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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

May 21, 2017–Building a Legacy

Jocelyn Breeland, Sunnyvale, CA   Warm-up Question What are you going to do this summer? Building a Legacy Barack and Michelle Obama have pledged $2 million to summer youth job program in Chicago. The donation comes in the form of...

May 14, 2017–From Lost to Seeing the Way

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD  Warm-up Question Tell about a time you were lost. Feel free to interpret being ‘lost’ in your own way. From Lost to Seeing the Way In 1987 20,000 boys fled the civil war in Sudan...

May 7, 2017–Following the Shepherd

Faith Lens   Warm-up Question How does someone remembering your name after a brief introduction affect how you feel about them?  What assumptions do you make about someone simply because they remember your name? Following the Shepherd There is something...

April 30, 2017–Kindness of Strangers

Dave Delaney, Salem, VA   Warm-up Question We live in a time when chatting with strangers is considered dangerous, especially for young people. What is your reaction to a stranger who tries to talk to you? If you found yourself...

April 23, 2017–Belief, Doubt, Certainty

Angie Larson, Clive, IA   Warm-up Question How did you come to believe in Jesus? Belief, Doubt, Certainty GlobeServe Ministries in Ghana, West Africa has been expanding at an amazing rate.  The organization has been in existence for twenty years...