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ELCA World Hunger

241 miles. 7 days. This is the Hunger Ride

Guest blog author: Matt Bishop

​241 miles. 7 days. A couple of bicycles. This is The Hunger Ride:  Feeding People, Feeding Souls.

Many of us will never know what it means to be chronically hungry. And yet too many of us will. A lot of us would like to suppose that, if only more people knew about this and thought about this, then we’d get something done! But there’s another story to tell—the story of all of those who do answer the call to serve, and are working hard every day to feed their neighbors and to help their neighbors feed themselves. This story goes untold too often, so the Northwestern Minnesota Synod created The Hunger Ride.

Educating people about hunger and poverty is a trivial chore if we don’t give those people somewhere to use the energy these stories create. So six Hunger Ambassadors suited up, stretched out, and peddled their way across the synod to connect people to the stories of the hungry and the stories of those who accompany them. The riders stopped at events along the way, planned by hosting communities, to raise awareness about hunger locally and abroad, and to start conversations.

See for yourself:​ ​​​​​

HungerRide from Hope Deutscher on Vimeo.

Lin​da Eickman, a licensed social worker working in Christian resource development and one of the Hunger Ambassadors, said that the best part was meeting so many new people. “[I] loved discovering the great services and organizations we have in our communities that support our hungry families.”

The Hunger Ride was the synod’s opportunity to celebrate with those who strive to relieve the weight of hunger and poverty in its communities and across the world, including the Bemidji Community Food Shelf, Meals on Wheels (through the local Wadena Area Seniors Bag Program), and—of course—ELCA World Hunger. Or as Pr. Frank Johnson, another Hunger Ambassador put it, “we were able to string together the stories of organic farmers in Sebeka, the hungry and homeless at Peoples’ Church in Bemidji, the youth volunteering at Calvary of Park Rapids, and the students in Wadena who were growing food for their own school lunches.”

But the real power of The Hunger Ride comes in Frank’s subsequent realization. “These are not independent efforts; they are people working together, who often do not even know that one another exist, but they have a common purpose. These are people concerned about eating and eating well.”

Frank made a more sophisticated reflection than is possible here on his blog—check it out.

The Hunger Ride culminated with a day ride around Moorhead in anticipation of Synod Assembly. Riders stopped at congregations along the way for refreshment and to learn more generally about hunger issues and ELCA World Hunger as a response. Finally, those who were left, including the Hunger Ambassadors, rode their bikes right up to the stage at synod assembly to share some of the stories from the week prior.

The Hunger Ride brought with it a few lessons. First, it’s fun and life-giving. Lisa Winter, another Hunger Ambassador, said “I feel like I received a special grace of the Holy Spirit on this ride.” Second, it’s hard to measure the impact of educating people. This isn’t a new lesson, but the buzz around the entire event was contagious. While the goal was to raise awareness for hunger issues, build recognition for those responding in our communities and give people an opportunity to connect to those responses, the results of the offerings along the route are suggestive. By the end of the week, The Hunger Ride raised over $15,000 for hunger and poverty ministries, including ELCA World Hunger. Well, sort of. This total doesn’t count one congregation, Calvary Lutheran Church in Perham, which used The Hunger Ride as the focus of its Lenten hunger fundraising. It’s nearly impossible to attribute particular dollars to The Hunger Ride, but the bottom line is the same:  another $13,000 for ELCA World Hunger.

And the final lesson is perhaps the most important of all. Will there be a Hunger Ride next year? Lisa said most eloquently what everyone agreed:  “Absolutely!”

hr20            ​​

A Summer Farewell

Teri Mueller

​The fleeting nature of time never ceases to amaze me. I am having a hard time grasping the fact that I ended my internship at the close of last week. The past eleven weeks have passed very quickly and have contained so many meaningful experiences!

Prior to coming to the churchwide office, I had rarely focused specifically on the issue of hunger in our world. Sure, I had volunteered at food banks, collected cans for food drives, participated in fasting activities, and served meals at shelters, but my experiences were solely surface level. They satisfied me but did not truly engage me. I could volunteer and feel good about myself and then return to my life slightly more grateful for the blessings I had been bestowed with.

Working as the ELCA World Hunger Education intern allowed me to bridge experiences with information. I was able to better connect the statistics and data of hunger to real life through looking into resources. I began to realize the importance of educational exposure that makes people think critically about social issues in our world. I was able to do research and learn more about what hunger and poverty directly relate to. I was challenged through trying to communicate information in a concise manner through working on blog posts and potential resources. I had the opportunity to journey on educational field trips to Bethel New Life and Cross Lutheran Church/Alice’s Garden.

As I prepared to leave, I found myself asking the question What does my internship mean for me as I move forward? I am still figuring out the answer to that. I obviously learned a lot. I feel more passionate about issues of hunger and poverty. I will definitely look for ways to be involved with hunger work in the future. The rest is rather uncertain, but I am sure that I will continue to realize ways this internship has affected me as time progresses.

My time working with ELCA World Hunger at the churchwide office has been an incredibly beneficial experience. Though I was sad to say goodbye, I look forward to the coming adventures that God brings my way during my final year at Wartburg and the somewhat daunting time after graduation. I take comfort in Jesus’ final words to his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew, “I am with you always, even until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) Thank you to everyone who has been part of my journey at the ELCA and God Bless!

Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger. This is her final post for the summer.

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Milwaukee Ministries: Visiting Cross Lutheran Church and Alice’s Garden

Teri Mueller

​Many powerful and meaningful ministries are flourishing across the United States. This past FrCompressed Milwaukee Intern field tripiday, the interns at the ELCA Churchwide office had the opportunity to hear from two Milwaukee-based ministries on our second and final field trip of the summer. Joe Young, ELCA Program Director of Community Development, described the trip as “an opportunity to integrate what is happening at the Churchwide level with what is actually happening on the ground.” I was really excited about the trip because of my interest in community gardening and social ministry organizations. We visited Cross Lutheran Church andAlice’s Garden, two organizations that are doing really incredible work.

We arrived at Cross Lutheran Church in the late morning and were greeted by Pastor Michelle Townsend de López. She talked to us about the history of the church, the ministries of the church, and the city of Milwaukee. Cross is an urban congregation located in the heart of the city. Originally founded as a Missouri Synod church, Cross has German and Polish roots that date back 144 years. Compressed Pastor Michelle talkingCross has a rich tradition of embracing diversity and is known as “one of the most diverse congregations in not only Wisconsin, but also the entire U.S.” according to Pastor Michelle. During the 20th century, Cross was seen as a safe place for mixed race couples in the midst of segregation and as a shelter for refugees fleeing oppression from countries in conflict like Bosnia, Somalia and Sudan. In 1984, Cross was one of the first churches to becomeReconciled in Christ, meaning that they welcome and affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples and individuals. Their decision to openly embrace so many forms of diversity has been contentious at times, but now diversity is a given at Cross. Inclusivity is a key focus of the church in all that they do. We were all encouraged to remember the importance of welcoming and including others as we move forward with our lives.

Numerous services and programs are run through Cross Lutheran Church as part of their outward, community focus. Pastor Michelle gave us a tour of the church and explained many of the ministries that occur. The Bread of Healing Empowerment Ministry provides a hot meal every Wednesday, operates a food pantry and hosts a Bible study. The Bread of Healing Clinic offers free services to uninsured individuals and serves over 3600 people each year. The church additionally is home to the Bridges Tutoring Program, a job training program, yoga classes, three different church choirs (Cross Youth Praise Team, Community Gospel Choir, and Cross Praise Choir) and more. Over 2000 people come through the church every week!

Funds from ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants have helped the church with its various social ministry programs. Cross has plans for expansion in the near future. The ministries and programs of the church are simply outgrowing the space. Visiting Cross really helped us make connections to work at the churchwide office in a variety of different ways. Ben Skelton, an intern with the Mission Investment Fund (MIF), explained how the visit connected to what he has experienced through working in MIF. He explained, “Working with the Mission Investment Fund, I was able to see how supporting a congregation like this with a loan would allow them to make expansions to their facility. This would ensure that they can continue to grow and have a positive impact on a community that is in desperate need of it.”

Compressed Venus talks under shelter

After a very informative morning at Cross Lutheran Church, we continued on to Alice’s Garden and met with the Executive Director, Ms. Venice Williams. The garden has undergone a lot of positive change in recent years under her direction. Ms. Williams has a strong passion for using the earth’s resources and explained, “I came to farming and urban agriculture because I was unhappy with how we feed people as the church.” She emphasized that there was not enough responsibility, accountability or harvesting of people’s talents. She wanted a different model that helped enable people so she invested heavily in Alice’s Garden. It was really touching and inspiring to hear Ms. Williams talk about the positive impact of the garden on the community. She described Alice’s Garden as “the best blessing outside of family or spouse that I’ve ever had.”

Compressed Venus talks in garden

Alice’s garden occupies 2.2 acres of land and is described as both an urban farm and a community garden. A number of plots are available for community members to rent out to grow their own plants and produce.  However, so much more than food is harvested from the garden! Alice’s Garden is a cultural haven for people as 20+ ethnicities are represented among the gardeners. There is an herbal product line, Alice Garden Healing Herbs, that is produced. Forty-seven young people ages 14-24 have found work in the garden over the summer due to Milwaukee’s Earn and Learn program. Nine caterers and food trucks use food from the garden. Yoga is held in the garden twice a week.  The list could go on and on.

On a personal note, I was really touched by the thriving community garden in theCompressed Milwaukee Intern group 2midst of the city. I did not grow up on a farm, but I am from a rural community in Iowa. My family had a garden where we grew varied produce like strawberries, squash, and tomatoes. There is something about growing one’s own food that warms my heart. Ms. Williams talked a lot about how Alice’s Garden taps into the community resources and gives people an outlet to help themselves. Alice’s Garden is a beautiful gift to the community, but community members are also a beautiful gift to Alice’s Garden. It is a partnership between people and the land that is far too often ignored.

Cross Lutheran Church and Alice’s Garden are two amazing community partners of the ELCA that promote social justice in Milwaukee. It was a true blessing to hear about their work and see the context of their ministries. I have no doubt that they will continue to do great things in the years to come.

Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger.

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‘Tis the Season for Fresh Produce

Teri Mueller

​Summer is now in full swing, and with it comes the flourishing of many farmers’ markets and community gardens all across the country. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the United States currently has over 8,100 farmers’ markets of varying sizes in operation. Their online directory provides people with an easy way to determine where nearby markets are and what produce is typically offered. Community gardens also are in season during the summer months. Because of farmers’ markets and community gardens, many people are able to access fresh and healthy produce.

One may wonder, what’s all the hype about farmers’ markets and buying local?  There are actually numerous perks to the markets that attract a variety of different people.  One of the most frequently referenced positives is the flavor of fruits and vegetables because they are picked in season and not overly processed. Many people also like that farmers’ markets support local economies and encourage community. Free samples from some vendors attract the hungry and curious, too.

Another appeal of farmers’ markets is that families of different income levels are able to shop there and purchase fresh produce. As of May 2014, 2,696 markets accepted Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) benefits. Utilizing SNAP helps ease food insecurity and is a benefit to multiple parties. It brings more customers to the market, which is good for business, and helps families to eat fresh food without traveling too far. While the price of produce is often lower at supermarkets or grocery stores (at least in the Midwest according to a recent article published by Time), farmers’ market advocates still stand by the importance of the markets for low-income families. Markets can increase the appeal of a variety of fruits and vegetables and provide inspiration to eat a wholesome diet.

Like farmers’ markets, community gardens also increase access to fresh, healthy produce and provide a sense of community. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified many physical and mental health benefitsof community gardens. Beyond the obvious increase in availability of fresh produce, gardens also beautify empty lots, encourage physical activity, revitalize neighborhoods and bring people together.

Gifts to ELCA World Hunger have helped provide many churches and organizations with Domestic Hunger Grants to start, continue, and/or enhance community garden projects. Trinity Gardens is one such project in Santa Barbara, CA. The project is run by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and has both a communal garden and individual garden plots. Each week, around 150-200 pounds of food from the communal garden is donated to community non-profits and community members who are in need. (Click here for more information about the project.)

Another example of an organization supported by gifts to ELCA World Hunger is the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank in Soldotna, AK. The food bank’s “Hoop House and Garden” produced 1,860 pounds of produce in 2013, and they have already harvested 69 pounds of produce as of June 12, 2014. ELCA World Hunger supports an educational component of the garden that seeks to help individuals living in poverty to plant container gardens and grow their own produce. (Clickhere to see pictures from the Hoop House and Garden). Trinity Gardens and the Hoop House and Garden are just two examples of the over 20 garden projects supported by grants from ELCA World Hunger.

Farmers’ markets and community gardens both provide communities with fresh produce and assist with neighborhood development. Taking advantage of nearby resources is beneficial to all people and is an important step towards alleviating hunger. Local initiatives like farmers’ markets and community gardens help people think about where their food is coming from. They personalize the food gathering experience through providing fresh and tasty produce to individuals and families all across the country.

Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger.

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Thirst in a Hungry World: 10 Facts about Water

Teri Mueller

Water is closely related to hunger, disaster, and poverty. Take a look at the 10 facts below to learn more!

  1. A lot of water is used to produce foods that we often take for granted. Consider that it takes 200 liters to produce a glass of milk, 70 liters to produce an apple, 140 liters to produce a cup of coffee, and 2,400 liters to produce a hamburger.1
  2. The total amount of water generally needed to produce food for one person for one day ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 liters.2
  3. Humans are able to use only about 1% of the 70% of the earth that is covered by water.3
  4. Water is closely connected to food security as agriculture is responsible for 70% of the water that is withdrawn by the agricultural, municipal and industrial sectors.4
  5. It is estimated that there will be a 19% increase in agricultural water consumption by 2050 due to population growth.5
  6. Progress has been made as advances in access to drinking water have occurred over the past few decades. The World Health Organization reports, “By the end of 2012, 89% of the global population used improved drinking water sources, a rise of 13 percentage points in 22 years or 2.3 billion people.”6
  7. However, approximately 780 million people in the world still do not have access to clean drinking water. One third live in Africa and around 130 million live in Latin America and the Caribbean.7
  8. Contaminated water still plays a part in 80 percent of all worldwide sickness and disease.7
  9. Children are hit especially hard by not having clean water. Shortages account for the daily deaths of more than 3,000 children under the age of five. These children die every day due to water-related illnesses like diarrhea.8
  10. Between the 1970s and 2005, the percentage of the Earth that experienced serious drought more than doubled.7

Interested in helping with water issues in our world? Check out options that are available in the Good Gifts catalog!

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Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger.

  1. “Water and Hunger,” The Water Project,
  2. “Water and Hunger,” The Voss Foundation,
  3. “Water Supply in the U.S.,” United States Environmental Protection Agency,
  4. “Water for Food,” U.N. Water,
  5. “Water for Food PDF,” U.N. Water,
  6. “WHO/UNICEF highlight need to further reduce gaps in access to improved drinking water and sanitation,” World Health Organization,
  7. “Water Facts,” Food and Water Watch,
  8. “World Water Day 2013: How Shortages Affect Women, Kids, Hunger (And What You Can Do),” The Huffington Post,

Myths and Realities about Water Shutoffs in Detroit

Ryan P. Cumming

Access to clean water has long been a concern of ELCA World Hunger.  Together, we have supported our companion churches with projects like wells, knowing that ending hunger means not only having food but also having clean and safe water for washing fruit and vegetables, cooking, drinking, and sanitation.  God taught Moses to sanitize the waters of Marah (Exodus 15:25) and graced God’s people with water from the rock (Exodus 17:1-7).  Clearly, the basic need of water for life is never far from God’s attention, nor from ours as the people of God.


But even as we focus on the need for water in the developing world, we can often miss the problems people in the US face in accessing water.  Lately, more attention has been on this issue since the news media have taken up the story of water shutoffs in Detroit.  Last year, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) ramped up efforts to shut water off to homes with delinquent accounts.  By this spring, the shutoffs had increased exponentially, with more than 7,500 homes losing access in April and May 2014, and DWSD threatening to shut off up to 3,000 more customers each week this summer.  This comes as Detroit is in the midst of the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history.

Thankfully, the department has responded to criticism and halted the shutoffs – at least for now.  Yet, there was so much misinformation and misinterpretation about the crisis, that it is difficult to see what this meant for Detroit residents – and what it means for the rest of us.  Below are some of the myths and realities about the Detroit water shutoffs.

Myth #1 – This is about residents refusing to pay the bills they owe.

Reality – The municipal water department in Detroit had no intention of holding its worst delinquents accountable.  Until public opposition got in the way.

DWSD has argued that shutting off water to customers is the only way to force residents to pay the nearly $100 million dollars owed to the department.  However, while 39,000 households had their water shutoff within the last year, DWSD has only recently – after significant community pressure – begun sending notices to the 22,735 commercial accounts that are delinquent.  And these businesses and agencies owe quite a bit more than the few hundred dollars homeowners are behind (see this April report from local news WDIV):

  • Ford Field (home of the Detroit Lions) – $55,803 [1]
  • Eastern Market – $60,911
  • Joe Louis Arena (home of the Detroit Red Wings) – $80,255
  • Veterans Administration hospital – $131,006
  • Vargo Golf (Oakland County golf course management firm) – $437,714
  • State of Michigan – $5,000,000

Recently, DWSD has started sending shutoff notices to commercial customers, but this appears to have been the result of public outcry rather than original intent.  In fact, the contractor hired by DWSD to shut water off was not even equipped to shut off commercial customers.  And residents are still waiting for these large businesses to lose their access to water.


Myth #2 – This is about a municipal department trying to pay its bills.

Reality – This is an attempt to create opportunities for profit by shaming and harming over-burdened households.

On the one hand, yes, the department needs money to function, and this money comes from customers paying for a service.

On the other hand, DWSD issued $1.16 billion in bonds in 2011-2012 to pay for its aging infrastructure.  According toBloomberg Businessweek, more than $500 million of this was given to banks like JP Morgan Chase to terminate financial agreements.  In fact, as Detroit was heading for bankruptcy, JP Morgan Chase made money on the swap.

This goes a step further, though.  In June 2014, Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr reviewed several bids to privatizethe Detroit water department, making way for private companies to operate and manage the public service.  As The Guardian reports, the shut-off campaign comes as this shift toward privatization gains momentum, leading many to believe that residents are losing water to make the utility a more attractive entity for investors.

We should also bear in mind that Detroiters currently pay twice the national average for water services and are facing yet another rate hike.  In 2009, the rates paid by Detroiters were substantially higher than the rates paid by suburban residents, many of whom get their water from Detroit.  At that time, the average water and sewage bill in Detroit was $62.75; in the suburbs, it was $26.56.[2] And this is in a city sharing a border with the source of nearly 1/5 of the world’s surface freshwater.


Myth #3 – Customers have the money; they just don’t want to pay.

Reality – Yes, customers have the money, though typically it might go to other luxuries – like food.

DWSD officials have argued that the shut-off campaign has been a success since as many as 60% of delinquent accounts have been paid.  That figure, however, obscures the reality that many people are paying their water bills with money that would go to other needs like food, health care, or transportation.

Detroit has an excessively high rate of poverty.  Over 38% of residents live the below the federal poverty line ($23,850 per year for a family of four).   The unemployment rate has fallen from a high of nearly 28% in 2010 to nearly 15% in 2014 – still more than twice the national average.  Homes in the city – usually the single largest asset for individuals and families – sell for less than a new car.  With delinquent water bills running into the thousands of dollars, many families simply cannot get caught up without assistance.


Myth #4 – This a local issue; no one outside Detroit is affected.

Reality – Detroit is the latest example of a shift toward privatization of water services and, some fear, commodification of water itself.

As researchers from Georgetown University Law Center pointed out in an April 2013 report, “In the United States today, the goal of universal water service is slipping out of reach.”

The distressing reality is that this is merely one example of what some see as a gradual shift from viewing water as a public good to viewing it as a private commodity, available only or mostly to those with the means to pay for it.  Many cite examples like Bolivia, which, in the late 1990s, was forced to lease its water supply to Bechtel, a multinational corporation that doubled water rates within a few years, leaving many Bolivians paying nearly a quarter of their income for water.

The World Bank famously declared in a 2000 sourcebook on Africa, “Work is still needed with political leaders in some national governments to move away from the concept for free water for all…” (see Gernot Kohler and Emilio José Chaves,Globalization: Critical Perspectives, page 200).  The World Bank, of course, was the entity that forced Bolivia to lease its water system to Bechtel.  As communities continue to grow and water use continues to expand, more and more companies see the opportunity for profit in privatizing water supplies, regardless of the “large-scale and long-term risks and harms”posed by privatization.

But this isn’t limited to other countries.  In the US, cities and states are increasingly turning toward private corporations to operate or manage their water systems, and multinational corporations are seeking water rights for bottling, shipping overseas, and agricultural and industrial uses.

What has privatization looked like in the US?  Ask Atlanta, Ga., residents whose water ran brown and had to be boiled often after private firm United Water cut jobs and training for employees once it took over the city’s water supply.  Even when they are not providing unsanitary water, private firms raise rates, fail to ensure long-term sustainability of infrastructure, and do little to prevent the degradation of the interconnected water systems within a region, according to Craig Anthony Arnold, Boehl Chair in Property and Land Use and Professor of Law at the University of Louisville.


Myth #5 – This is not about race.

Reality – To ignore race is to miss the entire background against which this situation plays out.

Almost half of the Black citizens of Michigan are living under non-democratically elected “overseers with little say in the governments nearest them.”  Legislation passed by the disproportionately white state government allowed the governor of Michigan to appoint emergency managers in cities under financial distress.  These managers have more power than locally elected officials and are not accountable to the voting citizens of the area.  Of the eight municipalities that have been or are under emergency management, six have been majority-black cities.  This is despite the reality that many majority-white cities in Michigan face as bad – if not worse – financial distress, according to reports.

Even if the governor begins to correct discrimination in this process, there is a legacy of racist policies and processes that have left their mark on Detroit.  From riots to protest integrated housing, to denial of federal loans to Black would-be homeowners, to redlining of neighborhoods as recently as 2000, the bankruptcy of Detroit has to be seen against a backdrop of the deep divisions and lasting scars of institutional racism.

This is not even to mention that research has demonstrated that the burden for paying for public services like water is disproportionately borne by African Americans.  In their analysis of data from Detroit, researchers Rachel Butts and Stephen Gasteyer found that “water costs more in areas with greater proportions of racial minorities,” regardless of household income or whether the home was in an urban or rural area.[3]  The structural injustice caused by discrimination in housing and employment, coupled with economic shifts, thus shows its long reach over time.


Myth #6 – The people of Detroit are broke and broken; their situation should inspire pity and move the rest of us to go there and help.

Reality – There is nothing wrong with the people of Detroit; there is something deeply wrong with the systems – inside and outside the city – that seek to constrain them.

As I sat with a pastor from Detroit and talked about the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering, he flipped a common lens on its head – “No one is bringing God into Detroit; God is already here.”  Having grown up north of Detroit and recalling fond memories of evenings and weekends in the city, I often think of Philip’s words to Nathanael when people talk about Detroit with pity or derision: “Nathanael asked him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see!'” (John 1:46).

It’s no lie to say that outside attention and criticism helped force the city’s hand in this situation.  But that is not to say that the recent moratorium in shutoffs came from the hard work of anyone but Detroiters themselves.  Coalitions of faith communities, along with many other community organizations, have been involved in peaceful demonstrations and activism.  Many of our ELCA brothers and sisters have also been active.  Some Detroiters have gone so far as to be arrested for physically placing their bodies in front of water shutoff valves for their neighbors.  In addition to this, the Detroit Water Brigade has provided immediate relief to families in need and advocated for affordable water for all people, with a cap on the utility fees that can be charged to a household.  There are also local agencies working to help people pay their bills or make arrangements to pay with DWSD.

Detroit does not need rescuers from outside.  What those of us who are not from the city can do is support what is already going on, learn more about the context of Detroit and the current situation, and listen to community members.  We can also help bring attention in our own communities, by using what we have learned to change the conversation about Detroit, and join the conversation about what it means for water to be a human right – both around the world and in our own communities.


Ryan P. Cumming, Ph.D., is Program Director of Hunger Education for ELCA World Hunger.  He can be reached


[1] The owners of Ford Field have recently resolved their bill by providing evidence that the delinquency was a clerical error. Still, it is curious how they were able to resolve this without having their water disconnected, while stories of residents facing shutoff due to billing errors, arrearages from prior property owners, or water leaks continue to emerge from the city.

[2] Rachel Butts and Stephen Gasteyer, “More Cost per Drop: Water Rates, Structural Inequality, and Race in the United States—The Case of Michigan,” Environmental Practice 13,4 (Dec 2011): 393.

[3] Butts and Gasteyer, 392.

Bethel New Life: A Close-up View

Teri Mueller

On Wednesday, July 16th, the summer interns at the ELCA churchwide office had the opportunity to visit Bethel New Life on the West Side of Chicago. Bethel New Life is an example of an organization that has done some amazing work with its social ministry and community development programs. I was very excited about the opportunity to see the work of a community partner of the ELCA and to get a glimpse of how grassroots work relates to work we do at the national churchwide office.  The experience was educational, inspirational and thought-provoking.

Joe Young, ELCA Program Director of Community Development, briefed us on some of the background of the community before we actually went into Bethel. He described the difficulties the community has faced, saying, “The Neighborhood was very, very different prior to the Nelsons’ coming…25 plus years ago, the neighborhood was a mess.” (Mary Nelson was the former CEO of Bethel New Life.) He further went on to explain that the neighborhood has had unemployment ranging from 10-45% over the years. People have had to make tough choices about things like feeding their family or fixing their roof.  Large parts of the north Austin neighborhoods are also food deserts, meaning that there are no actual full- service grocery stores so people have to travel a significant distance to get food or purchase it from often overpriced corner stores. Some stores even have customers ask for food behind plexi-glass that separates customer from vendor. They do not even get the dignity of picking out their own food, and sometimes the items they purchase are expired.

Prior to visiting Bethel, I knew very little about the organization. Bethel New Life was born in a time of severe hurt after the riots of the late 1960s and early 1970s that followed the Civil Rights Movement and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. The organization was founded over 30 years ago in 1979 by Bethel Lutheran Church. The church had a dream of making an impact on the poverty and desBethel Artworkpair that the local community was facing. Though money was scarce, members decided to mortgage the church and put the limited funds they had into purchasing a building. They relied on their faith and passion as they diligently worked to make a difference.

Photo: Outdoor artwork at Bethel New Life 

Ms. Mildred Wiley, Senior Director Community Affairs, provided us with a lot of the history of Bethel along with giving us a tour and telling us about new initiatives. Ms. Wiley made it very clear that Bethel has a legacy of looking at community assets and working to help enable people. Her colleague, Ms. Tina Levy, Director of Communications and Fundraising, talked about how the community has been entrenched in poverty for decades and explained Bethel’s philosophy to “value people investing in themselves so they can help themselves.” Ms. Levy also shared with us about the West Side Forward campaign that is currently underway. The campaign seeks to significantly reduce concentrated poverty on Chicago’s West Side. I was amazed looking at the figures within the West Side Forward report.  It claims that the total cost of transforming the neighborhood over the next ten years would be about $3.4 billion dollars, while the cost of keeping it the same would be around $29.1 billion. The solution seems like it should be clear, but I know change takes a lot of time, convincing and initiative.  Bethel tour in hallway

Photo: Ms. Wiley gives the interns a tour of Bethel

West Side Forward is directly part of Bethel New Life as it serves as the strategy of the organization. Staff are heavily invested in the initiative. Bethel’s core areas of focus over the next ten years align with West Side Forward and include Community Economic Development and Education.  Senior housing is also a key part of Bethel New Life. We had a chance to see senior housing, economic development, and education in action during our visit. Ms. Wiley took us on a very informative tour of Bethel’s facilities. Bethel has both senior housing and assisted living housing. We got to hear about many of the services offered at the assisted living facility including a barber and beauty shop, nurse’s station, activity room, fitness facility, full meals and more.

Ms. Elayne Nickaloau, Director of Education at Bethel New Life, talked to us about the educational components of Bethel. She explained that Bethel places a strong emphasis on identifying partners and forming connections. She specifically mentioned the collaboration between Bethel and the By the Hand program in the community. The hardest challenge Bethel faces on the education front is getting people to dream and find hope in what they can do. Great programs are in place, but attracting participants is a challenge as is the case with many new opportunities.

We also got to see and hear about the Small Business Development Center at Bethel. In my eyes, the center is a combination of the educational and economic foci of Bethel. There is a 14 week entrepreneurship program that goes through forming a business plan, marketing strategies, etc. and helps people start their own businesses which can help contribute to the local economy. We briefly met Mr. Marshawn Feltus, a graduate of the Entrepreneurship program and owner of ACT Yoga. He talked passionately about his business and the benefits of yoga.

Bethel is also doing some awesome work that helps with economic development. Bethel has a three- pronged approach towards community economic development that focuses on business development, workforce development, and asset-building. One example of a helpful economic service that is supported by Bethel is the Community Savings Center.  When the neighborhood started to decline decades ago, all of the banks left the community and people could not easily obtain loans for socio-economic and racial reasons. Because of this, the Community Savings Center at Bethel New Life has significantly helped community members.

Street picture
Photo: Ms. Wiley talks about the economic climate of the neighborhood

Looking back, the trip to Bethel was challenging because it was hard to see a neighborhood lacking in things that I have always regarded as fairly basic services like banks and grocery stores. However, it was also extremely inspiring to see the positive work that Bethel New Life has done and witness some of it in a first-hand manner. I do not know what the future holds for me or the other interns, but I know that I want to do my part to combat social injustices in one way or another. Together, we have the power to make an impact. As Joe Young asked us at the end of our trip, “If not you, then who? If not now, then when?” Supporting ELCA World Hunger and organizations like Bethel New Life is one way to have an impact. There are communities like those on the West side of Chicago combatting the effects of poverty all over our city, country, and world, but a positive difference can be made.

Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger.

Hunger, Poverty and the Minimum Wage

Teri Mueller

​Imagine a world where you cannot afford to put food on the table. Imagine a world where hungry children look up at you with pleading eyes as you stare at an empty pantry that you cannot afford to stock. Imagine not being able to provide for the basic nutritional needs of yourself and those you love. Imagine having to make the choice between paying for heat in the dead of winter or purchasing nutritious food.

Many people in America do not need to imagine the above scenarios. For them, the frustration of poverty is a daily reality. Many wage workers all across the country struggle to get by. These workers’ wages are at or slightly above minimum hourly wage of $7.25. Chapter 2 of the 2014 Bread for the World Hunger Report focuses on the problems of poverty and hunger that many hourly workers face. Statistics reveal the harsh reality that 28% of American workers earned poverty-level wages in 2012. While many people believe that teenagers make up the majority of low wage workers, in actuality, 80% of minimum wage earners are at least 20 years old. Poverty does not just affect the jobless, as 10 million families with at least one person employed still fall below the poverty line. Furthermore, a report issued in 2013 by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities noted that  “Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP.  The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.”

Raising the minimum wage is a very controversial topic but one that has increasingly come up in recent months. A 2014 report from Oxfam International supports a minimum wage increase from the present $7.25/hour to $10.10/hour over the next few years. The report states that 25 million workers would be affected, one-third of whom have dependent children. Additionally, over 20% of women would benefit from a minimum wage increase as women tend to work in minimum-wage jobs more often than men. Oxfam emphasizes the growing income inequality in the United States as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Specifically, the report notes that “in 2013 the CEO-to-average-worker pay ratio was 331 to 1; 30 years ago, it was just 40 to 1. Today, the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio is 774 to 1.”

Despite the millions of people that would be positively affected by an increase of the minimum wage, controversy abounds because of possible adverse effects on the overall American economy. The cost-benefit ratio of an increase is rather unclear. Oxfam claims that economic growth and development would occur because better-paid workers would spend more money and contribute more in taxes.  However, some business owners and federations are strongly against a minimum-wage increase because they say it will kill jobs and force employers to cut back employees and raise prices. ACNNMoney article from early May explains the strong opposition of some companies to the proposed $10.10/hour minimum wage.

The contentious nature of minimum wage issues can easily overshadow the people behind the debate. Regardless of political views, we must remember the thousands of people in the US who are struggling to get by and provide adequate nutrition for themselves and their families. There are plenty of resources in our world, and we are called to seek a sufficient, sustainable livelihood for all. We have the responsibility to consider our neighbors and family and to not solely maximize our own interests. Support for a livable wage is necessary as we strive to walk along side wage workers. Because of these convictions, the ELCA supports an increase in the federal minimum wage. Visit the advocacy statement on raising the minimum wage to learn more about the pressing nature of the issue and the views of the church.

Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger.

The young and hungry: The reality of food insecurity for many American children

Teri Mueller

No one likes to be hungry, but for many American families, food insecurity is a regular part of life. Currently, one quarter of American children are at risk of hunger (See Table 12 in Bread for the World’s 2014 Hunger Report). In 2012, the prevalence of food insecurity among U.S. households was 14.5%. Children were hit even harder as 21.6% faced life with food insecurity.The last six years have been tough on American children. Food insecurity jumped up after 2007, which corresponded with the economic recession of 2008. To be specific, there was 16.9% prevalence of food insecurity among children in 2007 and 22.5% prevalence of food insecurity among children in 2008. (See Table 12 in Bread for the World’s 2014 Hunger Report). That is an increase of 5.6% in solely one year.

Young people especially suffer as a lack of food can jeopardize more than immediate health. For instance, frequent food insecurity can affect the development and educational attainment of children. Hungry children are more likely to be late to school or miss altogether.1 If they do arrive, they struggle to focus on learning.

Children who do go to school often rely heavily on the food provided through programs like the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Sometimes the lunches provide students with the only actual meals they receive all week. The NSLP provides families that are under or at 130% of the poverty level with free school lunches for their children. Families who fall between 130 and 185% of the poverty level qualify for reduced-price lunches.

As summer continues, many children who relied heavily on school lunches must find other ways to get food. Because of this, programs like the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) have been established. The week of June 2nd-6th served as the kickoff of SFSP for Summer 2014.  However, significantly fewer children are reached by the SFSP in comparison to the NSLP. Specifically, a USDA report mentioned in a Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentential article says that only 2.3 million of the 30 million children that receive reduced price meals during the school year continue to receive meals over the summer.

The problem of food insecurity among children has not gone away in the United States, but federal programs like NSLP, SFSP, and others help young Americans receive food and nutrition. However, danger has arisen as many of these programs are up for reauthorization in the near future. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 permanently implemented the NSLP and the School Breakfast Program, but other programs are set to expire in 2015. They must be renewed in order to continue. The SFSP and the Special Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are two examples of programs that need to be reauthorized soon. The continuation and strengthening of these programs along with the work of many community organizations is important for the future of American youth. With time and effort, we will hopefully begin to see a decrease in food insecurity among children in the future, which will result in improved conditions for the growth and development of America’s young people.

Teri Mueller is an intern with ELCA World Hunger.

  1. Mariana Chilton & Donald Rose, “A Rights-Based Approach to Food Insecurity in the United States. American Journal of Public Health 99:7, 2009: 1203-1211

Region 6: Ethics of Eating Announcement – UPDATED

Henry Martinez

Ethics of Eating

Region 6

Thursday – Sunday, Aug. 14-17, 2014

​It seems obvious that food is essential to our lives and communities. But what we see on our plates is part of a complex process that involves a confluence of lives, communities and systems. The Ethics of Eating event presents an opportunity to explore issues of food production and our response to this process as it relates to hunger, the environment and daily life. As people of faith, we approach the topic from a theological lens, while listening to those who are involved in this system for their livelihood. Join us as we consider this topic through some hands-on experience at a farm, a variety of speakers and engaging discussion.

ELCA World Hunger is inviting approximately 25 participants from various contexts in the region to attend the Ethics of Eating event in the Mansfield, Ohio, area Thursday, Aug. 14 – Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014. ELCA World Hunger will underwrite the cost of participation. To ensure the best stewardship of ELCA World Hunger’s investment in this event, participants must commit to attendance of the entire Ethics of Eating event.

Application Due: Monday, July 14, 2014

For this event, participants will be invited from Region 6, which includes the following synods:

6A  ̶  Southeast Michigan

6B – North/West Lower Michigan

6C – Indiana-Kentucky

6D – Northwestern Ohio Synod

6E – Northeastern Ohio Synod

6F – Southern Ohio Synod


Please email ELCA World Hunger ( to request the Ethics of Eating application. Your completed application AND letter of support are due by July 14, 2014, if you wish to be considered for participation. Applicants will be notified of invitation decisions shortly thereafter. After June 30, applications will be approved on a rolling basis until all openings are filled.

After this event, each participant will:

  1. Enrich their understanding of a just and sustainable food system and gain perspective on a theological response to hunger.
  2. Implement a follow-up project, action or activity.
  3. Participate in the ELCA World Hunger Leader Network and online community.
    If you have any questions, please contact ELCA World Hunger ( or 800-638-3522, ext. 2616. We look forward to receiving your Ethics of Eating application.