global...

“State of the planet, in graphics”

For a quick understanding of lots of statistics, I find this page on BBC News interesting. It contains graphs from the UN’s 2008 Global Environment Outlook report, highlighting a variety of trends at the intersection of humans and the environment....

Focus Area #3: HIV and AIDS and Malaria

This year the ELCA is beginning a concerted effort to address these diseases that disproportionately affect those who are poor and marginalized. More than two million people die from AIDS every year, over one million die from Malaria. In sub-Sahara...

Birthday blessings

Annie is inviting her Facebook friends to donate $28 to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal in honor of her 28th birthday. Her goal is to raise $280 by January 17. It’s a new twist on an old concept: the birthday...

Focus Area #2: Climate Change and Hunger

In recent years it has become increasingly clear that global warming is a reality that calls the church to action. We can no longer look the other way and pretend that climate change is not happening. Within the last century,...

Living a life worthy of SIMPLE

Leading a rich life, one totally worthy of SIMPLE. Hear author and poet Anne Basye share more about her life and book Sustaining Simplicity: A Journal on a recent segment of 30 Good Minutes. For more information about Sustaining Simplicity...

War and Hunger in Gaza – and Elsewhere

As an organization that defines hunger broadly, ELCA World Hunger is concerned with the many root causes of hunger. One of these root causes is, of course, war. And the current situation is Gaza is especially poignant for anyone who...

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas… (drum roll, please)

With the Christmas season winding down and the routine of the new year slowly settling in, I thought it would be a good time to introduce some of the issues that ELCA World Hunger will be especially focused upon in...

A Farm on the White House Lawn?

Will President Obama start a farm on the White House lawn? Local food advocates like Alice Waters and Michael Pollan think he should. When Eleanor Roosevelt planted a Victory Garden at the White House during World War II, 20 million...