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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

May 15, 2022–What Do You Mean By “Love”?

Tuhina Rasche, San Carlos, CA Warm-up Question What are some of the things you love? Food, music, movies, books? Why do you love them? What are your favorite songs or stories about love? Why are they your favorites? What do...

May 8, 2022–Whose Voice Are You Listening To?

Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA Warm-up Question If you could share a meal with any famous person – real or fictional / living or dead – who would it be and why? Whose Voice Are You Listening To? Recently, the...

May 1, 2022–Glimpse of the Kingdom

Bob Chell–Sioux Falls, SD Warm-up Question Where do your encounter Jesus in your life? Glimpse of the Kingdom TV stations like to run feel good stories.  Sometimes it is about neighbors who harvest the crops of a sick or disabled...

April 24, 2022–Opening Doors and Hearts

Jason Fisher, Champaign, IL Warm-up Question Name some reasons someone might lock themselves in their room? What would it be like to live your whole life without leaving that room? What would you miss? Opening Doors and Hearts Kristen Berthiaume...

April 17, 2022–Lessons from a Crooked Tree

Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question How many times have you heard the Easter story?  What is happening in your life this day which makes it possible for you to hear the story as if for the very first time?...