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Faith Lens

March 11-18, 2009 – Atheist ads on British bus

Contributed by Sylvia Alloway
Granada Hills, CA

Ariane Sherine, a British comedy writer, was shocked when she saw an ad on a London bus, placed by a Christian Web site. She decided that religious ads needed a “corrective.” She organized the “Atheist Bus Campaign” (link to BBC News article) and was soon joined by others who objected to religious sentiments expressed in public, notably famous atheist Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion.
Two-hundred thousand dollars later, this advertisement for atheism appeared on London buses: “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The American Humanist Association took up the theme by posting an ad on a Washington bus with a picture of Santa Claus that read, “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake.” Australians came up with “Atheism: Sleep in on Sunday mornings.”

While some believers are outraged by these notices and demand that they be retracted, others look upon them as a good way to start a conversation about God. Since most of the Western world grants its citizens free speech, it is unlikely that the “Atheist Bus Campaign” will die down at any time soon.

Check out the ELCA ad campaign developed for sharing our mission and ministry.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think that city buses should run atheistic ads? Christian ads? Why or why not? Are there any kind of ads or messages that shouldn’t be given/sold public space?
  • Under what circumstances could a Christian use the same “stop worrying” ad language to talk about his or her faith?
  • Discuss the bus ads (both Christian and atheistic) in the context of free speech. Does free speech mean anything goes, for instance, ridicule or personal attacks on a person for their beliefs or racial/ethnic identity, or use of cruel, violent, or obscene language? Where do you draw the line? Who should make such decisions?
  • Think about the message, “Stop worrying and enjoy your life.” Would atheism really eliminate worry and make life more enjoyable? Why or why not?
  • Atheists say that there is no factual support for the message of salvation through Christ, or for God’s existence. What do you think? How would you respond to them? 

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, March 15, 2009.

(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

God’s will and law in both our physical and moral world has not been a popular idea throughout history. Yet the Bible is full of stories and admonitions that have to do with the truth and necessity of God’s law in all areas of life. In today’s Old Testament lessons, we have the Ten Commandments and a rousing picture of God’s sovereignty over nature (“The heavens are telling…”) and humanity (“The decrees of God are sure…”). But the New Testament lessons warn us that these laws are not obvious to everyone. In fact some will consider them foolish, while others will simply disobey when it suits them—believers and nonbelievers, alike.

Jesus does not go easy on this latter group who know better but still choose to disobey. The moneychangers in the temple are not just disobeying God’s law, which they probably know very well. They are corrupting God’s temple and leading others into sinful behavior by reducing worship to the act of buying the right sacrifice for the right amount of money so that God will hear their prayers more clearly or treat them more favorably, rather than worship God as they are with what they have. But there can be no tolerance or compromise here. God’s law clearly describes what belongs in the marketplace and what belongs in the temple, and cheating people out of their money (Mark’s account of the same incident, Mark 11:15-17) is wrong in any place and at any time.

When Jesus mentions destroying the temple, the Jewish leaders think he is talking nonsense. Jesus simply leaves them in their ignorance, knowing that they want only to argue, not to learn. At this point, the gospel writer zooms ahead and reminds us that the disciples remember these words of Jesus, after he is resurrected, and then find that they make perfect sense. As believers and followers—imperfect as they are—the disciples have become more open and receptive to God’s truth and word, while others remain resistant or closed off in mind and heart to the truth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

How, then, can we be more Christ-like in the matter of God’s law? We need to study, know, and have faith in God’s word, and apply it boldly to every situation of our life. We must resist compromise or messing with the truth to break or bend the law for our own benefit. And we need the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our public witness with others and remind us of the great love and forgiveness that God wraps us in because we are imperfect and not always obedient.

The bottom line: We all need God’s mercy, even in our good works and obedience, because none of our actions are pure. (a paraphrase of Martin Luther)

Discussion Questions 

  • What specific modern examples can you think of in which people think God’s law is foolish, unrealistic, or can be ignored? What examples can you describe of people who claim to know and trust God, but act or do something contrary or seemingly hypocritical? (e.g., a minister scamming a congregation, TV evangelist preaching one thing and living another, a friend in youth group posting lies about someone online, cheating on a test or stretching the truth on an application because it could mean getting into a highly respected Lutheran college, etc.) How does God’s love, grace, and forgiveness enter into all of this?
  • In what way, or under what circumstances, might a bus ad influence a person to accept, reject, or want to know more about God?
  • You never know when you are going to have an opportunity to speak up for Christ, or when you might unknowingly be a witness. In what ways can Christians prepare themselves for such opportunities? Think beyond just spoken words and consider creative writing, videos and photography, actions, Web pages, relationships, decision making, etc.
  • A discussion for more mature students: Atheists claim that human beings can be truly good, caring, and generous without God’s law. What do you think? (Martin Luther talked about several different kinds or righteousness, one being a moral or “civil righteousness.” He described the possibility of people who are not Christian, in the context of obeying government and social laws and expectations, being good citizens who are caring, working for justice, good, and serving people in need. But he is clear in asserting that these works, no matter how good they are, do not earn us favor or salvation with God… that’s where the idea of “heavenly righteousness” or “righteousness of faith” comes in. We give ourselves over in faith that our forgiveness and redemption is God’s work and gift to us through Jesus Christ.)
  • Discussion Extension: Act out a few responses to the news article discussion questions 2 and 5. 

Activity Suggestion

  • Creating bus ads: Use art materials to make one or more Christian bus ads that respond positively (even humorously) to the “Stop worrying” ad or one of the others mentioned in the story. (Remember, the point is not to rip apart or smear the other ads or organizations.)
  • Work in your congregation or synod to use some of the media ads from the ELCA ad campaign. We have a message of good news, hope, and invitation to share with everyone.

Suggested songs

  • “Great is the Lord” (contemporary)
  • “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #858
  • “O, Sing to God Above” (“Cantemos al Señor”), Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #555
  • “Earth and All Stars,” Evangelical Lutheran Worship, #731

Closing Prayer

Almighty God and sovereign Lord, we thank and praise you that your law and your saving grace rule every corner of creation. We need never worry or fear that you are absent or that you have stopped caring for us, your people, your creation. Keep us surrounded by and grounded in your love and will, God, and show us the true freedom that comes from obedience and trust in you. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

December 3-10, 2008 – Shoppers and retailers getting ready for the Christmas season

Warm-up Question: What is your family doing to get ready for the Christmas season?

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! All around the country, beginning at least as early as the day after Thanksgiving, or “Black Friday,” shoppers are getting ready for Christmas by gathering lists and hunting for bargains. And stores are more than ready to welcome them with great deals on all the latest fashions, toys, and gear.

Every year, retailers depend heavily on the Christmas season for a year-end profit surge, but with the economy daily sinking deeper into crisis, this year they are more hopeful than ever.

Those hopes, however, are more pipedream than reality, though, as most retail experts are predicting that this season will see the lowest increase in holiday sales since the last recession after 9/11. Many families are less willing to splurge this year, wary about what the new year may bring in terms of economic woes, and instead opting for a simpler season.

Still, stores are certainly buzzing with tinsel, lights, and Christmas carols — and the ringing of the cash register bells may be softer than last year, but it remains a sure sign that Christmas is coming soon.

Discussion Questions

  • How is the economic situation affecting how your family is getting ready for Christmas this year?
  • When you think about the Christmas season, how much of what you think about is tied up in shopping or gift giving?
  • What do you do to get ready for Christmas that has nothing to do with shopping?
  • What suggestions might you have for families that want to celebrate this year but are low on cash?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, December 7, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Mark begins his Gospel in a very straightforward way: “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” The reader doesn’t have to wait or wonder about what, or who, this story is about. It’s about Jesus, God’s holy Child, and it is very good news.

Funny, then, that the first story Mark tells isn’t about Jesus; it’s about Isaiah, John, and us. Apparently telling the good news about Jesus takes some preparation, it’s a story that takes some getting used to. Before planting a seed, you have to dig a hole or plow a row. The same goes for Jesus.

But what’s missing from this story about getting ready for Jesus, when you compare it with how most of us get ready for Christmas? Lot’s of things, but one thing we notice is that there is a notable absence of shopping. There’s a similar rush of excitement, some anxiety and stress, and plenty to do, but none of it will make you stand in line for hours at American Eagle or Wal-Mart.

No, preparing for God to come into the world, for Isaiah and John, is not about getting or giving more stuff; it’s about getting rid of stuff altogether. It’s about emptying our hearts and our hands so we can have them free to receive the greatest gift of all. It’s about repentance, changing our minds, turning our heads, and re-ordering our lives, so we can see Jesus breaking into our world and turning it upside down.

Isaiah tells us that the Lord’s coming is such a big deal that a massive highway will have to be built — not a bigger parking lot at the mall or new Web site, but a wide path for all God’s people who have been living in exile to walk through the desert and finally arrive back home.

John tells a similar story. Get rid of all the junk that’s weighing you down, leave it behind in the river of baptism, and come back home to the person God created you to be: a person alive with hope, love, joy, and peace in the midst of a world full of fear.

Perhaps this year more than any other, when budgets are tight and anxieties are high, we have the opportunity to really “come home” for Christmas. To clean out our closets, cleanse our hearts, and open our eyes, minds, ears, and doors to receive first the simple but amazing good news of God’s holy love for us and for this whole world. Then we can spend the rest of the year figuring out how to give that love away.

Discussion Questions

  • Why is it easier to get excited about “stuff” than it is to get excited about Jesus?
  • What kind of “stuff” is in your way of feeling close to God this season? How can you clean it out?
  • What “good news” are you, your family, your community, and your world in need of hearing or receiving this year?
  • What could your family do together to get ready for Christmas that has nothing to do with shopping?
Consider giving gifts or contributions that benefit ministries around the world. Learn more at ELCA Good Gifts.

Activity Suggestions

If you have lots of time to prepare:
Find an image of a Christmas scene (an icon of Mary and Jesus, a manger scene, etc.) that you can project onto a large piece of paper and trace (Google images is a great tool for this). Trace it and label the areas with the appropriate color for the picture. Collect a bunch of Christmas shopping ads from the newspaper or the stores, some scissors, and glue sticks. Have the group tear or cut the ads apart to find the colors they need to fill in the image. When you’re done, you have a beautiful icon made out of torn-up bits of shopping ads. Talk about “repentance” as changing or getting rid of “stuff” and turning our attention back to where it belongs.

If you have less time to prepare:
Skip the icon and tracing. Collect a bunch of Christmas shopping ads from the newspaper or the stores, some scissors, paper, and glue sticks. Have the group draw their own pictures of Mary and Child or the manger scene, code them for color, and then tear or cut the ads apart to find the colors they need to fill in the image. Talk about “repentance” as changing or getting rid of “stuff” and turning our attention back to where it belongs.

If you have no time to prepare:
Have each student make two lists: 1) a list of everything they want for Christmas, and 2) a list of everything they need to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Talk about the differences between the lists, and what could help them get what they need from the second list.

Closing Prayer

Holy God, you send comfort and joy into weary hearts and a weary world. Help us open our hearts, ears, eyes, and minds to receive your gifts of life and love — and to share those gifts with the entire world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Jay McDivitt
Denver, CO

November 19-26, 2008 – Nebraska “Safe Haven” law leads to teen abandonments

Warm-up Question: What circumstances do you think might lead a parent of a teenager to abandon or give up that child?

A Nebraska law meant to allow parents to legally abandon newborns at hospitals has instead led parents to drop off over a dozen teenagers since its passage in July. To date, 20 of the 33 children dropped off at Nebraska hospitals have been teens, including a now-missing 17 year old girl who fled after being dropped off with her younger brother. Eight more children dropped off were 11 or 12 years of age.

Lawmakers are set to convene this week to rewrite the law, excluding all children except infants up to 3 days old from being legally abandoned. Since lawmakers announced plans to rewrite the law, the rate of teen drop-offs has increased as desperate parents sense their time running out.

Safe haven laws exist in every state to prevent prosecution of parents who abandon newborns outside safe public places like hospitals, but Nebraska is the only state without an age limit. Lawmakers could not agree on an age limit when writing the law, so it was passed with just the word “child.”

One mother of an 18 year old stated that she thought her daughter would receive help if she turned her over to the state. The daughter had a mental health condition and had been cutting school, stealing, fighting, and sleeping around. Because of her age, however, the teen had to return home with her mother.

“These are largely families at a point of incredible desperation,” said Wayne Sensor, chief executive of Alegent Health hospitals, where 14 children have been left. “They aren’t bad parents or bad kids. They simply don’t know what services are available out there.”

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think parents should be able to give their kids to the state if they can’t handle them (or think they can’t)? What arguments for and against this can you think of. What types of behaviors do you think might warrant government intervention in a young person’s life?
  • What kind of help might a high school age youth get from a government agency that they can’t get from their parents?
  • What would be your advice to a parent whose child is in serious trouble? What would you suggest they do?
  • Do you think God keeps track of what we do, our motivations, our good deeds, or our sins?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, November 23, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

When I read this passage the first time, I didn’t understand it. After all, Jesus seemed to be saying that we had to minister to the poor and needy (“the least of these”) in order to get into heaven. This seemed to conflict with other scriptures stating that the only thing necessary to have eternal life was to accept Jesus and believed in him. It was “faith verses works,” if you’ve heard that talked about before. God’s grace saves us through our faith, not through anything we do. We can’t work our way into heaven.

Feeling confused, I looked up a commentary on these verses to get an “expert” opinion. What I read gave me an entirely different perspective on these verses.

I assumed, and probably had heard preached before, that the “least of these” that Jesus talked about only referred to the poor. But the commentary said that when Jesus says “the least of these,” he was talking about the treatment of his disciples and all the messengers of his good news in the world. In other words, how people treat the messengers of the good news and how they receive the gospel determines how God will judge them.

Our salvation is definitely a free gift — not something we have to work for or accomplish. A gift does need to be accepted or received though. If we accept that gift, we experience the blessings of God’s kingdom — a kingdom that begins here on earth, right now.

The gospel certainly calls for us to care for people living in poverty or hunger, people being treated unjustly, and others in need. The Bible talks about how necessary service and ministry are to have at the center of our lives, and that it is a responsibility of the church and all people; it’s just not our ticket to heaven. Jesus has done that already, and there’s nothing else we need to do other than accept his gift of love and forgiveness… and start living it in relationship with other people right now.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever done a good deed thinking it would win you favor or points with God? What was it you did?
  • When someone tries to talk to you about Jesus and the gift of salvation, how do you respond or feel?
  • How do you feel about talking to other people about Jesus and the gift of salvation? What do think is important to say, and to demonstrate with your actions and behavior?

Activity Suggestions

Find someone in your church who is a “messenger of the gospel.” This could be your pastor, choir director, youth leader, a Sunday school teacher, young person, old person, or a layperson involved in mission work, for example.

Choose one of the following:

  • Interview your chosen person about his or her experiences with sharing the gospel of Jesus. How has she or he been received and treated? What makes that ministry most difficult? What are the joys involved? As a group, write an article about this person. Publish your article online, in the church newsletter, or in a worship bulletin.
  • Ask what your group can do to support the ministry of your chosen person. Perhaps you can help with preparations for a Sunday school class or for youth group time, put together care packages with a mission worker, or prepare a skit or song to reinforce a pastor’s Sunday morning message.

Closing Prayer

O Lord our God, we pray that you would strengthen all your messengers across the world who share the gospel of Jesus with others. We thank you for their service to you and we pray that they would be treated well and provided for. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Contributed by Jennifer Krausz
Bethlehem, PA

October 22-29, 2008 – Copper thieves uproot youth sports teams

Warm-up Question:
Have you ever done something that ended up having negative consequences for other people? What happened? Did you try to rectify the situation?

Granite Park soccer field in Atlanta has had to accommodate five extra teams in recent days, due to the theft of copper wiring from nearby Henderson Park. The wiring was ripped out of the light poles, causing $6,000 in damage, leaving the park without electricity, and leaving its resident children’s soccer teams without a place to practice at night. Granite Park has taken in the teams from Henderson, but the extra players make the field crowded and cramped, and the extra drive time cuts into the students’ time for homework and friends.

Granite Park also recently had to accommodate the teams from Gwinnett Soccer Association, who suffered a similar fate as Henderson Park. Copper thieves got away with about $100 worth of copper wiring — and caused around $8,500 worth of damage.

These are just the latest in a string of copper thefts around thecountry. Copper is highly conductive and very useful, making it a commodity that is very much in demand. Fetching a price of more than $4 a pound, more and more people are seeing copper electrical wiring as a source of easy cash. Other damages caused by copper thieves have included leaving entire neighborhoods without power, and shutting down radiation treatment for cancer patients.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think that copper thieves realize the damage they are causing, not just to property, but to other people? If they were shown how they are hurting others, do you think some of them would stop? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think sports and athletic fields in particular are such a common target for copper thieves?
  • What reasons do you think the people who run Granite Park have for taking in all these teams from the victimized soccer fields? Are they trying to be helpful, or do they have other purposes in mind?
  • What measures would you take to stop copper thieves from striking again, either at sports fields or other places?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 26, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus’ critics had been conspiring together to trick him. They asked him a series of questions designed to entrap him and make him lose favor with the people. The Pharisees asked him about paying taxes, an issue on which the people were very much divided. The Sadducees asked him about the Resurrection, thinking they could trip him up and prove that it didn’t exist. But through it all, Jesus was able to keep his cool and respond to these trick questions with a wisdom that astounded the crowd.

And then a lawyer asks him the question in our Gospel lesson today. Another test of his wisdom and question-answering abilities, but at the same time, a very interesting and very important issue… which is the greatest commandment out of the ten? Let’s just say you had to pick one, Jesus; which one would it be? Are there some things that require more of our attention than others? Is it more important to honor our father and mother than, say, to refrain from bearing false witness against our neighbor? Which one will score us more points with God if we obey it?

Jesus responds, not with one commandment, but with two. The first is not surprising. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. God created us and gave us life, as well as the world to live in. Every breath of ours should be in praise to God for all he has given us. So yes, this is the greatest commandment. But the second — to love your neighbor as you love yourself — this is a bit trickier. As we know from the parable of the Good Samaritan, your neighbor is anyone who is in need, anyone whom you can help. In effect, everyone is your neighbor. And so we must love everyone, as much as we love ourselves.

All the other laws and commandments, all the other prophesies and teachings, all the rest of scripture, boils down to these two things. Is it a worse crime to steal something, or to kill someone? If you love your neighbor, you won’t want to steal from him or kill him. This is the key.

God gave us the Ten Commandments, knowing that in our sinful nature, we could never follow them perfectly. But a constant struggle and fixation to follow the law out of obligation or guilt is not what God wants from us. He wants our hearts. And so we serve God willingly and joyfully, not because the law says we must, but because we love him and want to please him in all that we do. And we honor our fathers and mothers and refrain from bearing false witness against our neighbors, not simply because the Bible tells us to, but because we love them. And to do otherwise to someone we love would be unthinkable, and hurtful to God, creator of all humanity and creation.

Discussion Questions

  • Sometimes we all slip up, even when we love God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves. When we do, how can we make amends with God? How can we make amends with our neighbor? How are the two related? What can we do to avoid making the same mistake again?
  • How do you think the copper thieves of Henderson Park would benefit from hearing today’s Gospel lesson? Do you think they’d listen? What would you tell them? How would you explain the widespread consequences to other people as a result of their one action? Think creatively, how would you help or suggest that the thieves set things right? (This may not imply that they wouldn‘t be held accountable or suffer consequences for their actions.)
  • If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be? How do you think he would respond?

Activity Suggestions

Loving one’s neighbor means much more than simply not stealing from them or killing them. Find some active ways to help out people in the community that you otherwise might not pay attention to.

  • Who are they?
  • What actions, caring, or relationships are meaningful and helpful for them? And, what better way to learn more and gain a deeper understanding for someone than to sit down and talk and listen with them. Create a safe and trusting environment in which a guest from the community can come and talk openly with your group about their life and faith. (e.g., a recovering alcoholic or drug abuser, someone unemployed, a single parent, someone who has been in prison or is on parole, a Muslim, a person with a life-threatening illness, etc.)

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, be with me in the coming week. Help me to serve you always from a loving and joyful heart. And help me also to love those around me and be there for them whenever they need me, even though it’s not always easy to do. In your name I pray. Amen

Contributed by Steven Alloway
Granada Hills, CA

September 24-October 1, 2008 – School district quickly suspends controversial policy

Warm-up Question: Tell about a time when you have changed your mind about something important.

At the beginning of the school year, the Edmonds, Washington school district had implemented a new policy: students who owed more than $10.00 in the cafeteria would have their hot lunches confiscated and replaced with a cheese sandwich and no drink. Because of food safety rules, the confiscated lunches had to be thrown away. Previously, students who didn’t have lunch money had been allowed to charge their lunches.

District officials acknowledged that implementing the policy was difficult, and that they were seeking to balance the district’s need to be financially responsible with making sure that the kids were fed. At the end of the last school year, the district was owed $207,763 in unpaid lunch fees, and officials realized that the district could not long afford to continue the pattern of allowing students with delinquent lunch accounts to continue charging.

Many of the students who owed money would qualify for the government sponsored free lunch or reduced price lunch program for low-income families, but had not filled out the paperwork. Others came from families who could pay, and who did settle their debts as soon as their kids had their hot lunches confiscated. Within five days, 35% of those who owed money had paid their debt. Some parents had been unaware that their children had been charging cafeteria lunches instead of eating the lunches they had packed from home; other parents had simply neglected to keep their children’s cafeteria lunch accounts current.

The policy quickly proved to be controversial. Some cafeteria workers refused to cooperate with the new school policy, and refused to take milk and fruit away from young kids. Some workers had begun donating money to buy lunches for kids who would otherwise be served a sandwich. “They’re children and it’s not their fault,” said one cashier. “For some of these kids, it’s the only decent meal they get in a day. Could you do it? Could you look into a kindergartner’s eyes and take away their lunch and give them a cold cheese sandwich and nothing else? I just can’t. If I lose my job over it, OK.”

Public reaction to the policy was primarily negative, although some had applauded the school district for its “tough love” efforts, noting that someone would not expect to eat at a restaurant without paying, and that it is the parents, not the taxpayers, who are responsible for feeding the children. Many others criticized the district for wasting food by throwing it away and for unfairly punishing the students because of their parents’ failure to pay.

In response to the criticisms, the Edmonds School District quickly revised the policy to allow students to keep their milk, and, a few days later, announced that it was temporarily suspending the policy. The school district also announced that it would develop a new policy regarding students with delinquent cafeteria lunch accounts.

Discussion Questions

  • What motivated the school district officials to put the policy in place? Why was the policy controversial? Why do you think the district officials changed their minds?
  • Imagine that you are a parent of a student whose lunch had been confiscated. How would you feel about what happened?
  • What would you do? Imagine that you are a student whose lunch was confiscated. How would you feel? What would tell your parents when you got home?
  • Imagine that you are a cafeteria worker. Would you be willing to risk your job by resisting the policy? Would you treat younger students differently than older students? Why or why not?
  • Do you think this policy was fair or unfair? Why? Do you think that the school district made the right decision to change the policy in response to the criticisms they had received? Why or why not?
  • When it comes to holding others accountable, do you lean more toward practicing “tough love” or toward being lenient and forgiving?
  • What factors would lead you to change your mind about a decision you had made?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, September 28, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Jesus was a controversial figure. The religious leaders had been critical of his teachings and his actions and questioned his authority. So Jesus poses a question to them: by what authority did John the Baptist baptize? Was it from heaven (God) or from humans? The religious leaders struggle with the question, because they realize that no matter how they answer, they open themselves to criticism. If they say “from heaven,” they would face the question, “then why didn’t you believe him?” If they say, “from humans,” the crowds would be angry with them for denying John’s status as a prophet. So the leaders dodge the question by saying “we don’t know.” Since they refuse to answer Jesus’ question about John’s authority, he won’t answer their question, either (Matthew 21:23-27).

Then Jesus tells a parable, giving them a “story problem” to solve. Which of the following sons did the will of his father? The one who first refused his father’s request to go to work, then changed his mind and went, or the one who said he would go, but didn’t? (Matthew 21:28-31).

Unlike the previous question about authority, this is a question they will answer, perhaps because it is an easier question, or perhaps because it is purely hypothetical. “The first one,” they reply. However, this question, which seems to be only about a “what if” situation, has a basis in reality. This question is a thinly veiled comparison between the religious leaders (who promise to do God’s will, but don’t), and the sinners (who initially reject God’s will, but repent) (verse 32).

By answering correctly, the religious leaders have exposed the truth of their situation, and have essentially passed judgment on themselves. In their refusal to accept Jesus, they have failed to do God’s will, and they have failed to repent.

In the Gospel, the conflict between Jesus and the religious authorities quickly escalates, setting in motion the chain of events that leads to his crucifixion. Jesus had a clear sense of direction and purpose that was not shaken by conflict and controversy. He did not choose his path based on what would make him popular or prevent criticism. He did not back down when he was challenged; instead, he zeroed in on what was central: obedience to the will of God, shown not by intention, but action.

Which of the two sons in the parable did the will of the father? Although the religious leaders offered the “correct answer,” one could also say that neither of those sons completely fulfilled the will of the father. In the Gospel, the son who fulfills the father’s will is the one who is obedient from start to finish, the one who is acclaimed as Son of God at his baptism (Matthew 3:17) and at the cross (Matthew 27:54). By his death and resurrection, this Son is given all authority in heaven and earth, and commissions his followers to join in carrying out God’s will (see Matthew 28:18-20).

Discussion Questions

  • Why were the religious leaders challenging Jesus? Why did Jesus challenge the religious leaders? Do you think Jesus is practicing “tough love” with them? Why or why not?
  • Imagine that you are the first son in the parable that Jesus told. Why might he have said “no” to his father’s request that he work in the field? What might have led him to change his mind?
  • Imagine that you are the second son in the parable that Jesus told. Why might he have said “yes” to his father’s request? Why might he have changed his mind and not gone to work after all?
  • In what ways did each of the sons in the parable fail to do their father’s will? What role does repentance play in this story?
  • Why do you think Jesus is telling this parable? What point is he trying to get across to the religious leaders? What message does this parable have for you?

Activity Suggestions

Elevator witness
Ask each person to create and write a 1- to 2-minute “elevator speech” (as some business people call it) that expresses to another person who Jesus is. The idea of an elevator speech is that a business person would have a 1-minute presentation memorized so that if they were in an elevator with someone and needed to tell them what they do and who they are, they’d be prepared. The exercise requires each person to focus carefully on what is important about Jesus and their faith, and to put their beliefs into clear, understandable language.

  • Practice the elevator witnesses with each other and get feedback on how the person listening felt and was able to understand what you were saying about your faith.
  • Encourage each other to be ready to use their brief statement of witness as a way of inviting another person to be more curious or to enter into a longer conversation with you about faith.
  • Use the elevator witness statements in a worship liturgy as the confession of faith or creed.

Closing Prayer

Gracious God, you have loved us when we have disappointed you. You have stood by us when we have tried to skip out or hide from you. We give thanks for your great love and forgiveness that we never deserve but still receive as a gift from you each day. Please help us to be loving, forgiving, fair, wise, and generous in the ways that your son, Jesus Christ, has shown us. In his name we pray. Amen

Contributed by Pastor Julie A. Kanarr
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Port Angeles, WA