An ‘amazing’ challenge in South Africa

Posted on November 4, 2014 by Global Mission Support

Adwoa Afreh

Adwoa Afreh_group_SAfrica YAGM_11-4-14
Adwoa Afreh, third person from the right, is among nine Young Adults in Global Mission serving in South Africa.

Adwoa Afreh, who spent the first 11 years of her life living in Ghana before moving to the United States, is a member of the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program serving for a year in South Africa. To support Adwoa, or one of the 62 other young adults serving in nine regions around the world, see 

Greetings from the south. It has been two months since I began my journey, and what a glorious two months thus far. I’d like to give you an overview of what has been happening. I am fully immersed in the Tswana culture (one of many cultures of South Africa), learning, eating, singing, communicating, etc., in the Tswana culture. My community has taken on the challenge to make me “Tswana girl” before I return to the States, and thus far everything about this challenge is amazing to be a part of.

While here, I have two work placements. The first placement site is Bethlehem Lutheran Church,  where I assist with administrative work. Some of the work includes grouping data logs of the church’s finances, members and councils. My church congregation is a little more than 200 members and growing so there is constant computing of logs. My second placement is at Tshupe Orphan and Vulnerable Children Hospice. My service here includes helping with lunch for the children who are part of their after-school program, assisting with the bi-monthly sessions on hygiene and sex education, and occasionally being an extra member of their pick-up soccer games.

These are my two site placements for now. In the future, some placements will be added and some taken out, depending on the need of each placement. It is a privilege to be doing service here. No day is the same.
