In June 2010 Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, gave a talk in Madison, WI entitled “Keys to Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”. The Bright Stars of Bethlehem, the US-based fund-raising organization for Christmas Lutheran Church and its ministries, has now posted the videos in seven parts:

  1. Too Many Peace Processes and Too Little Peace
  2. Too Much Politics and Too Little Care for the People
  3. Too Much Religion and Too Little Spirituality
  4. Too Much Humanitarian Aid and Too Little Empowering Aid
  5. Too Much Passion and Too Little Compassion
  6. Too Obsessed by the Past and Too Little Focus on the Future
  7. Too Much Pessimism-Optimism and Too Little Hope

These videos give an easy to digest overview of the situation and would make great starting points for a discussion of the situation and future of Israel-Palestine.
