January 27, 2013–Misinterpreted at Home
Contributed by Stephanie Opsal, West Des Moines, IA Warm-up Question Have you ever felt like someone close to you did not truly understand you? Misinterpreted at Home Although he was a shining star to many football fans a year...
January 20, 2013–It’s the Little Things
Contributed by Bob Chell, Brookings, SD Warm-up Questions When things are crummy we like ‘comfort food.’ What’s your favorite comfort food? When things are terrible we retreat to a place we feel safe, where’s yours? When things are awful we...
January 13, 2013–Expectations
Contributed by Brian Hiortdahl, Chicago, IL Warm-up Question Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? How are you doing so far? Expectations It is reported that December 22, 2012 happened. It was the day after the “end of the...
January 6, 2013–Keeping the Faith On the Journey
Contributed by Jen Krausz, Bethlehem, PA Warm-up Question Do you think a Christian counselor can successfully counsel someone of another faith? Why or why not? Keeping the Faith On the Journey Bentley, a British automaker, fired its Christian chaplain...