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Faith Lens

October 6-12, 2010–Rachel’s Challenge

Contributed by Kelly Derrick,  St. Philip Lutheran Church, Roanoke, VA

Warm-up Question

What happens when we show a little kindness?

Rachel’s Challenge

On April 20, 1999, two students at Columbine High School in Colorado shot and killed twelve fellow students and one teacher.  The two students then killed themselves.  The first victim in the Columbine High School shooting was Rachel Scott, a 17 year old student.  She was sitting outside eating lunch with a friend when she was shot.  Her father, Darrell Scott, has begun a campaign called Rachel’s Challenge.  Just a week after her death, Rachel’s family found in her room a tracing of hands with these words – “These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will some day touch millions of people’s hearts.”

When her family received Rachel’s backpack from the school, they found her diary with a bullet hole through it.  In the diary were words of compassion and an essay telling about her personal ethics – that your actions can represent your character and your character can change someone else’s life.  Mr. Scott travels to schools throughout the United States to share the story of his daughter – her life, her death and her hopes for kindness and compassion.  Using his daughter’s own words found in her diaries, he offers students a challenge to start a chain reaction of kindness.  “I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same.”- Rachel Scott

In September, Mr. Scott visited middle schools in Roanoke County, Virginia.  My son relayed his experience this way:  “Mr. Scott told us about Rachel.  She was nice, kind and compassionate.  Rachel wanted to reach out to people who are disabled, bullied, or left out of groups.  Adam was a disabled student and one of the ones most bullied at their school.  If she could help people like Adam then he could share an act of kindness with another.  Rachel’s Challenge is to start a chain reaction – one small act of kindness can lead to another and another and another.  Like you could help someone pick up their books, or you could not have prejudice toward someone before you even know them.  Bullying can really damage someone.”

Discussion Questions

  • Have you heard of the shooting at Columbine High School?  Or other school shootings in the United States?
  • Is there bullying at your school?
  • Is it possible to show kindness to those who bully?
  • Might an act of kindness shown toward Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Columbine shooters, have changed their lives?
  • Is a chain reaction of kindness even possible?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 10, 2010 (Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost)

2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c

2 Timothy 2:8-15

Luke 17:11-19

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

There are lots of outsiders in this gospel reading for today: lepers, Samaritans, and perhaps even Jesus himself.  Jesus comes upon lepers as he approaches a village.  Lepers were absolutely unclean, suffering from a skin disease that caused them to be shunned by society.  Lepers were excluded from homes and other places where people gathered because they could spread their affliction to those around them.  Purification rites were performed for lepers who recovered from their illness.  So the leper was considered both physically and spiritually unclean.  But Jesus reaches out to these outsiders in society, having mercy on the lepers and making them well.  He tells them to go show themselves to the priests (necessary to show that they were in fact physically clean and to allow for the rites of spiritual purification).  Jesus shows compassion to those whom society avoided, the outsiders.  All ten are made clean.  Has Jesus begun a chain reaction of compassion?

Most of the lepers do as Jesus instructs; they go to show the priest that they have been healed.  But one leper turns back to thank Jesus.  “And he was a Samaritan.”  I’d almost like to add an indignant exclamation point to that verse – a Samaritan!  Humph!  Jesus is travelling in the area between Samaria and Galilee.  Many of you may be familiar with the general animosity between those from these regions (e.g. the parable of the Good Samaritan or the Samaritan woman at the well).   A Samaritan leper – could life be any worse for him?  And yet it is the outsider, the foreigner, who shows praise for being made well.  It is the foreigner who turns back to give thanks – directly, openly, verbally – to Jesus.   It is the foreigner who becomes the example of faith filled with joy and thanksgiving.  Has the outsider continued the chain reaction by starting a chain reaction of joy, praise, and thanksgiving? 

Is Jesus also an outsider?  He is praised and sought out for his teachings, healings, and other miracles.  But he is also chastised and run off (even to the point of trying to push him off a cliff!—see Luke 4:29).  People ridiculed him and plotted against him.  In the end (or is it the beginning?!), Jesus was put to death – dying for the sake of humanity’s sins.  Thanks be to God, Jesus has been raised from the dead, the ultimate victory over sin, death and the grave.  The death and resurrection of Jesus is God’s ultimate gift of grace, love and compassion.  Has God begun a chain reaction – of grace, love, compassion, mercy and hope – in the death and resurrection of Jesus? 

Discussion Questions

  • Samaria and Galilee are geographically connected.  One commentary suggests that the area between the two regions is a spiritual no-man’s land.  What does it mean to live in the “space between”?  In your own life, are there real or figurative no-man’s lands, where life seems always to be in tension?
  • Sometimes people point out the lack of thankfulness on the part of the other nine lepers.  Were they ungrateful?  Were they simply following Jesus’ command?  Might the rest of their lives – the future we do not hear about – have been lived in thanksgiving for all that Jesus did for them?
  • Why is it important to actually say “Thank you” sometimes?
  • Have you ever felt like an outsider?  What does God have to say to you?
  • Has God begun a chain reaction of grace, love, compassion, mercy and hope?

Activity Suggestions

  • Get out your laptop or smartphone and learn more about Rachel’s Challenge at
  • Give someone a “Kindness Card” using either the web-based cards at Rachel’s Challenge or make up one of your own.
  • Start a chain reaction of your own!

Closing Prayer

Gracious God, thank you for cleansing us all of our own outsider-ness.  Thank you for the love you have shown us in Jesus.   In all that we are, say, and do, empower us to say thank you for your undeserved love and mercy.  Guide us in showing grace, compassion, and hope to those around us, especially to the outsiders in our midst.  Amen.

June 16-22, 2010–Evil at Work?

Contributed by Scott Mims, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Virginia Beach, VA 

Warm Up Question

 As a group list your answers to the following: 

  • When you think about the world today and about your future, what are some of the things that make you most anxious or afraid? 
  • What are some of the things that make you most optimistic or hopeful? 

Evil at Work?

On June 2, 2010, something went terribly wrong in the life of Derrick Bird.  Bird, a taxi driver, drove his taxi down England’s northwest coast on a three and a half-hour shooting spree that left 12 people dead and 25 others injured before turning his gun on himself.  Many of the shootings appear to have been completely random.  This rampage in the county of Cumbria was Britain’s deadliest since 1996, and is especially shocking in a nation where such events are very rare. 

Although the actions of Derrick Bird have deeply shaken the surrounding community, the reasons behind his behavior remain guesses at best.  Like other such attacks, investigators are able to piece together possible factors, symptoms, and signs, but only after the fact.  How then can we understand such things?  Are such seemingly random yet devastating events, as one commentator put it, the acts of greatly disturbed people “gripped by uncontrollable primitive urges,” or are they evidence of the forces of evil at work? 

Discussion Questions

  •  Do you believe in the existence of unseen evil forces at work in the world and in people’s lives?  If so, what evidence is there that suggests you are right?  If not, why not?
  • Do you believe we have “free will?” What place does human choice play in the events of the world that we would call evil or wrong?  What are some of the circumstances, factors, or situations that might not leave people free to choose?
  • Regarding what makes you most anxious of fearful for the future, what part, if any, do random uncontrollable events such as terrorism or war play?
  • Regarding what makes you most optimistic or hopeful, did you include God on your list?  Why or why not? 

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, June 20, 2010 (Fourth Sunday After Pentecost)

Isaiah 65:1-9 

Galatians 3:23-29 

Luke 8:26-39 

  (Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.) 

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day. 

Gospel Reflection

 Our gospel lesson this week might well be entitled, “Dialoguing with Demons,” as Jesus confronts the forces of evil at work in the life of a man in the non-Jewish territory of Gerasa. Having recognized Jesus for who he is, the “Son of the Most High God,” the unclean spirits (for it turns out that there are many) submit to Jesus’ command to come out of the man, begging Jesus not to send them back to the abyss but, rather, to allow them to enter into a large herd of pigs nearby.  Jesus gives them permission to do so and the pigs are destroyed.  The man, on the other hand, is made well. 

So what is the miracle here?  How we understand it may have to do with our worldview.  That the man’s behavior is abnormal is not in doubt.  However, the cause behind his actions is.   For many modern readers the surprise in this story is its talk about demons and unclean spirits.  We are perhaps uncomfortable thinking in terms of unseen forces of evil being at work in people’s lives.  Scientific and psychological approaches to this event are much more comfortable for us, and so it is not surprising that many modern interpreters equate the “demons” of this story with some form of mental illness.  The miracle, then, is Jesus’ ability to heal a mentally ill man, restoring him completely to his right mind, something that even the wonders of our modern medical science are often unable to do. 

The surprise in this story for people from earlier times may well have been different.  For them, the existence of evil powers was not in doubt.  What is extraordinary here is the universality of Jesus’ power.  Jesus has, in effect, entered enemy territory.  Yet even here, he has the power to heal, save, and to defeat the powers of darkness with a word.  Not only does Jesus’ ability to defeat evil on its home turf confirm his identity as “Son of the Most High God,” it also demonstrates that God’s saving and healing love are for everyone – Jews and Gentiles alike. 

But there is yet another surprise in this story.  Those who witness these things and the people that they go and tell do not react with joy and thanksgiving over what Jesus has done.  Having seen the power of God at work, they all ask Jesus to leave—all except the man who was healed.  He begs Jesus that he might be with him.  Jesus instead tells the man to go back to his family, friends, and community and to share with any who will listen how much God had done for him.  “So he went away, proclaiming throughout the city how much Jesus had done for him.” 

Discussion Questions

  • Given your discussion on the presence of evil and the two different perspectives offered in the reflections above, what do you think is the most important point this story makes?  If you were to share it with a friend, what would you say about it?
  • How do you feel about Jesus’ power as God’s Son to bring healing and renewed life to people? What does this gospel lesson say about Jesus’ ability to deal with some of the “darkness” and the issues or problems in your own life? 
  • How important to your faith is it to hear what Jesus has done in the lives of other people?  In terms of being able to share the gospel with those do not know about Jesus, how important is it to begin with being able to share Jesus among ourselves?

Suggested ResourceThe Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: a fun yet perceptive take on the forces of evil at work in our daily lives.  

 Activity Suggestions

  • Remember your baptism!  Use parts of the Affirmation of Baptism service from Evangelical Lutheran Worship to remind one another of God’s saving and redeeming love in Jesus Christ, and of the Spirit’s renewing power.  Notice, too, the “renunciation of the forces of evil” which begins the Profession of Faith.  You might gather around a bowl of water, blessing one another with the sign of the cross, or, if available, around the baptismal font.
  • Share the faith.  How have you seen God at work in your life?  In the world?  Share your personal faith stories of with one another.  Perhaps have an older member of your church or faith community through whom you see God’s presence come and share their faith story.
  • Pray for the world.   Using newspaper our other articles that highlight situations of evil and need in your community and in the wider-world, pray together for these needs and for the lives of the people involved.

 Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, as you overcame the forces of evil and darkness and brought healing to many, so deliver us and our world from all that would overcome us. In the power of your Spirit, heal and renew us that we may with good courage and great joy share all that God has done for us.  Amen.

June 2-8, 2010–Blind Spots

Contributed by Jack Saarela, Lutheran Campus Pastor, Yale University 

Warm-up Question

It is much harder to see spelling and punctuation mistakes in something you have written than in it is to see the same mistakes in someone else’s work.  Why do you think that is? 

Blind Spots

Mark Horvath is a denizen of social media. He tells of a homeless man on Hollywood Boulevard who thought he was invisible. One day a kid handed the man a Christian pamphlet. The homeless man was shocked and amazed, “What?! You can see me? How can you see me? I’m invisible!” 

It isn’t hard to comprehend this man’s spiral into invisibility. Once on the street, people started to walk past him, ignoring him as if he didn’t exist. “It’s not that people are bad,” Horvath says, “but if we make eye contact, then we have to admit that they exist, and that we might have a basic human need to care. It’s so much easier to close our eyes and shield our hearts from their existence.” 

By way of invisible-people-tv, Horvath uses the lens of a television camera to tell the stories of homelessness and the organizations trying to help. His stated purpose is to make the invisible visible 

Discussion Questions

  • When you have encountered a homeless person on the streets of the town or city where you live, have you found yourself looking the other way? Can you say why? Does Horvath’s explanation above ring a bell?
  • Talk about a time when you looked at someone you thought you knew well, but at that moment, you felt as though you were seeing him or her for the very first time.
  • Have you yourself ever been in a situation where you felt invisible, as if everyone was looking past you and not seeing you? Say some more about it.

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, June 6, 2010 (Second Sunday After Pentecost)

1 Kings 17:17-24 

Galatians 1:11-24 

Luke 7:11-17 

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.) 

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day. 

Gospel Reflection

The woman in this gospel episode has at least two strikes against her, with the third one not far away. She is a widow, meaning, of course, that she has lost a husband. Now she is in a funeral procession behind the body of her only son. She has she lost two people whom she loves, and because in her society (as in many yet today), a woman is totally dependent for economic support on a male to whom she is bound (father, husband, brother-in-law, or son), she now has no means to live. 

One miracle that Jesus performs in this episode is the one identified by the heading for this text in the Oremus Bible Browser: “Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son at Nain.”  It’s true; he does, and to give new life to the dead is miracle enough. 

But what strikes me as at least as great a miracle is that out of the midst of the large crowd that came to meet Jesus and his disciples when they entered the town, Jesus should actually see this woman. To be sure, she is in a funeral procession. But in a land where death was regular visitor, a funeral procession would not be as noticeable as it is in our day. 

This woman is very ordinary, and now rendered absolutely powerless and helpless by tragedy in her life. I wonder how many in the crowd looked past her as they rushed to the town gates to see this phenom Jesus who was arriving. But Jesus brought both the crowd’s advance and the funeral procession itself to a halt by seeing the woman, taking notice of her–not only acknowledging her existence, but also addressing her grief and dire economic plight by returning to her the life of her son. 

It’s reminiscent of the New Testament story which is just about every child’s favorite.  Zaccheus climbs up into a tree in order to see Jesus, but is, as it turns out, seen by Jesus, and his life transformed as a result (Luke 19:1-10). There’s real power to heal and raise the dead in Jesus’ sight. 

Discussion Questions

  • Can you think of incidents in the gospels where Jesus performs the miracle of giving sight to someone? What role do you think having sight has in the life of a disciple of Jesus? 
  • Talk about a time when you were challenged to see someone else’s need in a new way. Did your insight move you to respond to that person’s need in any way? 
  • Are there individuals or groups of person who may be “invisible” at your church? Who is missing? Who is there, but hardly ever noticed? 

Activity Suggestions

  • Watch a story or two of homeless persons at:
  •  Pause for a few minutes to reflect on that person’s story. Then write your thoughts in the comments section, or e-mail them to a friend and send them the link to the site.

Closing Prayer

Jesus, healer of our every ill, we thank you for looking upon us and seeing us in all our complexity and need. Heal our vision that we may be able to see others as you see them. Amen.

December 30-January 6, Miracle After Mother Assaulted

Contributed by Erik Ullestad, West Des Moines, IA

Warmup Question

 Have you ever witnessed a miracle?  What happened?

 Miracle Born After Mother Assaulted

The temperatures are getting colder, snow is piling up, and homeless shelters are filled to capacity.  Such is the scene in cities the world over.  Washington D.C. is no different, claiming record snowfalls and near all-time highs in unemployment.  Teka Adams is one of the thousands of pregnant women who rest their heads in a homeless shelter.  She is in her third trimester, only a few weeks away from delivering her first child.  It is a time of excitement, fear, and wonder.

women and child This was the scene a few weeks ago, until Teka met Veronica at the shelter.  Veronica was moving into her own apartment soon.  She invited Teka to help her move, in exchange for food and baby clothes.  Teka agreed, her hope renewed by the chance to provide for her unborn child.  When they arrived at the apartment, things took a turn for the worst.  Veronica locked the door and tied Teka’s hands behind her back.  She came at Teka with a knife, saying, “You’re strong, you can handle what I’m going to do to you.”  Veronica then cut into Teka’s abdomen in an attempt to remove the baby.  A few months earlier, Veronica had lied to her friends and family, telling them that she was pregnant.  She was trying to remove Teka’s baby and take it as her own. 

 Before Veronica was able to remove the baby, Teka was able to escape.  Neighbors found her bleeding in a nearby parking lot.  Teka was taken to a hospital where doctors were able to heal her wounds and save the baby.  Both are expected to make a full recovery.  The baby – a girl – was named Miracle.



  • What do you know about the homeless population in your community?
  • Why do you think someone would fake a pregnancy and try to steal someone else’s baby?
  • If you were related to Veronica, how would you respond to her?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, January 3, 2010 (Second Sunday of Christmas)

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

 For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

 Jeremiah 31:7-14

Ephesians  1:3-14

John 1:[1-9] 10-18


Today is the second Sunday of Christmas, but the gospel lesson is not a traditional Christmas story.  There are no tales of shepherds, angels, mangers, or innkeepers.  Instead, John talks about the Word, which we often assume to represent Jesus.  He traces the Word back to the creation of the world.  He even uses the same phrase as Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning…” – to indicate that there is a connection between what God created in Genesis and what God created in the birth of Jesus.  The Word was with God, the Word was God, and the word became flesh in the person of Jesus.

 In addition to “the Word” John mentions two other important things in the opening chapter of his gospel.  The first is John the Baptist.  John the gospel writer and John the Baptist were two different people.  The author was “the beloved disciple”, a brother of James and the son of Zebedee.  John the Baptist was the one who pointed the way to Jesus and was eventually beheaded for his blasphemy.  When Jesus was around, there were many people who thought that John the Baptist was the messiah (or “the Word”).  John the writer wants to make sure that readers know that John the Baptist was an important person, but was not the one.

 John also talks about Jesus’ purpose on earth.  On one hand, Jesus will be rejected by the very people he came to save.  On the other hand, he brings “grace upon grace”, truth, and the power to become children of God.  Jesus comes with good news, but not everyone will be ready to receive it.  He will be tested, questioned, beaten, and even put to death.  He comes to teach, to inspire, and, ultimately, to sacrifice his life so that we might live.  What a miracle that God loves us this much!


  • What is the importance of making a connection between God creating the world and God sending Jesus into the world?
  • Why do you think John chose to refer to Jesus as “the Word” instead of just calling him by name?
  • Would you describe Jesus’ coming into the world as a “miracle”?  Why or why not?
  • How does the miracle of Jesus’ arrival on earth inspire you?



Gather colorful paper, markers, glitter, and other decorative items.  Create greeting cards for new mothers in your community.  These could be for women in your neighborhood, church, workplace, or a women’s homeless shelter.  Look for some verses in Scripture that would give hope to someone who had given birth.  (Consider portions of today’s gospel or the Advent and Christmas stories in Matthew or Luke.)  Talk as a group about how you plan to deliver these cards during the week.



God, thank you for the miracle of Jesus’ birth.  We praise you for loving us so much that you forgive our sins and give us the promise of eternal life.  Help us to give hope to those who have none.  Give us the inspiration that comes in the form of a baby, born in a feeding trough, who brings light and life to the world.  Amen

December 16-23, 2009–Christmas Greetings

Contributed by Jay McDivitt

Warm-up question:

What things bring you joy during this time of year? What things irritate you during the holiday season?


Story: Congress Wages War…over Christmas

capitol and crecheRepresentative Henry Brown, Jr. (R-South Carolina), has introduced a bill in the House which, if passed, would make it clear that Congress “strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas” and “expresses support for the use of… symbols and traditions by those who celebrate Christmas.” Brown believes that it is important for him to have “the right to celebrate Christmas” and that “wishing someone ‘Merry Christmas’ should never be met with disapproval.”

Although this is the first time that the so-called “War over Christmas” has been discussed in Congress, it has become a regular feature of the holiday season to debate how people—especially retail employees and public leaders—should greet one another during this festivetime. As the U.S. becomes increasingly diverse, the growing presence of non-Christian neighbors poses the question of whether “Merry Christmas” is a meaningful, appropriate, or insensitive way to greet strangers who may celebrate something else—or nothing at all—rather than the birth of Christ. “Happy Holidays” is a commonly used alternative.

Opinions vary widely, among Christians and non-Christians alike, about this question of decorum and etiquette. Some think this is an example of “political correctness” gone wild; others think it is a meaningful way to acknowledge religious diversity and offer a gesture of hospitality to non-Christian neighbors.  Still others think this conversation is simply a silly way to bring the “culture wars” into a season that should be filled with peace and good will.


Discussion questions:

  1. What do you think about Rep. Brown’s proposed bill? Would you vote for it?
  2. How do you greet people during this season? Do you have friends or neighbors who you know are non-Christian? Do you treat them differently from your Christian friends during the Christmas season?
  3. Whether “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas,” the greeting implies that this season is joyful. How joyful are you? How do you express joy during this season?


Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, December 20, 2009 (Fourth Sunday in Advent)

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)


For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Micah 5:2-5a

Hebrews 10:5-10

Luke 1:39-45 (46-56)

Gospel Reflection:

            The season of Advent belongs, for the most part, to John the Baptist. This year, we have three weeks in a row where John plays an important role. Today, however, his name doesn’t even appear in the text—but he’s there. John is the baby who jumps for joy inside of Elizabeth’s tummy. Talk about a Christmas greeting!

            John’s main job was to prepare the way for the Messiah—to point out the Christ; and today we learn that even while he was in utero, he was doing his job. Elizabeth is six months pregnant with John when Mary shows up.  All Mary has to say is “hello,” and John does cartwheels in Elizabeth’s womb: “This is it! Pay attention to this one, Mom!” And Elizabeth, rubbing her belly, looks Mary in the eyes and calls her blessed; she recognizes Mary as the mother of her Lord.

            And anyone watching this scene unfold would have been very surprised. Mary? Her? This poor, unmarried girl carrying an “illegitimate child” is blessed? Cursed is more like it. At least embarrassed or ashamed… but blessed? The mother of the Lord?

            But Elizabeth knows—deep inside her own body—that something special is happening in Mary. This child is, indeed, the Messiah. John said so—long before John could even speak.

            And if you’ve been paying attention in Sunday School, you shouldn’t be all that surprised. Everywhere you turn in the Bible, God is doing wild and holy things with unexpected people. In God’s strange way, it makes sense that God would choose to bring the Messiah into the world through the womb of an unremarkable girl, a poor girl who probably wouldn’t have been noticed. Makes sense, of course, if you’re prepared to look in ordinary places for extraordinary things.

            And that’s what John prepares us to do. That’s his job. This important prophet, son of an important priest in the Jerusalem Temple, is only a signpost, pointing to the amazing thing that God is doing in this illegitimate child born to a homely girl from a good-for-nothing corner of Israel. So John points. And Elizabeth blesses. And Mary sings.

And that’s what we do, too.

We point—we look for signs of God’s grace and love in unexpected places.

We bless—we call things “holy” when they remind us of God among us.

And we sing—we greet Jesus with songs of joy and sing those songs in the midst of a world in fear.

We do this, not because we want to shove Jesus down peoples’ throats or to make people uncomfortable. We do it, even if we don’t always use words—even if we find other ways to share joy and life with people who do not share our faith in Christ. We do it, not because we have to or because God tells us to. We do it because we, like John, Mary, and Elizabeth, simply can’t help it. This news is too good not to make us jump for joy—to point, bless, and sing out the good news that God is coming, Christ is here, and joy is real—today and always. And thanks be to God for that. Amen.



  1. Where do you see signs of joy in the world around you? Where do you see the “Christ” in all the Christmas stuff that is happening during this season?
  2. Does everything that says “Merry Christmas” on it have something to do with Jesus? What are some parts of the Christmas season that aren’t all that connected to the birth of Christ?
  3. What would be a meaningful way to share the joy of Christmas with people who don’t know or worship Christ? What are some ways you can spread the joy of Christmas with people who aren’t feeling joyful?



  1. Go through the Christmas section of the hymnal you use in worship and count all the references to “joy.” What do these hymns say about the reason for joy? What do these hymns say about the reason for Christ’s birth—what it is all about or what it accomplishes? Finish by singing Joy to the World together (ELW 267). Notice that this is in the “Advent” section of the hymnal. Why do you think that is?
  2. Depending on who you ask, either the Third or the Fourth Sunday in Advent is gaudete Sunday—the day when some folks light a pink candle on the Advent wreath. Gaudete means “joy” in Latin, and it traditionally was celebrated on the Third Sunday of Adventwhen the readings were about Mary’s pregnancy and the joyful announcement of Christ’s coming birth. In recent years, those readings now fall on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, leading to some confusion about when it would be appropriate to light the pink candle. Nevertheless, sometime around this day, the church celebrates Joy with a little pink flare—a break from the more solemn, blue season with its focus on repentance.  Introduce the theme of “joy” and gaudete Sunday to the youth and then make something pink—a stole/scarf, banner, t-shirt, etc. Invite the youth to adorn cloth with signs and symbols of things that bring them joy, things they are hopeful for, things they are waiting for in their lives. Invite them to share these projects with each other.



 O God for whom we wait: Fill us with joy as we celebrate your birth among us. Help us to see the joy you are bringing into the world and point it out to those around us. Open our hearts and minds to see your blessings and open our mouths to sing for joy. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen