March 25, 2018–Put Out the Red Carpet
Dave Delaney, Salem, VA Warm-up Questions Who doesn’t love a parade? When was the last time you saw one, or even were in one? Have you ever seen a passing motorcade of an arriving dignitary, either in person or...
March 18, 2018–The Weakness of God
Dave Dodson, Fort Walton Beach, FL Warm-up Question How is punishment decided in your household? Does the punishment fit the crime? The Weakness of God After the 2018 Olympics ended with the Closing Ceremony, one country was given a...
March 11, 2018–The Message That Made a Man
Sylvia Alloway, Granada Hills, CA Warm-up Question If you were asked to give a message that would be heard around world, what would you say? Why would you say that? The Message That Made a Man If you were...
March 4, 2018–Be Nice…Always?
Ginger Litman-Koon, Isle of Palms, SC Warm-up Question If you were to qualify for the Winter Olympics, what event would you want to compete in? Be Nice…Always? In February, the 23rd Winter Olympic Games were held in PyeongChang, South...
February 25, 2016–Faster. Higher. Stronger.
Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA Warm-up Questions (Activity) Give each person some Play-Doh or similar material and have them create a sculpture or a symbol that represents or relates to their faith. After a few minutes, have everyone share...