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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

June 2, 2019–Being One

Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question What makes you and your buddies, buddies?  What unites you or holds you together? Do you have a symbol for your group – a style of clothes or type of hats? Being (Not) One...

May 26, 2019–Circumstances are not Crippling

inspired by Sylvia Alloway, Grenada Hills, CA  Warm-up Question When you hear the words “made well,” what comes to mind? Have you or anyone you’ve known lived with a disability?  The website for ELCA Disability Ministries notes, “All of us...

May 19, 2019–Transforming Moments

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD Warm-up Question What event has shaped and changed your life more than any other? Transforming Moments Yet again the nation is dealing with a school shooting, this time on the campus of UNC-Charlotte.  On May...

May 12, 2019–How Do You Know the Truth?

Jen Krausz, Bethlehem, PA  Warm-up Question Warm-up Question: When you hear someone’s testimony, do you tend to believe it or question it? Why? How Do You Know the Truth? On Wednesday May 1, U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave testimony...

May 5, 2019–More Than Conquerors

Paul Baglyos, Baltimore, MD Warm-up Question A familiar Easter hymn calls Jesus the “risen conqu’ring Son.”  In Romans 8 Paul says we are “more than conquerors” through Christ.  In a world which has much tragedy and suffering, what does Paul...