Today is a pivotal day in the life of the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly opens today! One of the first orders of business for voting members will be to determine whether the ELCA Malaria Campaign, which until now has been in the pilot phase, should be rolled out to the whole church. We’re hoping for an overwhelming– maybe even unanimous– vote in favor of the Campaign.

We’re so excited to offer the ELCA a campaign that unites us to look outward…
A campaign that bridges the gap between continents and finds us hand-in-hand with our African companions…
A campaign that builds on the health infrastructures of our companions and takes them to new levels…
A campaign that  allows us to do God’s work with our hands in a very concrete way.

This would be the first major campaign of its kind in the ELCA.

Here are some places where you can find the latest on the ELCA Malaria Campaign and the action of the Churchwide Assembly:

1.) The ELCA Web site: (make sure to watch the live- stream of Churchwide Assembly Plenary Session #2 tonight!)
2.) The Living Lutheran Web site:
3.) The ELCA Malaria Campaign Web site will receive a facelift this
4.) The new ELCA Good Gifts catalog will have a section about (new catalog coming soon)
5.) The Hunger Resource packet that is sent to each ELCA congregation in August will include ELCA Malaria Campaign materials.
