Gardening gloves, the gift for participants at the Waco Conference Gathering of Women of the ELCA, supported the Gathering's "Hand in Hand" focus on ELCA Missionary Sponorship.
This story begins with circles (AKA bracelets) and circles back to “Hand in Hand,” the theme of the ELCA Missionary Sponsorship program–by way of the Waco Women of the ELCA Conference Gathering, held at St. Matthew Lutheran in Waco, Texas, on April 17, 2010.
After reading “Circles of History,” an article in the January/February 2010 issue of Lutheran Woman Today magazine, Paula Gillaspie (Robinson, Texas) contacted the Rev. Twila Schock, the article’s writer, and asked her to offer the keynote address at the Conference Gathering. When asked for the title of her presentation, Pr. Schock, ELCA director for Global Mission Support, offered “Hand in Hand,” the theme of the ELCA Missionary Sponsorship program. The conference organizers went on to use “Hand in Hand” as the theme for the whole Gathering.
The “Hand in Hand” theme rippled through the event, right down to the gift for participants: “Hand in Hand” garden gloves. A handy idea to support ELCA missionaries was circulated: gift suggestions to make donations for ELCA Missionary Sponsorship more tangible. A $10 gift, for example, could pay for a month’s supply of cooking kerosene; a $50 gift donation* might purchase a pass for public transportation.
ELCA Missionary Covenant Sponsors make a financial, prayer, and communication commitment. What goes around comes around: The “hand in hand” relationship blesses our sponsors, missionaries and global companions. The relationship energizes sponsoring congregations and groups as it sustains our international personnel. Contact globalmissionsupport@elca.org to be matched with a missionary. Learn more at www.elca.org/missionarysponsorship.
To contribute to ELCA Missionary Sponsorship through Women of the ELCA, make the check out to Women of the ELCA, noting “ELCA Missionary Sponsorship” on the memo line. Donations may be transmitted through your Synodical Women’s Organization or mailed directly to ELCA Global Mission Support, 8765 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631.
P.S. When you offer a gift donation to ELCA Missionary Sponorship in honor or in memory of someone special, contact the Global Mission Support team (800-638-3522, ext. 2657) to request an “Honoring,” “Thanking,” “Remembering,” or “Celebrating” gift card.
on May 4th, 2010 at 6:35 pm
I intend to send a gift honoring my father who recently celebrated his 80th birthday. His father was a missionary in Papua, New Guinea and my father has always been a firm believer in “mission” whether locally or globally.
on May 5th, 2010 at 8:55 am
Wonderful, Syd! We’d be happy to send you an “honoring” or “celebrating” gift card to give to your dad. He’s going to love this gift!