I’m a word person. I majored in communication in college and I’ve always been taken by words. Whether they’re lyrics, book passages, verses, great quotes or written in cards by loved ones – I find words fascinating, moving and important.

I’ve been studying Biblical Hebrew for the past few months and have been fascinated by the definitions of words in the language of the Old Testament. After my exam this morning I decided to look into some English words more closely. What are the less common definitions that I don’t usually think about? What are the second and third meanings? In addition, what would it be like to read the definition of a word, instead of assuming that I know it?

These are words that made me think of ELCA World Hunger:

Perhaps you too will be interested in meditating on their definitions.

+ the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need of food
+ a shortage of food; famine

+ any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.

+ one’s fellow human being
+ a person who shows kindliness or helpfulness toward his or her fellow humans

+ to offer or have a meal or refreshments available, as for patrons or guests
+ to render assistance; be of use; help

+ exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike
+ decent; respectable

+ affectionate concern for the well-being of others
+ the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God

And a verse…

Matthew 22:37-40…Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Maybe you too would like to look up a word. Or a verse.

Enjoy & God Bless,
