Join Operation Thanks-Giving!
Make and send “I’m thankful for you” cards to your sponsored missionaries and other service personnel connected to you and your congregation.
Engage in a random act of thankfulness and send “I’m thankful for you” cards for Global Mission Support to distribute among ELCA missionaries. Note: there’s no deadline for thankfulness. We’ll be happy to distribute the cards as we receive them. Indeed, you may want to make the cards on Thanksgiving Day and get it to us to send off before Christmas. For an extra-measure of support, include a gift for “ELCA Missionary Sponsorship: Where needed most” with your cards. Make your check out to “ELCA Missionary Sponsorship” and write “Where needed most” on the check’s memo line. Mail your donation and cards to ELCA Global Mission Support, 8765 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631.
During the month of November, “Hand in Hand” blog posts will share “I’m thankful” stories and reflections offered by ELCA missionaries and sponsors. Encourage others to subscribe to the blog and receive new posts by email; just follow the link on the right-hand column of https://blogs.elca.org/handinhand.