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Faith Lens

January 7-14, 2009 – Dropping the ball on New Year’s night

Warm-up Question: If you are already baptized, do you remember the date and place? Who were your sponsors?

In New York City, the first-ever Times Square celebration on New Year’s Eve occurred in 1904. Originally named Longacre Square, the name was changed after the New York Times opened their new headquarters in that district. The Times Tower was the second-tallest building in Manhattan at the time, anchoring the intersection of Broadway, 7th Avenue and 42nd Street.

The owner of the Times newspaper spared no expense in preparing a spectacular New Year’s Eve celebration. After a full-day street festival, fireworks were set off and at midnight over 200,000 people cheered with noisemakers of all kinds. The celebration could be heard nearly thirty miles north on the shores of the Hudson River. The entire building remained lit up for the evening and the area quickly replaced former gathering places while capturing the attention of the nation and the world.

At the end of 1907 when New York banned the fireworks display, the owner of the Times arranged to have an iron and wood ball that weighed nearly 700 pounds lowered from the buildings flag pole at midnight to signal the transition from 1907 to 1908. For nearly 100 years, the same sign making company has been responsible for the lowering of the ball. Even after the New York Times outgrew Times Tower in 1914 and moved to West 43rd Street, the celebration in Times Square continued to grow as a part of America’s cultural fabric.

While the original building has been stripped down and transformed into another company’s headquarters, the celebration of New Year’s Eve in Times Square has continued to draw international attention. With modern technology, it is estimated that over one billion people watch the ceremony every year. The lowering of the ball has become an international tradition as people welcome the new year.

Discussion Questions

  • Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Why or why not? If you do, what is the most successful resolution you have made and why? What was the least successful and why?
  • New Year’s marks a time of hope and change for many people. What other events promote hope or change for people? Why do we need or not need these events?
  • If you could only celebrate one event a year, what would it be and why?
  • What are the names of the seasons on our liturgical calendar? What does each season celebrate or mark? Why is each season or time period on the church calendar important? Refer to Evangelical Lutheran Worship or the ELCA Worship Web site for planning, if needed.

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, January 11, 2009.
(Text links are to
oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

New Year’s Eve marks a time of transition for many people around the world. For some it is a time of hope, for others a time of celebration, and for many it is a time to make new promises and set new goals. We call them resolutions, and they are often set to improve on goals already accomplished or on goals we hope to achieve. Either way, these goals and promises mark a new beginning for us.

John the Baptist’s ministry was different than prophets and teachers of the past. It was different because he was “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Mark 1:4) Many came, many were baptized, and many confessed their sins. This confession, however sincere, still lacked one thing. It lacked the element of mission. (Even whole-hearted repentance can still be self-centered.)

God’s relationship to humanity has many transitions, new beginnings, and promises. Think of God’s actions for Abraham, Noah, Moses, Ruth, Elizabeth, and Mary to name a few.
When Jesus walked up to John to be baptized, there was more than a new beginning or a ritual. Jesus’ baptism marked a transition in the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s promise to all humankind through the Christ child. “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” (vs. 8)

It is in Christ’s word, deeds, and actions from that point forward through which we understand the gift of mission we receive with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. All the way to the cross, and through Christ’s death and resurrection, our own baptisms bring us renewal and transition every day. As members of the body of Christ, we live out our baptism every day so that the world might know the transforming love of God.

Discussion Questions

  • What is the largest crowd you have ever been in? What was the experience like? Why were you there?
  • Read Mark 1:8 again. What does it mean to be baptized in the Holy Spirit? Is this a proclamation of our mission as the body of Christ? As individuals? If so, what does this mean for us?
  • How does our congregation celebrate baptisms? What are the responsibilities of the parents, sponsors, and congregational members described during the baptismal celebration and liturgy?
  • Do you mark your baptismal anniversary with any kind of celebration or ritual? Why or why not?

Learn more about the sacrament of Baptism at the ELCA Worship Web site for Frequently Asked Questions.

Activity Suggestions

  • Participate in the “Affirmation of Baptism” found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 234.
  • Ask your pastor or congregation’s leaders to see the congregation’s baptismal records for the last year (or two). Send a thank you, birthday card, or letter of encouragement to parents and/or sponsors to commemorate the baptisms in the congregation. If this is not possible, try surveying as many members of the congregation as possible to see how many can remember the date of their baptism. Start a bulletin board with postcards or notices that members can fill in. The postcards could read: “I’m__________ and I was baptized in ________ (city) on __________ (date).”
  • Take turns completing this sentence: “Being baptized means that I…”, or “I live out my baptism each day by…”
  • Choose a hymn to sing from the Baptism of our Lord (page 1178) or Holy Baptism (page 1183) topical sections of Evangelical Lutheran Worship.

Closing Prayer

Prayer for Daily Renewal, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 86:

Almighty God, by our baptism into the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ, you turn us from the old life of sin. Grant that we who are reborn to new life in him may live in righteousness and holiness all our days, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Almighty God, you renew us and restore us through baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus. Guide us to holiness and righteousness as we live out your word. Amen.

Contributed by Matthew R. Nelson
Walla Walla, WA

October 1-8, 2008 – After 85 years, Yankee Stadium closes

Warm-up Question: Have you ever thought you did a good job following directions only to find out that you missed the bigger picture or objective? What were you doing? What were you were missing that was right in front of you the whole time?

Derek Jeter stood on the mound with teammates to begin the final farewell. Over 54,000 fans listened, as many had for decades to the voices of great baseball players like Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, and Mickey Mantle. The pre-game celebration included 21 retired players, six who are Hall of Famers, and the 92-year-old daughter of Babe Ruth who threw out the ceremonial first pitch.

Jeter encouraged the fans to take the memories from the old stadium to the new, which will be completed across 161st Street at a cost of $1.3 billion. While the new stadium will also be called Yankee Stadium, it just won’t be the same for longtime fans, who lingered in the stadium after the game. Even Yankee staff and interns stayed as late as 4:00am the next morning as they struggled to let go of the traditions and past.

Every aspect of the night was full of nostalgia, from Yogi Berra, now 83, appearing in a full vintage uniform, to the 1922 American League pennant being unfurled in center field. The Yankees have won more World Series than any other baseball team. The marquee outside the stadium simply read, “Thanks for the memories.”

Roger Clemens was not invited to attend, nor was his name mentioned during the ceremonies. His name has been clouded by accusations that he used performance-enhancing drugs.

But there was more to celebrate than not, and by the time the grounds crew dug up home plate in the early morning following the game, a picture of Babe Ruth winking played on the video board, “See you across the street!”

Discussion Questions

  • Do you care about or pay attention to baseball traditions and history? Why or why not?
  • What traditions in your personal family have changed since you were young? Why did they change? Were the changes positive or negative for you? Why? How have you handled or adapted to the changes?
  • Name three rules or routines you have to follow on any given day — because you choose to or are required to do so. Why do you follow them? What seems to be important about maintaining the rules or routines?

Scripture Texts (NRSV) for Sunday, October 5, 2008.
(Text links are to oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year A at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Change is in the air. In the world of professional sports, where financial sponsorship is essential to survival, old stadiums are being torn down and replaced with new facilities named after corporate sponsors in most cases. (Even some public schools are using corporate sponsorships to fund buildings and programs.) One does not have to be a New York Yankee fan, or even a baseball fan to understand that one era has come to an end and a new era has begun.

One thing is for certain, no matter how exciting games may be at the new Yankee Stadium, cries will come from those who attended games at the old stadium: “It’s just not the same.” And with the Yankees missing the playoffs for the first time in 13 years, the legacy and history of success truly gives way to a new beginning. There is a tremendous opportunity to be a part of the new face of success, a new future. Still, there will be people who don’t understand and won’t participate in or support the new direction the organization is going, even in a beautiful brand new facility.

In our Gospel lesson today, we probably identify with the answers given by the crowds to Jesus’ question (vs. 40). Everyone understood that the wicked tenants mentioned in the parable were deserving of punishment; the point of the parable was so obvious!

The people listening felt connected to Jesus’ message, but they didn’t seem to realize that they were in the presence of the living, promised savior. How surprised they must have been, especially the chief priests and Pharisees, to realize that Jesus was talking about them when he said the kingdom of God would be taken away and given to those who produced the fruits of the kingdom.

These leaders who had been charged with keeping of the long history of Jewish tradition and teaching the rules missed the point though. Change wasn’t coming; change was present and happening. The fulfillment of God’s promises, and the continuation of God’s new relationship with his people, was standing right in front of them — Jesus.

Their role in the history of God’s chosen people was in jeopardy. They knew their duties and routines, but they did not yet know the savior and fulfillment of God’s promise, who was teaching right there in their midst. They thought Jesus was just another prophet, and that nothing had changed.

You and I have the benefit of living in a post-resurrection world. We are guided by the Holy Spirit to understand God’s will and relationship with us, and to produce the fruits of the Spirit. Even more so, we live as forgiven servants, met by Christ at every moment in every day. Christ finds us were we are and guides us to participate in the promises of his resurrection: new life, hope, and the ability to dramatically change how we live knowing that we are forgiven children of God.

How will we respond?

Discussion Questions

  • The chief priests and the Pharisees were the caretakers of Jewish law and traditions. How do you view their desire to arrest Jesus as he told the parable of the wicked tenants? Read Matthew 21:43-44. Does that change your opinion in any way? How?
  • Have you ever questioned the authority of someone else? What motivated you to stand up against them? Why was it important to speak up? Thinking about it now, would you handle it the same way today? Why? Why not?
  • If it is our responsibility to ‘produce the fruits of the kingdom’ (vs. 43), how do we define them; what are they? What are you/we called to do with the help of the Holy Spirit in this day and age?

Activity Suggestions

  • Split into two groups. Role-play the parable and the reaction of the chief priests and Pharisees. One group watches and one listens. Switch groups and act out the parable and reactions a 2nd time. Does your opinion change depending on the role you played? Why? Why not?
  • Find out what your congregation’s mission statement says. Take a moment to quietly write your interpretation of the mission statement. Share your comments as a group. How do the actions of individual members and the entire congregation compare to the statement? What are you doing well? What might need to change?
  • Take a few moments to quietly write your own mission statement as it relates to your faith in action today. Share your individual mission statements. Keep them, and check in at a later date to see how your everyday life compares to your intended mission. Do some rewriting and revising, if you need to.

Closing Prayer

Merciful God, speak to us daily through your Spirit and guide us through your sacrifice in Jesus to be productive and loving servants in your kingdom. Amen

Contributed by Matthew R. Nelson
Walla Walla, WA