April 24, 2022–Opening Doors and Hearts
Jason Fisher, Champaign, IL Warm-up Question Name some reasons someone might lock themselves in their room? What would it be like to live your whole life without leaving that room? What would you miss? Opening Doors and Hearts Kristen Berthiaume...
April 17, 2022–Lessons from a Crooked Tree
Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question How many times have you heard the Easter story? What is happening in your life this day which makes it possible for you to hear the story as if for the very first time?...
April 10, 2022-Humble Servanthood
Dennis Sepper, Rosemount, MN Warm-up Question What is the greatest power in the world? How did you come to your answer and why? Humble Servanthood Just over one week ago, the Oscars were held in Los Angeles California. While...
April 3, 2022–Planting for the Future
Maggie Falenschek, St. Peter, MN Warm-up Question If you live in a cold weather climate, what are some things that you look forward to doing in the spring? If you live in a warmer climate, do you do anything to...
March 27, 2022–Lost and Found
Elizabeth Hood, Palo Alto, CA Warm-up Question Have you ever felt lost? Lost something really important to you? Lost and Found After 106 years of searching, a ship lost miles below the icy water near Antartica was recently found! Explorer...