Hannah's card: "Have a blessed Thanksgiving as you have been a blessing to others." (St. Peter's Lutheran, Hughestown, PA)
The first 105 “Operation Thanks-Giving” packages are on the way to ELCA missionaries. Each package contained five cards, a thankful handful! We’re gathering the cards that are coming in now to send a package to the remaining 70 missionaries/families. That said, there’s still time to participate! Send your Christmas, Epiphany, and Valentine-themed “I’m thankful for you” cards to ELCA Global Mission Support, 8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago, IL 60631. Learn more at www.elca.org/handinhand. Thankful blessings, Sue
P.S. We’d love to hear from someone who received “Operation Thanks-giving” cards (globalmissionsupport@elca.org).
P.S. We’d love to hear from someone who received “Operation Thanks-giving” cards (globalmissionsupport@elca.org).