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Faith Lens

July 1-8, 2009 – Celebrating progress, working for more

Contributed by Jocelyn Breeland
Fairfax, VA

Warm-up Question: Discuss a time when you were underestimated.

This month marks the 10th anniversary of the landmark Olmstead decision, in which the Supreme Court said the Americans With Disabilities Act requires individuals with disabilities receive services in the least restrictive environment possible. As a result, thousands of Americans with disabilities have been able to move out of institutions to live in communities of their own choosing.

President Obama marked the anniversary by declaring a “Year of Community Living.” He has directed the Department of Health and Human Services to aggressively work to remove barriers that prevent people with disabilities from having meaningful lives in their communities.

In the nearly two decades since the Americans With Disabilities Act was passed, many changes have been made in schools, workplaces, and public spaces to ensure inclusion of people with physical and intellectual disabilities or challenges. Among the positive changes, technology, where it is available, has greatly facilitated access and inclusion. But much remains to be done. In most communities, there are long waiting lists for the services people with disabilities need to participate fully in the lives of their communities.

Perhaps the most difficult, and most important, barrier to overcome is attitude. Too often, people with disabilities are seen as disabled, broken, or incomplete. We need to value, celebrate, and use the contributions and gifts of people with disabilities in every community. With this state of mind, and commitment, all barriers can be overcome.

Discussion Questions

Statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
White House Statement

  • Are people with disabilities included in any of your regular activities? Are there barriers that make their participation difficult?
  • Is there anything you do regularly that could not be done by a person with a physical or intellectual disability, given a reasonable amount of accommodation?
  • Employment is important for people with disabilities, and the income from work makes it easier to obtain housing and other services they need. Why is it difficult for people with disabilities to get good jobs? Are any of these reasons insurmountable?
  • Within the disability community, it is preferable to say a person has a disability, rather than that the person is disabled, handicapped, mentally retarded. Why is this language important?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, June 5, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

It is easy for us to shake our heads sadly when contemplating the community’s reaction to Jesus. Don’t they know this is Jesus? Can’t they see his wisdom, his divinity? How could they be so foolish?

Imagine a friend, someone you’ve known for years, in church speaking knowledgeably about scripture. The next thing you know, someone is saying he’s a prophet. Where is the threshold of your skepticism? What would you need to see or hear in order to believe?

The sentiment in the synagogue seems to be that this Jesus is nothing special. How can he understand scripture better than everyone else? He’s no one important or specially gifted or skilled, just a lowly carpenter. And the same prejudice that keeps his neighbors from seeing Jesus for who and what he is can keep us from recognizing God’s presence among us today.

Here again, scripture reminds us that God does not shower his blessings only on the rich, the powerful, or the exceptional. Repeatedly, God shows his ability and preference for using the most humble, ordinary folks to spread the gospel message and demonstrate love, forgiveness, justice, and healing. We need to be on the lookout for times when God works in these ways — in ourselves and in other people. We wouldn’t want to reject God’s plan and intentions, like the Nazarenes in the synagogue rejected Jesus.

We might think it should have been easier for Jesus’ contemporaries to understand the miracle right in front of their eyes. But is it really any easier for us, knowing Jesus’ work, mission, death, and resurrection to see God’s work in our own lives? Today’s Gospel reminds us that God is indeed at work around us every day, and that we can see signs of God’s love everywhere — often in the most ordinary and unexpected places.

Discussion Questions

  • What would you say to convince Jesus’ contemporaries of the authenticity of his message?
  • How can you identify God’s action and presence in your world?
  • How is it that the disciples were able to see the truth about Jesus?
  • In verses 7-13, Jesus sends his disciples out into the world. What advice does he give for times when others refuse to hear his word?
  • What message does today’s Gospel have for us in our own ministry, and in responding to the ministry of others?
  • Jesus’ instructions suggest a level of poverty for his disciples. Why was this important? Is it still important today?
  • What does today’s Gospel say to us about the role of people with disabilities in our society?

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather to learn your will, we marvel at the many magnificent works you have done, and the many unearned blessings we have received. Remind us to seek the beauty of your creation in every place we go, on every face we see. And help us to show that same beauty, and love, to those we meet. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

June 17-24, 2009 – UFO or sign from God?

Contributed by Rod G. Boriack
Chicago, IL

Warm-up Question: What’s the freakiest, unbelievable thing you’ve ever seen or witnessed? Who did you tell?

(CNN Video, ” Possible UFO caught on tape,” June 16, 2009)

Denna Smith is a writer who hopes to work with Tyler Perry someday, but, she says, even she couldn’t make this story up.

“We were like what is that, we were all stopped and we were astonished,” said Smith.

Smith and her family were at Kings Dominion Amusement Park in Richmond, VA when they saw a black floating ring in the sky. “Is this the end of the world, what is going on?” Smith wondered.

Kings Dominion says the ring is smoke from a ride called Volcano. UFO investigator, Cameron Pack, agreed. Pack said he’d be convinced it was just smoke if it weren’t for pictures of a similar sighting at Fort Belvoir, taken sometime in the 1950s.

Smith says she’s positive it wasn’t smoke. “Smoke usually looks smokey and cloudy. This ring of smoke was a perfect circle. It was lined up so tight like it was a cut in the middle of the sky,” said Smith. She also doesn’t think it was a UFO.

“It was like a sign, God gives you signs and I just felt like that was a sign and I’m not sure what that sign meant but it meant a great deal to my family because when we got home we all got in line and prayed together. We were freaking out,” Smith continued.

Pack says he plans to follow up with Kings Dominion. Smith thinks his investigation could turn up something. “I still believe it is still out there we just don’t know where it went,” said Smith.

Discussion Questions

  • OK, here’s the hot question… do believe in UFOs? Have you seen one or something you thought could have been a UFO? What do you think they are? (visitors from another planet, signs or messages from God, natural phenomena like clouds, hallucinations, smoke, not sure, etc.)
  • If you saw this unusual ring in the sky how might it affect your beliefs about certain things? What new questions would it stir up in you?
  • Who would you tell about your UFO sighting? Only your closest friends, everyone, absolutely no one, your most trusted best friend? Post it on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter for everyone to see?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, June 21, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Those crazy disciples! Always dazed and confused when it comes to figuring out Jesus, who he is, what he’s all about, and the unbelievable, miraculous things he does. And they were around him all the time; imagine what the crowds and strangers thought and wondered.

These days, we say “seeing is believing.” But it’s never that easy… take the UFO siting, for example. 100 people see the same thing, even video it, and they’re still wondering what they saw. You go to a movie and and don’t even notice the special effects, realistic scenery, or crowd scenes that have been created digitally through CGI (computer-generated imagery).

Who is this Jesus? He heals sick people, makes storms go away, tells parables that sound like riddles, knows Jewish scriptures backwards and forwards, brings dead people back to life, commands demons to leave people, talks about the future as if he knows exactly what’s going to happen, and says he is the son of God. Wow! How do you take all that in and make sense of it all?

And in 2009 we still wonder about Jesus! Go figure.

The words Jesus spoke to the howling storm winds and the frightened, confused disciples in the sinking boat are powerful, simple words probably meant for us: “Peace! Be Still!” “Why are you afraid? Where is your faith?” Have faith and trust God. The facts, miracles, stories, and events are too tough to sort through on our own based on simply human knowledge, experience, and text books.

Have faith and trust God. Take it all in and trust God. Jesus’ message to us is pretty consistent and clear throughout the Bible even though we may be unsure or confused:

  • We are created and loved by God.
  • All our weaknesses and sins are forgiven.
  • God has given us new life — eternal life.
  • We are free to live our lives differently as followers of Jesus… as servants of others, working for justice, loving and forgiving others, seeking peace, welcoming strangers, encouraging each other in faith, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone — everywhere.

Peace! Be still! Have faith!

Discussion Questions

  • When it comes to your faith and what you believe, what are the questions you wrestle with right now? (Take some time to cultivate trust and open conversation about the questions raised. Meet the questions with respect and empathy. Encourage other young people to respond to each other, but not to fix, answer, or solve everything. Notice any common questions or any that are particularly tough.)
  • What would you say you are pretty solid about in your faith and beliefs? What do you feel pretty certain about? (This doesn’t imply that you never have doubts, questions, fears, or curiosity. These are things we all experience as God’s Spirit helps our faith grow, learn, stretch, and deepen throughout life in an ever-changing world.)

Activity Suggestion

Covenant to learn more about or revisit what Lutherans profess to believe. Explore what other groups of Lutherans believe and practice. It can be easy to get hooked on the differences, but also note the things we share in common as Christians. You can find some resources at

Closing Prayer

Gracious and holy God, give us diligence to seek you, wisdom to perceive you, and patience to wait for you. Grant us, O God, a mind to meditate on you; eyes to behold you; ears to listen for your word; a heart to love you; and a life to proclaim you; through the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

(Prayer for “Those seeking deeper knowledge of God,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 76)

April 22-29, 2009 – Sheep without a shepherd

Contributed by Pastor Seth Moland-Kovash
All Saints Lutheran Church
Palatine, IL

Warm-up Question: People often talk about the importance of making a good first impression. Do you think it’s really all that important or not? Why?

One of the hallmarks of the legal system in this country is the idea of a trial by a jury. Part of that process is that the jury is supposed to be impartial; they are not supposed to have made up their minds about whether you are guilty or not guilty before the trial starts. They are supposed to make their decision based on the evidence and what they hear in the courtroom, not on what they knew about the situation before the trial even started. We often talk about this in terms of an impartial jury: you have the right to be tried by a jury who is impartial, who has not already decided whether you are guilty.

Finding an impartial jury can be difficult sometimes when cases get a lot of media coverage or are very high-profile. When celebrities or major politicians are on trial, or when crimes get a lot of coverage, it can be hard to find 12 people who are impartial. Sometimes defendants gain the right to move a trial to another city, county, or even state, so that they can find a jury of people who have not already made up their minds or been influenced by the media or other people in the community.

Consider the difficulty in finding unbiased, fair, impartial jurors for the following cases:

A story of trying to find an impartial jury in the case of someone accused of starting wildfires in southern California that ended up killing 5 firefighters. 

  • Rod R. Blagojevich, now former governor of Illinois, was impeached under accusations of criminal corruption, wasting taxpayer money attempting to sell Barack Obama’s vacant senate seat. Blagojevich has made the rounds of TV talk shows, radio shows, and has been highlighted in newspapers and Web publications around the world. He is still awaiting trial.
  • Or talk about a court case in your area that everyone seems to know about, or has strong opinions about.

Discussion Questions

  • Why is having an impartial jury so important? To the defendant? To all of us?
  • If you had heard a lot about a case, like the wildfires or political corruption in these stories, would you be able to judge someone fairly who was accused of the crime? How difficult would it be for you to put aside your assumptions and weigh the information and arguments of both sides?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not at all; 10 being always open and receptive), how open are you to receiving new ideas, opinions, or different views from other people? How would you decide that a person was trustworthy or worth listening to?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, April 26, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser Oremus Bible Browsernot is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

One of the hardest things about learning anything new is when we think we already know the answer. We think Sarah’s mean and snobby so no matter how she acts toward us, we are not going to like her. We think something that weighs more should fall faster than something that is lighter, so we won’t believe it until we see it — sometimes we don’t even believe it then!

The same thing is true about God. We think we know things about God, and it’s hard to hear or accept anything new. We may think that God could never love us because of the bad things we’ve done, so it’s hard to hear that God will always love us, no matter what — end of story!

In today’s Gospel reading, Luke 24:13-49, two followers of Jesus are walking along the road after what had happened in Jerusalem on the day we call Good Friday. They hadn’t heard about Easter yet. They thought Jesus was dead and everything was over. The Gospel lesson tells us that Jesus came along and walk with them, but “their eyes were kept from recognizing him.”

Eventually, the two people recognized Jesus and he explained everything to them. But maybe they needed a fresh, unbiased start — sort of a do-over. Maybe they needed to not see him as Jesus for just a minute so that they could get past their preconceived ideas and assumptions about his death. Maybe they needed their eyes to be closed for a little bit, so that they could be opened again and see something completely new!

Discussion Questions 

  • What would it be like to meet someone walking along the sidewalk who you thought was dead?
  • Do you think these followers learned the lesson of Jesus’ resurrection better because they had to learn it this way? What impression would this situation have made on you if you had been one of the people walking on the road with Jesus?
  • How would you go about telling the story of Jesus in a believable, trustworthy, truthful way? How would you tell it to different people? A stranger? A close friend?

Activity Suggestion

  • Arrange with your congregation’s Sunday school leaders to teach Sunday school for a day, especially the very young kids. They will love having youth around to teach them. And you’ll get to teach young children something completely new… it’s all new to them!
  • Create a list of things you believe or know about God. Create another list of questions you have about God. Use the lists to stir up discussion, study, curiosity, and prayer.

Closing Prayer

Faithful God, we thank you for always finding ways to reach us and to teach us. We pray in the name of your risen Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

January 14-21, 2009 – Paris Hilton “New Best Friend Forever”

Warm-up Question: What is the best compliment anyone has ever paid you?

It has been six weeks now since fashion designer, actor, singer, and producer Paris Hilton found a new BFF (Best Friend Forever) in the person of Brittany Flickinger. Over a span of 10 weeks this fall, MTV gave Paris Hilton and 16 women and 2 men the chance to get to know each other in the hopes of creating a true and lasting bond of friendship. With travel and challenges galore, these 18 diligent and ambitious fame-seekers woo, claw, and worked their way into Paris’ heart.

In the end, Brittany proved her honest motives and her good intentions, and was rewarded with the offer of friendship from arguably one of the most famous people on the planet. One of the first things Brittany got to do was join Paris and her other best friends, sister, and aunt at a “slumber party.”

Will this best friendship last? Will Brittany still be around in a year? Or, will Paris Hilton call MTV again with the plea to stage another search for her next Best Friend Forever?

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think Paris Hilton will really find her “new best friend”?
  • What characteristics do you think are essential to be a friend of yours?
  • What is the difference between a friend, a good friend, and a best friend?
  • Based on the above criteria, how many friends, good friends, and best friends do you have?
  • What do you do to strengthen the ties of your friendships?
  • When have you ever lost a good or best friend? What caused the break up?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, January 18, 2009.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

The Calling of Philip and Nathanael (Bartholomew)

Jesus is on the march to find his new best friends (John 15:15). In the Gospel of John, he starts out with Andrew and another disciple of John the Baptist. Andrew goes and gets his brother Simon Peter. The next day, Jesus heads to Galilee and finds Philip who goes with Jesus after he simply says, “follow me.” Philip finds Nathanael, and in his excitement, tells Nathanael that they have found the one that Moses and the Prophets of the Old Testament wrote about — Jesus. Nathanael doubts that Jesus is really the promised one, and lets his cynicism be known by his stinging, smearing reply, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Ouch! Philip can only answer Nathanael with, “come and see.” (The same answer Jesus gives the other disciples in the earlier story in John’s gospel.)

Upon seeing Nathanael, Jesus looks right into his very being and identifies him as “an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” (Guile means deceit or treachery.) Jesus can tell by just looking at him that Nathanael is honest and true. Nathanael is stunned that Jesus can tell all that just by looking at him. Jesus says he saw him sitting under a fig tree before Philip called him, as if that makes it any easier to know what type of person Nathanael is. Nathanael returns the favor and identifies Jesus for who he really is, the King of Israel and the Son of God. Jesus promises Nathanael that he will see even greater things than just Jesus knowing the character of a person by looking at him.

There are lots compliments between these new-found friends in this scene, but none of them seem to be superficial flattery. Nathanael and Jesus see each other for who they really are: an honest man with doubts and a good Israelite, and the Son of God and King of Israel. It’s a good beginning to their relationship as rabbi and disciple.

The two of them, Jesus and Nathanael, set a good example for us in the way they honestly share the positive things that they see in each other. Nathanael was suspicious and reluctant to trust at first because of where Jesus grew up, but he was willing to overcome his prejudice against people from Nazareth when he met Jesus face-to-face.

This story sets us up, as readers, for the chapters that follow in which John, the Gospel writer, describes to us the many signs of Jesus’ power. These signs are only one part of who Jesus is. Yes, he can heal the sick, change water into wine, and tell people their life stories, but it’s only small stuff compared to what Jesus is really about. Jesus is God — in the flesh. Jesus has come to call the entire world to himself. Jesus’ greatest desire is that we all know him as our best friend. He is the kind of friend that has the greatest kind of love for us; the kind of love in which he sacrifices his own life for us. This is a reality show worth being a part of!

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think is necessary for people to get to know Jesus as a friend?
  • How do you talk about your friend Jesus to your other friends?
  • Looking at your criteria above for your friends, good friends, and best friends, what is it about Jesus that shows him to be a friend? Or, would he not make your list?
  • How do you spend quality time with your friend Jesus?
  • How do you strengthen your friendship with Jesus?

Activity Suggestions

  • Check out an episode of the series Paris Hilton’s My New BFF and invite critique and discussion from the participants.
  • Write a card to your best friend describing three things you like and value about him or her.
  • Write a card to various staff members or volunteers of your church (pastor, organist, janitor, Sunday school teacher, office manager, usher, committee member, etc.) with what you like or appreciate about what they do in service to the congregation and community.
  • Sing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #742.

Closing Prayer

Gracious and ever-loving God, you have loved us from the beginning of time before the creation of world. You have also seen our need to connect to you in ways that are very human. Thank you for answering that need by sending your Son, Jesus, to be our friend. Strengthen our walk of friendship with him and with all your creation. Grant us the courage to give all of ourselves to all your friends in need. We ask this through that same Jesus Christ, our Lord and friend. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Scott A. Moore
Eisleben, Germany

December 24-31, 2008 – My eyes have seen it

Warm-Up Question: What is the most significant historical thing you’ve witnessed in your lifetime?

It is amazing to think of all the ways that life has changed in the past 20 years, or 50 years, or 100 years. You’ve probably talked with grandparents or other older people about what life was like when they were your age. No computers, no cell phones, no cars, no TV, and maybe no telephones at all.

There are people who have witnessed major changes in society. From a time when women and African-Americans couldn’t vote to a year when this country elected an African-American man as President and very nearly elected a woman instead.

Recently, Edna Parker died at the age of 115 in Shelbyville, Indiana. She was documented at the time as the world’s oldest living person. Imagine what she saw. Imagine the events she witnessed. Imagine the changes in her way of life. The article points out that she and her husband were the first in their area to own an automobile!

Discussion Questions

  • What is the change or the event you wish you could have seen during Edna’s life (since 1893)?
  • If you could have spoken with Edna, what would you have wanted to ask her?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, December 28, 2008.
(Text links are to
oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Today’s Gospel lesson tells us about two very elderly people who got to see Jesus when he was very young. Simeon and Anna were people of great faith who had been waiting a long time for God’s promises to be fulfilled. On the day when Jesus was brought to the temple for purification after his birth (according to the law of the time), Simeon and Anna were there. They saw the baby. They knew that all they had been waiting for was there in that little boy Jesus.

Luke records Simeon’s words which many of us sing at the end of each Sunday morning worship service: “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” Simeon knew he could die at peace and at rest now because he had seen everything God had promised… all in this one little baby.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think Mary and Joseph were thinking as Simeon and Anna went “ga-ga” over their new baby in this way?
  • What are the promises that you are waiting for God to fulfill?

Activity Suggestions

Plan a conversation time with some of the oldest members of your congregation. Ask them what life was like when they were teenagers. Ask them to tell your stories of their lives. Help them to write the stories down as memory books for their own family members.

Closing Prayer

Faithful God, we thank you for the fulfillment of all your promises. We thank you especially for Jesus, born of Mary, who came to be light for the world. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Seth Moland-Kovash
All Saints Lutheran Church
Palatine, IL