June 3, 2018–Faith Lens on Hiatus
Don’t panic! Faith Lens is only on a hiatus during the summer. The next Faith Lens will be posted on August 28 for Sunday, September 2.
May 27, 2018–How Do You Know?
Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA Warm-up Question When it comes to your faith, who have been some of the most important people in your life? What about them has made such a difference? How Do You Know? In 1651 a...
May 20, 2018–Spirit of Truth
Dennis Sepper, Burnsville, MN Warm-up Question How can you tell if someone is telling you the truth? Spirit of Truth Nathan Zohner, a 14-year-old student at Eagle Rock Junior High School won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science...
May 13, 2018–A Lonely Lot
Leslie Scanlon, Chesapeake, VA Warm-up Question Tell about a time this week you felt lonely. Tell about a time this week you felt part of a group. Think of it like “high/low,” “rose/thorn,” “mountain top/valley,” or whatever metaphor you...
May 6, 2018–Achtung Baby
Kris Litman-Koon, Isle of Palm, SC Warm-up Question Think of someone who is not a member of your immediate family yet who has influenced who you are today. How did they do this? How would you describe their style of...