Dorothy Fergus wrote us this inspiring note:

“Just a quick note to let you folks know about our tiny little Sunday school in Edina, Minnesota and what they have been doing this past year.

On Rally Day in September, the 24 children of our small Sunday school took on a new mission project for the year – to raise money for the ELCA Malaria Campaign.

We put together a large bulletin board complete with story book about malaria, a real mosquito net, a world map and pins to hang up mini-nets.  For every $10.00 that we received, the children were invited to attach one mini-net to the board.  Thoughout the year we learned more about malaria and how it can be devistating for whole families.

By Mother’s Day, we had taken in $804.72 and had pinned 80 mini-mosquito nets to the map.  Here is a photo of some of our students in front of the board the Sunday following our VBS program.  The kids, some still wearing their teeshirts, are celebrating their accomplished goal.”

Thank you, Calvary Sunday School!
