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ELCA Blogs


Use your words, not your bombs: ELCA action alert in favor of diplomacy not war with Iran

The ELCA has issued an action alert to advocate for using diplomacy and not military action with Iran.  It asks advocates to tell their congressional leaders to endorse  The Ellison-Jones House letter , a positive message to the President in support of diplomacy with Iran.  The deadline for House members to sign  is March 1, so time is of the essence in contacting your Representative.

Senate resolution 380, on the other hand, is a dangerous one that in essence lowers the threshold for war with Iran.  There isn’t a deadline for action on this one, but Senators need to hear from constituents who oppose it.  

Please take action and spread the word to others as well.

For interesting developments on Iran, read these articles: 
Israel wouldn’t warn US of strike on Iran
Q and A on a Nuclear Iran from the BBC