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Faith Lens

October 21-28, 2009 – “Boy in Balloon” appears to be a hoax… parents’ publicity stunt

Contributed by Steven Alloway
Granada Hills, CA

Warm-up Question:  Have you ever been tricked into believing something that you found out later wasn’t true? How did you respond? What did you do when you found out?

balloon-boy250The nation watched in shock and anxiety this past Thursday afternoon as a large, silver Mylar balloon swept across the Colorado skies. The balloon was believed to be carrying six-year-old Falcon Heene, whom his parents reported had climbed into the balloon that was tethered in their backyard, just before the knots were untied, releasing Falcon and the balloon into the air.

Four hours later, the balloon landed — empty. It was discovered that Falcon had been hiding in the attic of the garage the entire time. But now, authorities believe that the entire ordeal was actually a hoax, a publicity stunt orchestrated by his parents in the hope of securing a reality television show for their family.

Sheriff Jim Alderen says that suspicions of the hoax first arose when the Heene family was interviewed on CNN’s “Larry King Live”. 

Felony and misdemeanor charges are expected to be filed against Richard and Mayumi Heene, as well as an investigation by Child Protective Services.

Discussion Questions

  1. Did you follow the news coverage of Falcon Heene and the balloon? Were you concerned for his safety? What’s your reaction now that it was all a hoax?
  2. What do you think should happen to Richard and Mayumi Heene? Should they be found guilty? What should be done with their children?
  3. With all the publicity surrounding these events, do you think the Heene family will ultimately be successful in their bid for a reality show? If so, would you watch the show? Why or why not?
  4. How real is reality TV? How much do you trust the truth or reality of what goes on in “reality shows”?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 25, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

“I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see.” The words of this familiar hymn, Amazing Grace, of course do not refer to literal blindness. It’s about blindness to the truth about Jesus, the gospel. Earlier in the chapter, the Pharisees provide an example of this blindness. They ask Jesus a silly question to test him, to trip him up. They weren’t concerned about the truth. They were too busy with their own public image and reputation, and the fact that Jesus was making them look bad.

On the other hand, Bartimaeus had his eyes open before Jesus ever restored his physical sight. He had no doubt heard of Jesus’ ability to work miracles, and he too wanted to be healed. So as soon as he heard that Jesus was near, he cried out to him. And he continued to cry out! In spite of being scolded by those around him, he continued to call to Jesus to help him.

And Jesus took notice. He called Bartimaeus over to him, and restored his sight. And as he does, he tells him, “Your faith has made you well.” Miracles are all well and good, but without faith, what difference do they really make? Blind Bartimaeus saw the truth about Jesus: that this was the Son of David, the man who could make him whole again, both physically and spiritually.

Many today are still blind to the truth and good news of the gospel. At times, our own vision and faith can be a little weak. There is strong temptation and encouragement to make us think that the way of the world is the only path to take, the only way to be happy and whole; that the gospel, and even God, is a hoax.

We may look like fools shouting into the wind to some people when we cry out, “Jesus, have mercy on us!” But we must press on. We must continue to cry out for Jesus for mercy, healing, forgiveness, and love, no matter what anyone says or how we look.

We can trust that God does hear us. God answers. Where we were blind, we shall see… through faith.

Discussion Questions

  1. Could Bartimaeus still have been healed physically had he not first been healed spiritually? Why or why not?
  2. What are some ways that God uses our afflictions and weaknesses (and strengths) to help accomplish his mission and work?
  3. What are some ways that we can help share and illuminate God’s promises and truth with others, including each other?
  4. What makes our words and actions of witness trustworthy?

Activity Suggestion

Sing “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #779. 

Do some research into famous hoaxes in history. An Internet search for “famous hoaxes” is a good place to start. Why did people believe them? How was the truth finally discovered? How does this compare with the truth of the gospel, and the claim by some people that it’s all a hoax or myth? Talk about what faith, trust, and belief mean, especially in relationship to proof and fact.

Closing Prayer

Lord, I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. Let my eyes always be open, that I might not be blind to your truth and word. Help me to share your truth with others, so that they too might see and know your great love and healing. Amen.

September 9-16, 2009 – Michael Jackson is alive!

Contributed by Rod G. Boriack
Chicago, IL

Warm-up Question:  Have you ever spread some ‘news’ about someone or something only to discover later that it wasn’t exactly true? What was the not-so-true truth you helped spread?  

gossip150The King of Pop Michael Jackson… still alive? Who wouldn’t read a little more or stay tuned to find out more, even as crazy as it sounds.

Rumors, stories, online video clips, photos, blogs, so-called proof and eye witnesses, and entire Web sites refuting Jackson’s death have been popping up since the moment we the tragic news this past June 25th. Shades of the King of Rock ‘n Roll, Elvis Presley, who some people say is still alive and well.

Among the latest rumors being spread online is that of a video of Jackson supposedly hopping out the back of the coroner’s van. Nearly 2 million people have viewed the video clip online even though it it’s not very clear and doesn’t show the person’s face or the licence plate number of the coroner’s van.

Other stories and claims of Jackson’s being alive have include an odd assortment of photos, witnesses, theories, and “evidence” of Jackson crossing the border into Mexico, Jackson lounging poolside chatting with friends, faking his death to escape financial problems, hiding out in a bunker to escape the public, and secretly working for the CIA with other supposedly deceased celebrities.  

On the flip side of life, there have also been many instances of false stories or rumors of celebrity deaths spread via social networking sites and user-generated news communities. In almost every instance, the rumored dead celebrity just happened to still be alive to refute the rumors being spread. News — true or not — has never traveled so quickly as it has online, in news communities, or via cell phone techn0logy.

As the no-longer-living (1835-1910) humorist and writer Mark Twain put it, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”  In today’s world, Twain’s comments might have included debunking Tweets, text messages, and viral videos.

Michael Jackson’s burial took place on Thursday, September 3.

Discussion Questions

  • OK, just to clear the air, who among you believes Michael Jackson is really dead? (raise hands) Who believes he could still be alive? (raise hands) On what do you base your belief or opinion?
  • Who do you trust most when it comes to getting news or information about what’s going on with friends, your school, the community, the world? Are you ever curious enough to check out the facts for yourself, even when your trusted sources have given you the scoop? Why?
  • What would be the fastest way to start a rumor or story? If someone spread an untrue or confusing rumor about you, how would you fight it or persuade people to accept your word and truth?  How might the stories or inaccuracies effect your life in not-so positive ways?
  • We consider ourselves to be relatively smart and thoughtful human beings, as creatures go. Why then, no matter how wild or inaccurate the rumor or conspiracy theory, are there always people willing to believe or follow? (e.g., believing the earth is flat or that all the moon landings were faked.)  What might people be looking for, questioning, or hoping for?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, 13, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Scripture Reflection

“Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way he asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that I am?’ And they answered him, ‘John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.’ He asked them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Peter answered him, ‘You are the Messiah.’ And he sternly ordered them not to tell anyone about him.”  (Mark 8:27-30)

Don’t tell anyone about me? What’s up with that?

And what about in James? “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters…” (James 3:1) The writer’s not much of a career coach or recruiter. He goes on to say how easy it is to mess up what we say or how we speak to others.

Words are very powerful things, as are the many other ways we communicate with lightening-fast speed in today’s world. In a few seconds, minutes, or hours you can spread news, your opinions, or misinformation — with photos and video — worldwide. What a gift we have (truly)! In Jesus’ day, spreading the word to a very small local area would have been measured in days (very speedy), months (still speedy), years (pretty fast), or even centuries. Think about it… the printing press wasn’t even around until almost 1,500 years later. The camera? 1,800 years later. Internet for the general public? Try almost 2,000 years after Jesus spoke to Peter!

And with this wonderful, technological ability to communicate instantly comes great responsibility. More responsibility than ever before in history.

The messages in Mark and James aren’t meant to shut us down, shut us up, or turn the good news of God’s love for us into a secret. They do, however, say something about how important the gospel is, and how important it is to live, act, and speak in ways that are consistent with our faith and the gospel. We don’t have to be perfect about it — as humans, we can’t be — but we do need to be careful, thoughtful, and responsible with what we say and do because our witness will travel instantly far and wide. And there will be people who will listen, watch, and believe.

The gospel message is important. Studying the Bible, prayer, taking in the witness of others, and talking with each other are all important in developing a deeper sense of what God is doing in the world and what we need to share freely with everyone around us.

Taking this responsibility seriously, what will you say? How will you say it? 

Discussion Questions

  • Imagine that Jesus turned to you right now and asked, “Who do you say that I am?” How would you answer him?
  • Who have you been reluctant to share your faith with? What holds you back or discourages you? When is it difficult to find the “right” words or actions? When do words and actions of faith flow most freely for you?
  • We all have unique gifts and personalities, including in how we communicate with others and express ourselves. How do you prefer or feel best equipped to communicate with others? (Including different media and artistic means. E.g., public speaking, talking with others one-on-one, photography, music, using social networking sites, being quiet and sensitive, advocacy, drawing, Web design, video, listening, physical work, talking on the phone, email, writing, etc.)

Activity Suggestion

Make a list of what you believe are important truths or beliefs of the Christian faith. Do the same for our Lutheran faith tradition. Emphasize that Lutherans are Christians. Create the lists side-by-side. You can also do this in small groups and then bring the lists together to compare and discuss them.

  • What are the relationships and connections between the two lists?
  • How can these lists guide you in sharing your faith?
  • What do you have questions about, want to learn more about, or would love to have some “lively” discussions about? (You could do this as a group by going down each item on the lists and moving along a continuum line from one side of the room to the other, by a show of hands, etc.)

Closing Prayer

By your word, eternal God, your creation sprang forth, and we were given the breath of life. By your word, eternal God, death is overcome, Christ is raised form the tomb, and we are given new life in the power of your Spirit. May we boldly proclaim this good news in our words and our actions, rejoicing always in your powerful presence; through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. Amen.

(Prayer for “Spread of the gospel,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 75.)

May 27-June 3, 2009 – “Seasteading” wave of the future?

Contributed by Sylvia Alloway
Granada Hills, CA

Warm-up Question: What is your idea of a perfect society? Where would it be located? What would people do there? How would they be governed?

If the San Francisco-based Seasteading Institute has its way, the City by the Bay may become the City out in Ocean. Seasteading, a variation on the word “homesteading,” is the process of building human dwellings on the high seas.

The Institute is currently researching ways to put habitable buildings on supports similar to oil platforms. These structures would be modular, that is, the parts would be interchangeable. They can be taken apart and put back together in different forms, so that change and movement will come easily and the physical environment can be altered to fit the ideas of the people.

Why do the sponsors of this endeavor want to form communities on the ocean? Unlike homesteading, where the idea was simply to gain more space for people to live, seasteading has deeper purpose: to try out new ways of governing and arranging society. Ideas presented by the 600-member organization include legalizing marijuana and owning all artistic works in common. Some group other than the family may be the basic unit of socialization, or alternatively, families may live as separate units and float together for “festivals.”

What does not work will be discarded, and what does work will be recombined into a new system of government. They believe that no specific ideology is necessary and constant change is good.

An engineer working on the project said that a prototype may be ready in as few as three years.

Discussion Questions

  • Many attempts have been made to create a utopian, or perfect society (artistic and religious communities, the hippies of the 60s, etc.). Most have failed to form anything close to a perfect, lasting society. Why do they fail? Why do people keep trying?
  • How can you tell if a form of government is working or not? What are some signs of a good or a bad system? A just or unjust system?
  • Think about a society in which nothing is fixed. Behavior that was acceptable yesterday is not so today and vice versa. Can human beings really live this way? Why or why not?
  • Young people often want to get away from old rules and ways of doing things. What are some rules and behavior in your world (school, church, family, friends, job, etc.) that you would like to change? Why? With what would you replace the old ways?
  • What are some rules and behavior you would like to change about the world in general?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, May 31, 2009.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus’ disciples were all strongly grounded in the traditions of Judaism. The Ten Commandments, the sacrificial system for forgiveness of sins, the required feasts and fasts had been the foundation of their lives since birth. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus informs them that a change is coming. Jesus himself is going to return to the Father and in his place he will send the Advocate (also translated as “Comforter” or “Helper”), the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit will lead them into a new way. The NRSV says that he will “prove the world wrong” in its view of sin, righteousness, and judgment. What he teaches will be not a truth, but the truth; the permanent, unchanging plan of God for the salvation of the world. Their Lord will not let them drift around unguided.

At the time, the disciples did not know what Jesus meant. Even after his resurrection, as they obeyed his command to “wait for power from on high,” they still did not know what form the power would take. And then… Flames! Wind! Beautiful flowing speech! There could be no doubt that this was the power Jesus promised, the Advocate who would teach them all things.

The world tells us to depend on ourselves for moral and spiritual guidance. Truth is relative. Absolutes spoil all the fun and feel oppressive. But Jesus says to depend on his Spirit to guide us into truth. In him we will be gloriously empowered, free to live in God’s purpose and love in the world with the promise of eternal life. We are free to give witness to a different truth that is God’s truth… a truth that calls for compassion, justice, humility, change, service, faith, and obedience.

Discussion Questions

  • What are some common (not necessarily Christian or religious) views of sin, righteousness, judgment, and the world? In what way does the truth of Christ prove these ideas wrong?
  • We know that God has given us his Spirit, but we don’t always “feel” his presence. In what ways can we encourage each other in “dry” or difficult times when we feel alone or abandoned by God?
  • Create a list of what you consider to be rules or values that are consistent with your faith in Christ. Do this quickly as individuals and then compare your lists. How are your lists alike and how are they different? Make up situations in which somebody breaks what you as a Christian consider to be “a rule.” How might a community striving to follow Christ (a church, family, youth ministry group, or school) handle the situation? How might those who believe in a fluid and changing morality deal with it?
  • How can we work with and live with each other compassionately and with a desire to respect each others differences and opinions while at the same time being concerned about God’s will and desire for us?

Activity Suggestions

Expand on question 3.

In groups or as a class, make up a story about a seasteading community. It might be fun to frame it as science fiction or based on existing and developing technologies. They have decided on a way to rule themselves, for instance, having all things in common. A problem comes up that their system doesn’t cover, for example, is there any such thing as stealing or trespassing in this kind of community? They try to work it out among themselves. Resolve the story in a way that demonstrates the need for the guidance of the Spirit.

Extension Ideas: Have the class cooperate in writing out and illustrating the story by hand; write out and illustrate the story in a computer publishing program; dramatize the story and perform and/or film it.

Whose rules and why?

Talk about what “rules” there are in your congregation or that you believe are rules or values of being a Lutheran Christian. List them. Some jumping off points for discussion:

  • Where did the rule or value come from? Who decided that it was important?
  • What is the purpose of the rule? (To honor God, protect children, safety, to keep a room neat and tidy, to respect and welcome visitors, to save money, to guide your behavior, etc.) Is it changeable or permanent? Why? How do congregations decide?
  • What practices and rules may have come about through history or through decisions made by a congregation based on their neighborhood, community, or cultural context? (e.g., use of religious art in the sanctuary, providing worship and other things in more than one language, allowing coffee in the sanctuary during worship, worship times and styles, etc.)
  • What changes would you propose for your congregation? What existing practices, values, or rules you would like to affirm?
  • What’s the best way for the congregation, or a group within the congregation, to reflect on whether or not a rule, value, or policy is consistent with what God encourages or expects us to do?

For help in facilitating group discussions that may stir up diverse reactions, opinions, and emotions, check out the ELCA resource “Talking Together as Christians about Tough Social Issues(PDF).

Suggested Songs

  • “Lord of All Hopefulness,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #765
  • “Praise to the Father (for his loving-kindness),” Lutheran Book of Worship, #517

Closing Prayer

Gracious Father forgive us for seeking our own way when we should be turning to your truth; for believing the inventions of world, instead of finding our way in your Word; for chasing after the changeable and temporary, instead of resting in your eternal Spirit. We thank and praise you for the forgiveness we have received through your beloved son, Jesus. Through the power of the Comforter, remake us in Jesus’ likeness and manner. We pray this is his blessed name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

March 11-18, 2009 – Atheist ads on British bus

Contributed by Sylvia Alloway
Granada Hills, CA

Ariane Sherine, a British comedy writer, was shocked when she saw an ad on a London bus, placed by a Christian Web site. She decided that religious ads needed a “corrective.” She organized the “Atheist Bus Campaign” (link to BBC News article) and was soon joined by others who objected to religious sentiments expressed in public, notably famous atheist Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion.
Two-hundred thousand dollars later, this advertisement for atheism appeared on London buses: “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The American Humanist Association took up the theme by posting an ad on a Washington bus with a picture of Santa Claus that read, “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake.” Australians came up with “Atheism: Sleep in on Sunday mornings.”

While some believers are outraged by these notices and demand that they be retracted, others look upon them as a good way to start a conversation about God. Since most of the Western world grants its citizens free speech, it is unlikely that the “Atheist Bus Campaign” will die down at any time soon.

Check out the ELCA ad campaign developed for sharing our mission and ministry.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think that city buses should run atheistic ads? Christian ads? Why or why not? Are there any kind of ads or messages that shouldn’t be given/sold public space?
  • Under what circumstances could a Christian use the same “stop worrying” ad language to talk about his or her faith?
  • Discuss the bus ads (both Christian and atheistic) in the context of free speech. Does free speech mean anything goes, for instance, ridicule or personal attacks on a person for their beliefs or racial/ethnic identity, or use of cruel, violent, or obscene language? Where do you draw the line? Who should make such decisions?
  • Think about the message, “Stop worrying and enjoy your life.” Would atheism really eliminate worry and make life more enjoyable? Why or why not?
  • Atheists say that there is no factual support for the message of salvation through Christ, or for God’s existence. What do you think? How would you respond to them? 

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, March 15, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

God’s will and law in both our physical and moral world has not been a popular idea throughout history. Yet the Bible is full of stories and admonitions that have to do with the truth and necessity of God’s law in all areas of life. In today’s Old Testament lessons, we have the Ten Commandments and a rousing picture of God’s sovereignty over nature (“The heavens are telling…”) and humanity (“The decrees of God are sure…”). But the New Testament lessons warn us that these laws are not obvious to everyone. In fact some will consider them foolish, while others will simply disobey when it suits them—believers and nonbelievers, alike.

Jesus does not go easy on this latter group who know better but still choose to disobey. The moneychangers in the temple are not just disobeying God’s law, which they probably know very well. They are corrupting God’s temple and leading others into sinful behavior by reducing worship to the act of buying the right sacrifice for the right amount of money so that God will hear their prayers more clearly or treat them more favorably, rather than worship God as they are with what they have. But there can be no tolerance or compromise here. God’s law clearly describes what belongs in the marketplace and what belongs in the temple, and cheating people out of their money (Mark’s account of the same incident, Mark 11:15-17) is wrong in any place and at any time.

When Jesus mentions destroying the temple, the Jewish leaders think he is talking nonsense. Jesus simply leaves them in their ignorance, knowing that they want only to argue, not to learn. At this point, the gospel writer zooms ahead and reminds us that the disciples remember these words of Jesus, after he is resurrected, and then find that they make perfect sense. As believers and followers—imperfect as they are—the disciples have become more open and receptive to God’s truth and word, while others remain resistant or closed off in mind and heart to the truth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

How, then, can we be more Christ-like in the matter of God’s law? We need to study, know, and have faith in God’s word, and apply it boldly to every situation of our life. We must resist compromise or messing with the truth to break or bend the law for our own benefit. And we need the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our public witness with others and remind us of the great love and forgiveness that God wraps us in because we are imperfect and not always obedient.

The bottom line: We all need God’s mercy, even in our good works and obedience, because none of our actions are pure. (a paraphrase of Martin Luther)

Discussion Questions 

  • What specific modern examples can you think of in which people think God’s law is foolish, unrealistic, or can be ignored? What examples can you describe of people who claim to know and trust God, but act or do something contrary or seemingly hypocritical? (e.g., a minister scamming a congregation, TV evangelist preaching one thing and living another, a friend in youth group posting lies about someone online, cheating on a test or stretching the truth on an application because it could mean getting into a highly respected Lutheran college, etc.) How does God’s love, grace, and forgiveness enter into all of this?
  • In what way, or under what circumstances, might a bus ad influence a person to accept, reject, or want to know more about God?
  • You never know when you are going to have an opportunity to speak up for Christ, or when you might unknowingly be a witness. In what ways can Christians prepare themselves for such opportunities? Think beyond just spoken words and consider creative writing, videos and photography, actions, Web pages, relationships, decision making, etc.
  • A discussion for more mature students: Atheists claim that human beings can be truly good, caring, and generous without God’s law. What do you think? (Martin Luther talked about several different kinds or righteousness, one being a moral or “civil righteousness.” He described the possibility of people who are not Christian, in the context of obeying government and social laws and expectations, being good citizens who are caring, working for justice, good, and serving people in need. But he is clear in asserting that these works, no matter how good they are, do not earn us favor or salvation with God… that’s where the idea of “heavenly righteousness” or “righteousness of faith” comes in. We give ourselves over in faith that our forgiveness and redemption is God’s work and gift to us through Jesus Christ.)
  • Discussion Extension: Act out a few responses to the news article discussion questions 2 and 5. 

Activity Suggestion

  • Creating bus ads: Use art materials to make one or more Christian bus ads that respond positively (even humorously) to the “Stop worrying” ad or one of the others mentioned in the story. (Remember, the point is not to rip apart or smear the other ads or organizations.)
  • Work in your congregation or synod to use some of the media ads from the ELCA ad campaign. We have a message of good news, hope, and invitation to share with everyone.

Suggested songs

  • “Great is the Lord” (contemporary)
  • “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #858
  • “O, Sing to God Above” (“Cantemos al Señor”), Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #555
  • “Earth and All Stars,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #731

Closing Prayer

Almighty God and sovereign Lord, we thank and praise you that your law and your saving grace rule every corner of creation. We need never worry or fear that you are absent or that you have stopped caring for us, your people, your creation. Keep us surrounded by and grounded in your love and will, God, and show us the true freedom that comes from obedience and trust in you. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

November 12-19, 2008 – Reporter jailed for telling the truth

Warm-up Question: Share a time when you felt that the way you were treated was not fair.

In Vietnam, a reporter is allowed to report on what they see, unless it embarrasses the government that is. The jailed reporter, Nguyen Viet Chien, almost three years ago helped expose a case against the transportation department, where officials used monies to gamble on European soccer matches and on luxurious living. The reporting was backed up by tapes and confessions and many officials were arrested and jailed for the abuse.

How is the reporter rewarded for his hard work? He is sentenced to jail for 2 years. When given a chance to apologize for his reporting for the way it embarrassed the country, Chien refused to do what another reporter working on the same case had done and did not recant the exposé citing the truth as his defense.

U.S. officials condemn the action and in an official statement stated, “These results are particularly worrisome in light of the serious corruption issues that their earlier investigations had brought to light… The United States has repeatedly called for full freedom of the media in Vietnam and urges the government of Vietnam to support these freedoms, which are so critical to combating social scourges such as corruption and abuse of power, and to the further economic development of Vietnam.”

Discussion Questions

  • Is there a time when you think telling the truth is not a good idea?
  • If you found out something very important that would embarrass someone you highly respect, say a teacher or pastor or political leader, would you divulge this information online or to the press? What would be reasons you would? What reasons would prevent you from revealing the information?
  • If someone knew something about you that was true but embarrassing, would it be OK for them to share this with other people?
  • If you had done something embarrassing or that you were ashamed of, how easy would it be for you to admit this to someone you love and respect? What would you expect or ask for in return (e.g., confidentiality, understanding, forgiveness, not to let it hurt your relationship, etc.)

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, November 16, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

It’s pretty easy to believe and respected the servant who buried the talent in this story. First of all, he admits to his master, someone whom he loves but someone who is also “harsh” and steals (reaping where he does not sow), that he did not do what he was asked. He did not take the money (a talent being a unit of measurement equaling around one year’s wages), money that may have been unjustly gotten by the master, and invested it as the others had done. Perhaps this would have made him an accomplice! Perhaps he did not want to deal with the dirty money. Perhaps he was a patsy, a do-gooder, who did not do what he was asked out of a sense of justice and was punished. And on top of it all, he did not hem and haw and make up stories; he told the truth. He said straight out that he hid the money. Perhaps he said this with some pride, accusing the master of his own crimes.

But perhaps the master was righteous. Perhaps what he sowed and reaped he did to feed the hungry. Perhaps he was a powerful man who performed actions that seemed disreputable, but may have been for a good cause (sort of like Robin Hood). Maybe the servant was ashamed and scared of the master’s power.

In a story, it is easy to make things out to be black and white, cut and dried truths. We can decry the “lazy slave” for not doing what his master had done just as we can decry the Vietnamese government for suppressing the truth. But perhaps they did so out of a love for their country. Perhaps they doubted the reporting. Perhaps they believed they were the arbiters of justice. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps… When “truth” seems so obvious to one and not to another, how do you know which is truth?

We all else seems up fro grabs, know this to be the truth: Jesus Christ has died for us. It is signed and sealed by the reporting of many witnesses who had nothing to gain by this proclamation but death and loss. The resurrection was true because it was witnessed by many. They all reported this truth and it was greeted with skepticism, the greatest may be Paul. Paul persecuted the church but was later visited by the resurrected Christ. As proof this was true and not false was the way he kept to his story despite beatings, stonings, shipwrecks, poverty, and worse (2 Corinthians 11:23ff). Paul was willing to go to jail and even die for the truth. Just like Nguyen Viet Chien, the truth could no be denied.

In a time of doubt and faith, of wondering what is true, we remember that what can be seen as true is often understood by what comes to light (1 Thessalonians 5:4-5); how the person speaking the truth clings to what they believe. This witness is what we can believe is true, and in this witness we are called to believe. While we may not have been on-the-scene witnesses, we can believe what we have been told just as we can believe the reporter who reports the corruption by his jailing.
Live clinging to this truth. Invest in the gift of this confession. Live out your calling to serve a good and honest master — Jesus Christ — one who loves and adores you, and trusts you with this gift.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you know when someone is speaking the truth? How are you convinced? In what ways does technology help or complicate sorting out what is true? (Internet, Youtube, email, TV, Photoshop, digital photos, Twitter, cell phones, social networks, Second Life, avatars, blogs, etc.)
  • What are the things that make believing God difficult?
  • If the story is true — Jesus Christ is truly the son of God, died and risen to love the world into relationship with God — how would this change the way you see the world? Setting aside all doubt, what would this mean about the way you live in the world? How would it change your relationships? How would it change the decisions you make?
  • What if it is true? What if it is true?

Activity Suggestions

Defend a lie

Find a student who loves something so much that they are sort of obsessed by it. Perhaps it is a sports team, a high school musical, or a favorite band, actor, or other celebrity or famous person. Now ask them to defend NOT liking this thing or person or team. Give them a moment to collect their thoughts, then allow them a 30 second argument of why whatever it is we know they love is something they do not love. After they try to convince us they do not love this, allow others to question them, trying to discover the truth.

  • Was it difficult to defend what you know is not true?
  • How did it feel trying to pretend you did not like what everyone else there knows you love?
  • Would you be willing to die to convince us of this truth? Why or why not?

Share this parting thought: if the disciples KNEW it was a lie, why would they all be willing to die for it? Why would all the witnesses be willing to endure persecution if they knew Jesus was not resurrected? Why would they all be beaten, chased, jailed, starved, poisoned, and killed if they truly knew it was a lie?

Closing Prayer

Jesus, forgive us for our doubts, but it can be so difficult to believe. Help us to trust your witnesses and to live out loud on behalf of the truth that you are our savior and Lord. Amen

Contributed by Jay Gamelin, pastor of Jacob’s Porch, Lutheran Campus Ministry to The Ohio State University