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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

A Severe Case of Writer’s Block

So I’ve been struggling lately to write anything worth reading (I hope this post will be an exception!).  It’ s not that there isn’t anything to write about–there’s the horrible tragedy unfolding in Haiti and the long road to recovery...

What are we fighting? Post 2.

This is the second post in a series considering the root causes of hunger. The Millenium Development Goals serve as a helpful framework, and this week, we’re looking at education. Millenium Development Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education It is...

Spiritual Environmentalism

There is a place where the trees breathe wind and the skies bring nourishing rain. There is a place where rivers supply food and flowers spout bursts of joy. There is a place that was created with love and beauty...

A new year’s potpourri

Here’s a bunch of interesting things I’ve come across lately, about simplicity and sustainability, some of it here in California. Individual carbon credits? Among the “10 ideas that might make the next 10 years more interesting, healthy or civil” proposed...

Haiti through Andrew’s Eyes

The news from the earthquake in Haiti permeates our media and our hearts.  When we turn on the television there are images of death and destruction, and for some loss and despair.  At times like this hope can seem hard...

What are we fighting? Post 1.

When you think of hunger, what images come to mind? A line of people waiting for a meal at a soup kitchen? A bony African child pounding grain near a cook-fire? A man standing in a dry, cracked field? Something...

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

“Young, Asian girls for sale” the sign read—a sign taped to the traffic light post at the corner where I cross the street to go to work for the ELCA Justice for Women program during the week. The sign had...

On the 12th day of Christmas…

…my true love gave to me a blog retrospective! Here are 12 posts from last year that are worth seeing again (or reading for the first time!): Most viewed: October 2, 2009, “My final post about stuff (I hope)” and April 28,...

Introducing the Long Now

At midnight last night, my brother, father, and I set off sparklers by the light of the blue moon.  Like a few million other people in our time zone, we counted down the minutes and then the seconds until the...

Raise a glass to boring!

Over the weekend, I saw the movie Up. In it, the boy, Russell, is telling the old man about times spent sitting on a curb, counting cars with his father. He says, “It might sound boring, but I think the boring...