The staff at Crossways Camping Ministries in Wisconsin spent a lot of time this summer helping kids deepen their understanding of hunger and it’s causes. Below is a follow-up to their original post. It is written by Ben Koehler.
Every week we talked with campers about how to help solve hunger problems. In these discussions staff members were encouraged by how responsive the campers can be. The catch is that most leave and quickly forget what they have discovered. We were awestruck in hearing about two campers who went home to their congregation and asked for the loose offering to go to the Crossways Mission Project, which in turn goes to Hunger Relief and Disaster Response in Zimbabwe. Of all of the voices calling their attention inside and outside of camp, the lessons of hunger stuck.
Some of our highlights this summer were…
Fresh Veggies from the Garden
Working in the Garden
Weighing Food Waste After Meals
Teaming up on Hunger Issues
And, of course, learning as much as we could.
Changes at Crossway’s Waypost on Mission Lake are making for a more environmentally friendly and sustainable camp community. To learn more, check out this video:,summer-of-hope-crossways-waypost-camp.html
Ben Koehler