March 19, 2023–Seeing Possibility
Jason Fisher, Champaign, IL Warm-up Question Share a story of someone who pointed out the potential they saw in you. Who is someone you could help to see their own giftedness? Seeing Possibility Yvonne Shortt is an artist who uses...
March 12, 2023–Unlikely Friendship
Samantha Johnson, Jacksonville, NC Warm-up Question Have you ever made a surprising connection with a stranger? Unlikely Friendship When Detroit Police Officer Marcus Harris II got a call to check in on an individual sleeping at an abandoned gas station,...
March 5, 2023–Survivors
Steven Alloway, Granada Hills, CA Warm-up Question Have you ever been in a seemingly hopeless situation, then been given a second chance? Survivors When a building collapses, there’s an estimated 48-hour window during which trapped victims might be rescued. More...
February 26, 2023–Stand Firm
Grace Heimerdinger-Baake, Pearl City, IL Warm-up Question Have you ever had to stand against the norm to honor and respect your values? How did you handle the temptation to conform to the norm? Stand Firm Students of all races at Collingswood...
February 19, 2023–Already?
Brian Hiortdahl, Sacramento, CA Warm-up Question What activity or pursuit do you stick with even though it is difficult for you to do? Already Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a celebrated poet, author, teacher, filmmaker, and civil rights activist, among...