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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

December 10, 2023–An Unsettling Call

Steve Peterson, Sauk Rapids, MN Warm-up Question Are you being called beyond your comfort zone to live Jesus’ way of love, peace and understanding? An Unsettling Call The Formation of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples (IWGIA Document No. 29,...

December 3, 2013–Change is Coming

Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Questions Is there a time when your world was turned upside down? What words do we associate with such upheavals in our lives?  (Devastated?  Abandoned? Forgotten?  Ignored?) Is there a time when you were wanting...

November 26, 2023–Thanksgiving

There is no Faith Lens posting this week Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom this world rejoices; who, from our mother’s arms, has blest us on our...

November 19, 2023–Mattering

Leslie Weber, Chesapeake, VA Warm-up Question What makes a thing valuable? What makes a person valuable? Mattering According to Dr. Gordon Flett, “mattering is a ‘core, universal human need,’ a necessary component for well-being.” Mattering is more than feeling like...

November 12 2023–Listening for Hope

Josh Kestner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Questions What are some of the ways that you respond to difficult news stories? Do you pray? Do you research the context more deeply? Is it easier to try to ignore the news altogether? Where...