Austin and Tanya Propst are the new ELCA Young Adults in Global Missions (YAGM) coordinators of Madagascar. They have recently completed their language studies. Here they share a video of a gift of song they were welcomed with at a Lutheran church near Antsirabe. The YAGM program is reliant on the coordinators who facilitate the young adults’ ministry and provide mentoring and spiritual guidance. To support a YAGM coordinator, go to

Singers offer the gift of music to Austin and Tanya Propst, who were visiting the congregation in Madagascar.
We’ve learned it is not uncommon for a congregation to share their gift of song with visitors. We have been blessed many times with such beautiful singing. Enjoy this (rough) video from a Lutheran Church outside of Antsirabe we attended. Click this link: Worship Music
Enjoy the tunes!
– Austin & Tanya