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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

May 16, 2021-E Pluribus Unum?

Brian Hiortdahl, Woodland Hills, CA Warm-up Question How do you stay in healthy relationship with someone with whom you strongly disagree? E Pluribus Unum? As the United States transitioned from one presidential administration to another, many families struggled with strained...

May 9, 2021–

David Delaney, Salem, VA Warm-up Questions Friendship can be complicated because it has so many possible dimensions and expressions. And it’s only gotten more complicated in the last 15 years as social media has transformed the meaning of the word....

May 2, 2021–More Than Just Surviving

Danny Stone, Springville, IA Warm-up Questions Our “Pandemic Year” has forced us to adapt to new challenges and change our ways.  What adaptations and changes will you keep?   What will you prune? More Than Just Surviving Imagine being born into a pandemic...

April 25, 2021-Sacred Vocations

Maggie Falenschek, Saint Peter, MN Warm-up Question What are two or three things you are really good at? Describe your personality: Are you funny? Kind? Compassionate? Assertive? Quiet? If you’re having trouble thinking of this on your own, ask a...

April 18, 2021–Seeing the Other

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD Warm-up Questions Do you believe in demons? ghosts? Have you seen or experienced an encounter with a demon or a ghost? Is there a world we cannot see? Seeing the Other First, some of their...