Kristen Opalinski, an ELCA missionary, is the communication specialist with the Lutheran Communion in South Africa (LUCSA).

ELCA missionary Kristen Opalinski (left) supports communications efforts in Lutheran churches in southern Africa.
Greetings from the LUCSA offices in Bonaero Park!
I’m emailing you during what is a very exciting and busy time at LUCSA. We have hosted the Lutheran World Federation’s (LWF) African Lutheran Leadership Consultation. This biennial meeting includes the leaders of LWF’s three African sub-regions and LWF staff from Geneva to discuss strategic plans to best meet the needs of the 19 million Lutherans living in Africa.
We are also excited that we have launched our new LUCSA website at We look forward to having it become a vital communications tool to be used by both member churches and global partners. Be sure to check it out and let me know if you have any questions. Also, please check my blog in the coming weeks at if you haven’t already, as I hope to get a couple of posts up by the end of April.
LUCSA has begun 2011 with a renewed sense of spirit and direction. Our new communications strategy is now in full swing and our various programs have launched some new and dynamic workshops and projects. We look to continue to develop 2011 into the year of “taking LUCSA into the future,” which will be one of the major themes of this year’s general assembly in Lusaka, Zambia, in July.
I want to thank you all for your continued prayers, love and support (both financial and spiritual) during my time here. I cannot express how much it means to me to know that so many friends and family across the U.S. are thinking about me and lifting me up in prayer. I’ve really enjoyed receiving your various letters and emails as well!
In God’s Peace & Love,
Kristen Opalinski
on May 4th, 2011 at 6:31 pm
Congratulations Kristen and LUCSA! You have done a remarkable job with the web site and it will open doors for many people. God’s blessings. Missing you all.
on November 8th, 2011 at 10:31 pm
Hi Kristin,
On behalf of Saint Jacobi Lutheran Church in Shohola, Pa., and Saint Mark Lutheran Church if Lackawaxen, Pa., we would like to thank you for your missionary work among the peole of South Africa.
The Sunday Schools of both of our congregations have responded to the call to pray for you, and for the mission of the LUCSA. Our children will be making mission collection boxes this week in Sunday School, which will be placed around the altar rail. Each child will have the opportunity to make a donation on Sunday, during the worship service, when he or she comes up and sits around the altar to listen to the children’s sermon.
We are looking forward to learning more about the programs and projects that the LUCSA sponsors, as well as looking forward to hearing from you about your work.
Your partner in serving Christ,
Mary Owens