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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

September 22, 2024–Greatness Redefined

Warm-up Question Who is the best teacher that you’ve ever known? What made them so good? A GOAT in the Pressbox Recently, Tom Brady began calling professional football games as an announcer on FOX. Brady is often considered the Greatest...

September 15, 2024–Finding Our Place

Drew Tucker, Westerville, OH Warm-up Questions Have you ever had to move to a new home? If so, what was that like? If not, what do you imagine are the biggest challenges to moving? Finding a New Home Recently, both...

September 8, 2024–A Fully Human Jesus

Jon Fry, Champaign-Urbana, IL Warm-up Questions How do you pass the time while traveling? What are your favorite traveling games/activities with friends or family? Weird Internet Outage A few weeks ago my newsfeed was blowing up with articles from medical...

September 1, 2024–Beyond “Good Guy vs. Bad Guy”

Jacqui Buschor, Little Rock, AR Warm-up Questions Do you like games where people compete against each other like Monopoly, or games where everyone works together toward a common goal, like escape rooms? Why do you think that is your preference?...

August 25, 2024–Finding Life

Leslie Weber, Chesapeake, VA Warm-up Questions What gave you life this week?  Try this as a different way of asking for weekly highlights! Life Just Might Find a Way Since I can remember, I have heard scientists who work in...