November 10, 2024–Give a Little Bit
Warm-up Question What is a small action you can take that makes a big difference in your, or someone else’s, life? Give a Little Bit People–especially young people–often want to make positive difference in their community. Whether relieving hunger or...
November 3, 2024–Do This to Remember
Warm-up Question What are some of the easiest things for you to remember? This might be something like information on a certain school subject, pop culture trivia, or peoples’ names. Why do you think you remember these things so easily?...
October 27, 2024–Justification by Grace through Faith!
Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question At what point did you realize that this week is Reformation Sunday? Have you been planning for weeks? Did you make sure your red clothing was washed and ready? Is this devotion your first...
October 20, 2024–Serving the Public Good
Warm-up Question What are the qualities you look for in a leader? Why do those attributes matter to you? Why Did You Get Into This? Through the United States of America, we are in the midst of election season. From...
October 13, 2024–The Last Shall Be First
Warm-up Question Tell a story about when you were genuinely surprised. Maybe you learned something shocking or experienced a surprise party. How did being surprised impact you? Left Behind in Paradise Another hurricane is coming. Even as parts of the...