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ELCA World Hunger

Pentecost: The Fire for Just Participation

1When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

Acts 2: 1-4

I feel a bit fiery today…No, it’s not the blazing wildfires out west—though our thoughts and prayers are with you. No, it’s not the 100+ degree temperature here in Chicago. I’m burning up internally over the issue of just participation.

First, something you know about me. I am a student of political science. I studied political science, because I believe that people should be able to understand, access, participate in and change the systems that govern their lives and communities.

Second, something you may not know about me. If I could be any super heroine, I would be “Pentecost Flame”– or something that sounds cooler. I would be able to speak and understand any language.

But what does that have to do with anything?

I was blessed to spend 17 days in Bogotá, Colombia with the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council. I sit as one of five members from North America with this international group. This time around, I also had the great joy and privilege of chairing the “Advocacy and Public Voice” committee. The main mandate of that group is to discuss and work on the statements and resolutions the LWF Council will make.

During this meeting, we worked diligently on three statements and three resolutions:

For me, the greatest gift of the Lutheran World Federation, of which the ELCA is a member church, is the relationships and the contextual experiences. As we crafted statements in our committee, we had a woman from Nigeria, Titi, who was able to talk about the increasing violence and subsequent precautions being taken at her own congregation. We had LWF Bishop President Munib A. Younan speak with us about the most current Palestine-Israel issues. We had a group of LWF youth and people from the member church in Brazil present as Rio +20 got underway. Our global Lutheran family, our communion, is full of “experts.” YOU, we are the experts of our own stories.

But what if what is seen as “expert” is only measurements and formal reports? What if you’re being asked to work on a draft text in English, from materials only available in English—but English is your third or fourth language? Yes, the gift of Pentecost was the gift of hearing each in one’s own language, but what if the translation booths simply aren’t tuned into the “miracle” station?

Friends, I have grown weary (and frankly angry) of the reply that “resources,” financial or human, are to blame. If full and just participation is the true goal…resources will follow.

So, ELCA World Hunger Leaders and other readers… What are our true goals? Where are our resources going? As we look to become a more diverse network—in all respects—what things need to change about how we do business so that all may feel the “rush of a violent wind” and to speak as the Spirit has given ability?

You know and I know that this is an uncomfortable question, but these are tasks we are about. Accompaniment isn’t about ease of living and being together. It’s about truly knowing, understanding and working with and alongside one another.

So come, day of Pentecost! You can come more than one Sunday and season a year—keep us mindful and ablaze with your light and encouragement.

Be faithful friends. Have faith. Be consumed by the call to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly (Micah 6:8). We all need a bit of fire once in while…how else can something new find space to grow?

2When you pass through the waters, I will be you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

Isaiah 43:2

Mikka serves as program director for constituent engagement and interpretation with ELCA World Hunger. To join the network and for more information on how you can get involved, write us at


Your story, my story, God's storyThat’s the foundation of how ELCA World Hunger reaches out to companions around the world and around the corner. One definition we use is “Walking together in solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality.”
     Accompaniment has been written about by theologians and missiologists for years – but we laypeople can benefit from understanding it too. Let’s talk about what accompaniment might look like in practice.
     Let’s say there are two people in the local food pantry, one behind the counter and the other choosing things to take home. How do the two people see themselves and each other? How does each one of the two people see what they’re doing together in that shop? Why do they see themselves and each other that way?
     How do the two people in the food pantry see themselves in relationship to God? How does each one see the other person’s story fitting with God’s story? Is one person closer to God than the other person? Does one person have a bigger part in God’s story than the other one does? Why or why not, and if so, who?
      In the accompaniment model, the two people in the food pantry see themselves and each other not as anonymous members of categories like The Poor or The Do-Gooders, but as individuals – companions, neighbors, equal members of God’s household, with common interests and complementary gifts. They see their individual stories not as completely separate, but as partly overlapping – and their individual stories and their shared stories are all part of God’s story.
     It can take some time and intentionality to get in the habit of seeing people around us according to that accompaniment model, but it’s worth the effort. Give it a try. See if the world looks different that way.
  Audrey Riley is associate program director – ELCA World Hunger.

Book Review: Poor Economics

By Colleen Peterson

With an interest in poverty and development throughout college, I have read several books related to the topic and I was curious to read the book Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. In this relatively new book (2011), authors Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo present numerous studies, statistics, and conclusions on various topics related to the lives of those living in poverty. In contrast to other books I have read on the topic, the authors provide an extensive number of case studies and research on various factors related to poverty. While many authors base their claims on a few studies, Banerjee and Duflo present numerous studies in each chapter to support their conclusions. Not only do they provide interesting and unique case studies to read but they also present information in a way that connects the reader to those living in poverty. Instead of “othering” the poor, the authors describe the similarities between all people through the use of stories that explain why people living in poverty make the decisions they do, which is oftentimes the same process a person with financial stability would use. If we are going to create sustainable change in the lives of the poor, we must see the similarities between us in order to work with them rather than over them.

Although some readers may be overwhelmed by the number of case studies presented in the book, the authors adequately portray the fact that there are several interrelated factors that lead one into and/or keep one living in poverty. For each sub-topic, such as education, hunger, and policy, the authors raise multiple questions and provide the challenges and solutions for various communities in the world. The different cases do not leave the reader with a universal solution to eradicate global poverty but the authors succeed at displaying the uniqueness of each case of poverty. In addition, they give hope to the reader that there are many ways to alleviate this global problem but we must take the time to understand the current circumstances of each case.

Regardless of one’s academic background and knowledge, the various topics covered in the book ensure that the reader will connect with at least one or multiple sections. Despite the authors’ use of economic-based studies that highlight per capita growth, the book is easy to follow and understand without an economic background.

While I could elaborate more about specific frustrations or points of interest in the book, it appears more important to understand the overall message that one can gain from this book: While eradicating poverty may seem like an impossible goal to achieve, we must think critically about the ways in which we can work together—as elected officials, non-governmental organizations, communities, and individuals—to empower and help those most in need. While one may believe or assume they are radically different than the poor, we are much more similar than many authors tend to portray.  There may not be one solution to prevent or pull all people from poverty but progress can be made by using a patient, step-by-step approach in which sustainable change can occur.


Book Review:
Poor Economics
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
2011 Public Affairs
ISBN: 978-1-58648-798-0


Colleen Peterson is an ELCA World Hunger intern.

At the Heart of Giving

By Kristyn Zollos

Recently, I have found myself faced with some reflective and often overwhelming thoughts very similar to Colleen’s entry on this blog (“Are Good Intentions Good Enough,” June 18, 2012). These thoughts weighed heavily upon my mind as I considered the causes that I had supported in the past.  However, I found comfort in the idea that at least my intentions were good if not often misplaced, but were they?

Matthew 6:3-4 states, “But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” I look back at so many times when I have supported different causes and think to myself, “Would I have given if it was done in secret? If there were not something in it for myself?” In the situations where I want something in return, whether it is a material item or praise of others, I’m choosing an earthly reward over the rewards given by the Lord. What a mistake that is, since I’m pretty sure the blessings of the Lord are far greater than any material reward or compliment I may receive when giving for the benefit of myself. As the ultimate question so often ends up being, to whom does the glory belong?

The last paycheck I received, I took the time to budget my savings and expenses to find how much spending I would have for the following weeks. I was excited to find that I had more than I had expected leftover, and was immediately plotting out purchases that I could make. I’m ashamed to say that my heart sunk slightly when I suddenly realized I had forgotten to subtract out my tithe. It almost pained me to dismiss the thoughts of the backpack that would have carried my stuff so nicely around town or the book at the store that I had been wanting to read. Needless to say, in that instance I was not a prime example of Biblical giving when compared to the model laid out before us by people throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Quite the standard was set when you look at the fellowship of the Christ-followers in the book of Acts. Acts 2:42-47 gives us an amazing example of what it means to be a community of believers.  These people were devoted to the Lord and his teachings, and they were devoted to one another. Verse 45 states, “They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” They sold property and possessions. Something tells me it was not the clothes that had been sitting in the back of their closets unworn for the past three years or the rugged land unable to be farmed that they sold.  I get the feeling that it was much more than that. But they made this choice, this sacrifice, for the benefit of those in need. And with this “they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved (46-47).” The people gave joyfully and with the purest of hearts and they were showered with God’s blessings, just as the Lord said would happen back in Matthew. 

Giving should not be about jumping on the “bandwagon cause” that seems to come around every few months for that bracelet or pair of shoes to show what a good and conscientious person I am.  Giving should not be about a name on a building or the compliments of peers. Giving should be about praising and worshipping the Lord not just physically and emotionally, but financially as well.  Our giving should be an outpouring of our love for God into the community around us and around the world, just as it was in Acts. For when we give out of love and without expectations of personal benefits that is when we receive the blessings of the Lord, the greatest of rewards imaginable.

Extra Test to Apply for Food Stamps?

By Louis Tillman

Last week I read an article on which mentioned that in the city of Omaha, Nebraska there has been talk from legislators to advance a bill called LB543. This bill is purposefully meant to help in eliminating an “asset test” for eligibility of food stamp benefits. Thus, if voted on then Nebraska would join the other 36 states that don’t require an “asset test” for applicant to apply for food stamps. An “asset test” is when applicants are required to list all of their assets when applying for food stamps. mentions that food stamps, also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), help in feeding over 46 million people with healthy food each and every month.  The purpose of SNAP is to provide the means to increase food purchasing power to raise the nutritional level among low income households and is the first line of defense against hunger for millions of families. mentions that typically speaking; to qualify for Food Stamps family household resources cannot exceed $2,000 per year, or $3,000 a year for those who are elderly or disabled. The resources that are being identified are things such as the following: checking accounts, savings accounts, personal property, vehicles, tangible assets, intangible assets, recreational properties, IRA’s, stocks, bonds, and or cash on hand. There is however a loophole in this system where there are 29 exemptions that includes such things as: applicant’s homes and surrounding property, pets, and or clothing.

This bill was introduced by Omaha’s Senator Tanya Cook in 2011. She let legislators know that even though the program had great benefits in helping those who were less fortunate, that it also had very severe repercussions for those who violated any parts in the system. Thus this should help in administrating the people whose intent is to “cheat” the system by any means necessary. The bill passed on a 35-2 vote, making Nebraska the 37th state in the U.S. to be able to eliminate an “asset test” for those who wanted to apply for food stamps.

I personally think that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is a phenomenal benefit provided by the government for those who are in dire assistance of this program. There are many positive benefits when it comes to SNAP. Poverty is all around us, wherever we look on a daily basis, and I myself always wonder how people got there to begin with. There are many of those who were born into it, and that makes it quite arduous for them to somehow make a positive future for themselves while they are coming from nothing. Thus I believe that helping those in need of food stamps is a strong benefit by our nation to aid those in need.

For those who were born into poverty or are elderly and cannot provide for themselves, I feel that SNAP is a great program that is definitely intended for them. I mainly say this because there are many elderly senior citizens in the U.S. that have their Social Security check as their only income, and they can never afford to solely live off of that in the long run. With SNAP being in place, it can help them by being able to provide them with more nutrition so that they can live longer and provide for themselves longer. This could raise a serious question: “Could we be one step closer in ending poverty and hunger in the United States?” My answer to that question would be yes, because we now have 37 states on board with this plan which is almost seventy five percent of the nation. I feel that once we get to ninety percent we will soon see an astronomical change in the amount of poverty and hunger that we see in the nation.

I am in favor of this decision by the state of Nebraska because I feel that it isn’t right for those who were born into poverty, those who are mentally or physically ill, and/or those who are elderly to have to go through such a rigorous task in order to receive food stamps just to survive for the month. I feel as though these individuals are those who should be able to easily apply for food stamps to some degree. In essence, I would strongly recommend that everyone who is actively seeking employment should be able to easily apply for food stamps with little to no problems at all.

–Respectfully submitted by Louis Tillman, World Hunger Intern, and Senior at Carthage College pursuing BA in Business Management and Public Relations

Are Good Intentions Good Enough?

By Colleen Peterson

Within the past two weeks, I have been encouraged and inspired by the World Hunger team as well as reminded of a lesson I recently learned in my last semester at college. Through numerous conversations with co-workers in the office, a common theme that came up was the comprehensive approach that ELCA World Hunger uses to assist people in need. While this approach may not seem remarkable to people who have primarily worked for this organization, I recently took a course that explored the various methods of development organizations, many of which harm the most vulnerable people. Although most of these groups have good intentions to assist those in need, I have recently realized that good intentions are not always good enough.

In a time where people are often praised for their good intentions and international service trips, I invite you to think critically on who benefits from your good intentions. Can you think of a time you focused on the personal growth you experienced and failed to see the greater implications of your actions? I do not pose this question in hopes of making you feel hopeless but rather to empower you to see the ways that we can better help those in need. If we are unwilling to humble ourselves and see the ways we may be inflicting harm on those we mean to help, how can we expect to empower and assist the most vulnerable people? I admit that there are numerous incidences in my life where I have spent more time reflecting on the personal growth I experienced rather than seriously contemplating the impact of my actions on those I meant to help. It has been a difficult journey to see the ways in which my actions have likely harmed a community but I am learning to appreciate the uncomfortable reality that good intentions are not always good enough. While ignorance may be bliss, it is much more fulfilling and satisfying to know your actions are indeed helping those you intend to assist.    

If you are interested in reading more about this topic, I encourage you to read Ivan Illich’s speech, “To Hell with Good Intentions,” and look at the blog “Good Intentions Are Not Enough.” There is a good chance you may disagree or feel uncomfortable with the different perspective that is given in the speech and/or blog but it is likely to provide you with a new lens to view your actions and impact on the world.  


Colleen Peterson

ELCA World Hunger Intern

Exploring Abundance (Week 1)

By Kristyn Zollos

I have been interning with ELCA World Hunger for less than a week, and already my eyes have been opened to different things taking place within the world, as well as within myself.  During a meeting with the Reverend Daniel Rift, he made the comment, “God has blessed us with enough food in this world to feed everyone, yet everyone is not fed.”  It’s a simple concept, and one that I understand to be true, yet I had never really thought of it in that particular way. I know there is plenty of food in the world. I see it every time that I walk into my local grocery store or look at the food wasted in restaurants, homes, and often on my own plate. I also know that there is hunger. I have seen it thousands of miles away, as well as down the street. I’ve always known these two concepts, yet when I bring them together into one thought, it really hits me. There is plenty of food, but everyone is not fed. I have to ask myself, where is the disconnect? What am I doing about that disconnect? What are we as a church doing about that disconnect?

There are certainly steps being taken and goals being set. I have viewed that firsthand here with ELCA World Hunger. I have been so impressed by the passion of those around me to aid those in need and to be resources to those individuals or congregations wanting to support the cause.  But being in this office, I have also seen that in the past I have not done enough.  Sure, I’ve given financially and will volunteer when I have the time, but I don’t think I’ve necessarily been living in a way that is in support of the ideals I claim to hold. I so often set my sights on things of this world and forget the real reason I am here.

An individual action that ELCA World Hunger supports is living more simply as well as more sustainably.  I’ve recently realized the amount of clutter I let build up in my life. This clutter is both the literal “stuff” that seems to fill my room, as well as the obligations and commitments I take on too often. I would not consider myself a frivolous spender, but packing up my college home this past semester, I was constantly asking myself, “Why do I have this? Why did I ever buy this? What did I ever use this for?” I need to take a better look at where my time and money are going and where they might be better spent. Am I using them to the glory of the Lord? The more I seem to take on or collect into my life, the less I seem to use to the glory of God who blessed me with those gifts.

I am not saying the more you are in need, the stronger your faith in the Lord, but I do know that I personally get so caught up in what I have and the abundance of “stuff” I’ve accumulated, that I forget their source. I’ve watched on different occasions and on different parts of the globe as a church full of people with so little, glorify the Lord with all their hearts and praise God so deeply for what has been provided. Looking through this blog and some of the posts about simplifying your life really hit home for me. I get caught up in and distracted by all the things in my life and then use them to glorify myself. 

I am excited by the insights I’ve gained within the little amount of time I’ve been here. I feel as if there is so much more I could go on to write concerning what has taken place within this week, but we’ll save that for another post on another day. For now, I’ll just say that I look forward to where the Lord is taking me with this journey and what I will learn throughout my internship, in relation to work, faith, the world, and my individual self. 

Kristyn Zollos

ELCA World Hunger Intern



The Yellow Bucket Brigade



People who take running water for granted  

use an average of 100 gallons per day

to accomplish the same tasks

that people who carry water achieve with 10 gallons.


For most of us, “carrying water” is synonymous with poverty and exploitation. If you carry water, you have none in your home. If you carry water, you have to walk miles, possibly barefoot. If you carry water, you can’t go to school. If you carry water, you are destitute.

But perhaps what yellow plastic water buckets really symbolize is respect. If you carry water, you use it carefully. Every drop is precious. You take care not to waste a single drop.

Could the kitchen faucet symbolize disrespect?  We turn on a faucet and water gushes out. It runs and runs and runs, while we move away and tackle another task. Because water shows up every time want it, we don’t treat it as precious at all.

Correction. We think it’s precious for other people, so we raise money for things like the ELCA World Hunger 100 Wells Challenge, and get excited when new wells are dedicated. But there’s no Challenge to our own attitudes and water use. Notice (my apologies, colleagues) that the “global water crisis” described on our web site happens someplace else.

If the accompaniment model calls us to mutual mission, shouldn’t our behaviors be part of water ministry? Shouldn’t we be creating an ELCA World Hunger 100 Gallon Challenge focused on us? Couldn’t we be installing water meters on our sinks and showers so we can see our water use in real time? Or plunking yellow water buckets on the counter, so that our companions’ reverence might convince us to turn off the tap?

What—and how—can we learn from the water carriers?

Anne Basye, Sustaining Simplicity

Welcoming Our Interns

This summer ELCA World Hunger welcomes three quality interns. They will be blogging periodically during the summer, so you will be hearing more from them.

 Hi! My name is Colleen Peterson and I recently graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College with a degree in political science, peace studies, and religion. I am originally from Forest Lake, MN but have had the opportunity to travel to Tanzania, Nicaragua, and study abroad in India. I am extremely interested in why poverty and hunger exist in the world and enjoy understanding things from a different perspective.

For the past three summers, I have worked with children and high school students at various camps (Young Life’s Wilderness Ranch in Colorado, Luther Heights Bible Camp in Idaho, and Lake Wapogasset Bible Camp in Wisconsin). In August, I will be moving to Denver to participate in the Urban Servant Corps, a year-long service program, where I will be working at the Women’s Bean Project and living in community with eight other volunteers.

In my free time I enjoy hiking, yoga, playing with children, and appreciating the small things in life. I look forward to the summer ahead of me and the opportunity to work with ELCA World Hunger. 

Hello my name is Louis Tillman and I will be a senior at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I’m pursuing a BA in Business Management and Public Relations with a minor in Religion. My hometown is Atlanta, Georgia.  I am a member of Christ the Lord Lutheran Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. I have held the position of President in both the Carthage Black Student Union and Carthage National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for the past two years.

I am actively on two church wide committees:  The African Descent Strategy Team and the Lutheran Men in Mission, in which I sit as a Young Men’s Ministry Council Member.

I am currently interning with the World Hunger in the Mission Advancement unit of the ELCA. My position will focus on constituent engagement and interpretation. I will be taking on various projects this summer, one of them being with the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) in New Orleans. I am extremely excited about interning with the ELCA and being a vessel to the world in my faithful works.

I am still discerning about my next path in life after college, one possibility being in pursuit of a Master’s of Divinity degree at an ELCA seminary. Whatever the case, I look forward to using my spiritual gift of ministry.

My name is Kristyn Zollos and I am a summer intern with ELCA World Hunger.  I grew up just outside Cleveland, Ohio and currently attend Purdue University.  I will be a senior this year, studying Hospitality and Tourism Management with minors in Business Management and Spanish.  I was interested in event management, but after several volunteer and mission opportunities I realized that I wanted to use my abilities to work for a non-profit with a cause I was passionate about. 

Having attended a Lutheran church and school since I was born, I was familiar with the ELCA and some of the work done at the churchwide office. When I came across the internship opportunities provided within the organization, I truly felt that God had led me to the experience and now has put me here this summer for a reason.  Within the internship, my focus will be on assisting with planning of World Hunger events. I could not be more excited and grateful for this opportunity and all that I will learn. 

Welcome to the team!

Coming Back to the Center: Environmental Stewardship

As I’ve discussed here before, I am a student of political science and peace studies. What I have most valued from that formation is the practice of learning the foundations and tools for analysis and then applying them to the social justice issues. I might describe this as a web— the concepts and analysis tools form the strands while issues rest in different places on the web.

One topic in the web is environmental stewardship and creation care. Of all the issues, this is certainly one in my web, but not closest to me. Perhaps I touched it through a reading of Sally McFague’s, Super, natural Christians, though admittedly on my way to a eco-feminist narrative, but it has never sat in a central location for me.

However, last week I was invited to offer a testimony through the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice working group on behalf of the NCC and the ELCA. The NCC mobilized faith leaders to testify at both the hearing inWashingtonDC and in Chicago.

Currently, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is holding hearings on a new proposed carbon pollution rule. This proposed action is designed to help minimize carbon pollution through standards for new power plants. You are welcome to submit your written comments through the process outlined here. You can also participate through our ELCA e-advocacy network, as well.

Mikka McCracken, The Rev. Dr. Clare Butterfield, The Rev. Myriam Renaud

At first, it was a bit challenging to get my head back around, but by the end, I was proudly testifying as a person of faith next to a United Church of Christ Pastor Myriam Renaud and the Rev. Dr. Clare Butterfield, director of Faith in Place and the Illinois Interfaith Power & Light Campaign—both past ELCA World Hunger funded programs. This is not simply “another issue” that sits on the periphery, but one that has been drawn back towards my center as part of the holistic work we do for health and wholeness for all.

The text for my testimony can be found below—thanks to our colleague Audrey for her keen editorial assistance! You can also read the NCC’s news release article or the Interfaith Power & Light article for more information.

Good morning. My name is Mikka McCracken, and I represent the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the National Council of Churches USA. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America– the ELCA — is the largest Lutheran denomination in theUS, with more than 10,000 congregations and 4.2 million members. This church is a member of the National Council of Churches, a group of 37 Christian denominations, 100,000 congregations, and more than 45 million people.

Specifically, I serve as a program director with ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Disaster Response. Every year, these related ministries mobilize almost $30 million and countless congregational leaders to make a difference in the lives of families and communities in more than 50 countries, including theUnited States.

As people of faith, we are called to serve as stewards of God’s good creation and to seek justice for those who are hungry, poor, and marginalized. With that call in mind, we speak in support and are particularly thankful for two parts of the proposal before us today:

First, your analysis shows no increase in the price of electricity as a result of this proposal. This is an important piece and will protect families and communities as they work to recover from the economic downturn.

Second, the proposed rule will diminish the carbon output of future power plants. Studies have linked carbon dioxide emissions to increased respiratory illness among children, the elderly, people of color, and people living in poverty. The proposed standard will mean hope for better health among the vulnerable.

Carbon dioxide also contributes to global climate change. We in ELCA World Hunger know that climate change has already begun to affect agriculture in the US and around the world, endangering food security for the people of our nation and all members of the global family. As climate change continues, our work to end hunger and extreme poverty will become ever more necessary – and more challenging.

If you remember anything from my time before you today, remember that Lutherans care and Lutherans make a difference. Lutherans offered the first cups of water to refugees in the Horn of Africa region at the Dadaab camp inKenya—a camp managed by Lutherans. Lutherans, through our Lutheran social service agencies, reach 1 in every 50 Americans each year. But we cannot do it alone. With the EPA’s systemic level help to enact rules that will reduce carbon emissions, we can do more — together.

In the words of Psalm 100, verse 5: “For the Lord is good; The Lord’s steadfast love endures forever, and the Lord’s faithfulness to all generations.”

By ensuring that future power plants will have reduced carbon footprints, you will help protect the most vulnerable and care for God’s good creation for generations to come.

We encourage you to enact the strongest possible rule.

Thank you for your service, and thank you for the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the National Council of Churches.

Mikka serves as program director for constituent engagement and interpretation with ELCA World Hunger. To join the network and for more information on how you can get involved, write us at