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Faith Lens

February 13, 2022–Burned Out

Colleen Montgomery, Salem, VA

Warm-up Question

How would you define the feeling of burnout? Have you or someone you know experienced burnout? 

Burned Out

Americans across the country are resigning from their jobs in mass numbers. Though you may not be in the working world yet, chances are that you know an adult who has resigned from their job sometime since March of 2020. Maybe your teacher or your medical provider has resigned. 

One of the major reasons cited for resigning is burnout. The feeling of extreme exhaustion due to prolonged stress makes it difficult to take care of oneself and work. While burnout isn’t an official medical diagnosis, it does affect your physical and mental health. Preparing food is harder. Moving throughout the day feels like a challenge. You experience additional stress knowing that your school work or job performance isn’t at the level you would like. All of these put additional stress on your body and mind. 

Even if you haven’t experienced burnout, my guess is that you have felt increased stress because of the pandemic and all the changes that have happened in your life and in the world because of it. None of us are the best versions of ourselves. 

Figuring out how to take care of ourselves and others when we are facing high stress or burnout is tricky. Each person’s experience is different. Black, Indigneous, and people of color face additional stressors from racist structures in our country that affect their school, work, family, and health. Likewise, members of the LGBTIA+ face discrimination that affects their lives as well. For those of us who are white, like me, it is important for us to learn about, strive to understand, and then work to improve the discriminatory practices of our society. The same goes for the allies of the LGBTIA+ community. Again, managing our own needs and caring for the community around us is challenging. 

Discussion Questions

  • How do you take care of yourself when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed? 
  • Who in your life is experiencing burnout? What is a simple way that you can show them you care for them?
  • How can you show care and compassion for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC); LGBTQIA+,  and other marginalized individuals communities in your school, workplace, family, and community? 

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Jeremiah 17:5-10

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Luke 6:17-26

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

When I think about where I find myself in today’s gospel lesson, I know right where I would be. I am one of the people in the crowd who has come to Jesus for healing. It’s easy to pass over these first verses, but they help to set the scene for us. People from all over the region, from all walks of life have come to Jesus to be healed or to seek healing for someone they care about. 

I see myself as one of the many who have come to Jesus. Maybe you can imagine yourself there too. The tired, burned out, stressed out are all there. And we bring with us those who are sick and ailing from any number of illnesses, diseases, or mental health concerns. We gather to be healed and then we stay and listen to the words that Jesus has to share. 

Jesus begins with a word of blessing. He offers grace, compassion, and comfort to those who experience poverty, hunger, grief and sadness, and discrimination. If you have experienced any of those hardships, Jesus’ words are for you. 

Then Jesus goes on to share warnings. He warns those who experience wealth, food security, lack of grief, and privilege that life will not always be so good. All of us who are living through this pandemic, know that our circumstances can change overnight. Jesus shares this warning to remind those gathered there (and those listening today) to care for those who experience hardship.  Someday it could be us. We are all together in this thing called life. 

This gospel both comforts us in our burnout, exhaustion, and illness, and also challenges us in our security and privilege to care for those around us as well. 

Discussion Questions

  • What is going on in your life or in the lives of those you care for which urges you to sit at the feet of Jesus?
  • How has God or God’s people been there for you when you have experienced hardship?
  • Does your church or community support those who experience poverty, hunger, grief, and discrimination? How can you join in those efforts? 

Activity Suggestions

  • Look at a biblical map to locate Judea, Jerusalem, and the coast of Tyre and Sidon. How far apart are these places? How long would it take to walk between them? 
  • Write, paint, draw, or create in another way blessings to those in your life who are in need of encouragement. You can send them via snail mail, text, or another type of messenger. 
  • Take individually wrapped food treats to local schools or hospitals to support teachers and healthcare workers. 

Closing Prayer

God of all compassion, we come to you with weary hearts, minds, and bodies. We are worried as we watch burnout effect so many in our lives and community. Help us to know ourselves, so that we know when we need to rest, to seek help, and to support others. Remind us that you are always with us. Amen. 


February 6, 2022–Fish Story

Scott Mims, Norfolk, VA

Warm-up Question

Have you ever been fishing?  If so, share one of your best “fish stories.”  If not, what is one activity you really enjoy doing and why do you enjoy it?

Fish Story

I was intrigued  by an article about a rare deep-ocean creature which had washed up on a California beach.  As one who watched Disney’s Finding Nemo a lot when my children were little, I recognized the pictures as being the type of deep sea “monster” that is angling to turn Marlin and Dory into a meal.  What I didn’t know was how rare a find such a specimen is.

It turns out that, even though the Pacific football fish was first discovered over 100 years ago, only 31 specimens have ever been collected. Since they live at depths of up to 3,300 feet, Pacific football fish can’t be studied in the wild. What makes this particular fish newsworthy is that it was the third one to wash ashore in a year. Prior to that, the last football fish to be found was twenty years ago. This is both exciting and a bit puzzling for ichthyologists, although no reason for this increased frequency can be determined with any certainty.  

For me, this strange creature is a reminder of the wonder and mystery which continue to surround all of creation.  How is it that creatures can live and thrive in places too deep for us to truly explore?  How might their abilities to adapt to less than favorable conditions challenge…perhaps even inspire…us in the face of a changing world?  As I write this, the James Webb Space Telescope has just reached its new home, and scientists are eager to discover what it will reveal about the universe.  Yet, despite the marvels of technology which allow us to peer into the secrets of the stars,  there is still much to learn about our own planet.

Discussion Questions

  • What about the world/universe around us do you find interesting, “cool,” or amazing?
  • Psalm 19 begins: “The heavens are telling the glory of God….”  Where do you see God in the natural world?  How does Creation proclaim God’s handiwork?
  • When you think about the future of our planet, what concerns do you have?  What do you think should be done about the things that most concern you?

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 6:1-8 [9-13]

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Luke 5:1-11

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

There are some moments when the Bible comes to life.  One such moment for my wife occurred on a visit to Israel years when her tour group made a stop at the Sea of Galilee.  Casting off a bit from the shore in a small boat, their tour guide began to speak to them about the region.  He spoke at a normal volume but, due to the water and the shape of the land, his words came across very distinctly, almost as if he were being amplified. No wonder then that, when pressed upon by a large crowd, Jesus chose just such a setting to make himself heard.

This week’s gospel is part miracle story and part call story.  Jesus’ ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing has been attracting a lot of attention.  Large crowds are showing up wherever he is, hoping to hear him, see him, maybe even be touched by him.  On this occasion Jesus asks a fisherman named Simon (and probably some of his partners, too) to take him out a bit from the shore, so that he can proclaim the good news to the gathered crowd. 

What did Jesus say that day?  What important teachings did he share?  Luke doesn’t tell us because that is not the point of this story.  His point is what Jesus does next.  Jesus tells Simon and the others in the boat to put out into deeper water and to let down their nets.  Having just come off a hard night of fruitless labor, Simon at first hesitates — he “knows” there are no fish to be had.  Yet, because it is Jesus who asks, they deploy their nets. 

And the rest, as we say, is history.  First, they catch so many fish that Simon has to call for help to keep the nets from breaking and their boat from sinking.  And then, as the amazement and awe of this miraculous moment wash over him, Simon Peter drops to his knees in wonder and dread.  “Go away from me Lord,” he cries, “for I am a sinful man!”

But Jesus doesn’t go away.  Instead, despite their shortcomings, Jesus invites Simon and the others into a different kind of fishing.  “Do not be afraid,” he says, “from now on you will be catching people.”  And, bringing their boats to shore, they leave everything and follow him.

In the end, this miraculous call story is ultimately a story about faith. Not just the faith to follow, but the trust involved in obeying Jesus, even when we cannot at first see the reason or how things will turn out.  Here, Simon is the professional fisherman.  He knows what he is doing; it is not the right time of day to be fishing.  What’s more, he does not expect there to be any fish because they have already labored long without success.  Nevertheless, at Jesus’ word he does what he expects to be a waste of effort and time, and experiences, instead, amazing – even life-changing — success. As we think about the times in which we are living, what is it that Jesus is calling us to do?  What “deep waters” is he inviting us into, and how are we to let down our “nets”?

Discussion Questions

  • Have you ever had the experience of simply stepping out in faith?  If so, what happened?
  • Jesus was not the only religious teacher who had disciples; other Jewish rabbis in his day also had followers – usually people who were among the brightest and best. Along with the miraculous catch of fish, one of the wonders in this story is who Jesus chooses.  What outward qualities (for example, a lack of formal education) might have made Simon and his companions such a surprising choice?  When it comes to those who follow him, what are some of the qualities you think Jesus cares most about?
  • How do you feel about Simon Peter and his companions’ response? As you imagine it, what things did they have to give up? Why do you think these men dropped everything to follow Jesus?  
  • What do you think it means to follow Jesus today?  If you were to create a portrait of a modern-day disciple, what would your picture include? 

Activity Suggestions

  • Plan A “Fishing Expedition”  When it comes to “catching people,” what do you think the church/your congregation/your small group needs to be doing (or doing more of) right now?  Brainstorm a list of ideas and possible action items.  Are there things on this list you would have fun doing?
  • *Video: For further discussion on the sheer grace of being called to follow Jesus, check out a short video by Rob Bell entitled, Dust (Nooma series).  What does it mean to you that Jesus believes in you?  Does this change the way you see yourself as a disciple?
  • Remember Your Baptism: As part of your concluding prayer this session, invite participants to remember their baptisms as a connection to the calling we receive to be followers and disciples of Jesus.  This could be as simple as having a small bowl of water in which you invite them to dip a finger and make the sign of the cross on their own forehead.  

Closing Prayer

Gracious and loving God, as your Son was revealed to Simon Peter and the others through a miraculous catch of fish, help us to see the many ways that you act in our lives and to praise you for the grace that you give to us day by day.  Empower us by your Spirit to follow Jesus, lead us to be living signs of your love, and give us the courage to invite others.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen


January 30, 2022–What I Got vs. What I Ordered

Angie Larson, Alexandria, MN

Warm-up Question

Have you ever ordered something online and received something you didn’t expect? What was it?

What I Got vs. What I Ordered

On the internet there’s a meme out there called “what I got vs. what I ordered.” There are hundreds of stories of people getting something very different than they asked for. One man ordered a rug for his room but didn’t check the dimensions. He ended up with a rug that was no larger than a napkin. For her daughter’s birthday, a mom ordered a cake featuring  Elsa from Frozen; what came looked more like a scary orangutan. A bride ordered a wedding dress that came in with weird seams and didn’t fit her at all. The description was dramatically different from what she received. 

Sometimes in life we have this picture of what we want, but we receive something very different. We expect our year to go a certain way, but then circumstances change. We expect a friend to react positively; they react negatively. Perhaps we hope for a change that never happens. When we get something  different from what we ordered we find ourselves bewildered, disenfranchised, or lost. Or sometimes we just think it’s funny and post it to the internet. 

Discussion Questions

  • What is something for which you had hoped that ended up differently?
  • How do you feel when this happens to you? How do you react?
  • Why are we let down when things don’t turn out how we imagined?

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Jeremiah 1:4-10

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Luke 4:21-30

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Earlier in Luke 4 Jesus is invited to read the scroll in the synagogue. He unrolls the scroll to a passage from Isaiah 61, which talks about the coming Messiah. Jesus reads it aloud. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, freedom to the captive, sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Then, after Jesus reads this passage, he proclaims, in his ultimate mic drop moment, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” 

At first those in the synagogue are amazed by Jesus’ teaching but then they start to wonder where Jesus’ authority comes from. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” They hear Jesus’ words and can sense that there is something amazing about him. Yet, at the same time, they can’t reconcile their expectation of who the Messiah will be with the familiar person in front of them.

They wanted a mighty warrior, a powerful deliverer who would save them; instead, they get Joseph’s boy. He isn’t what they expected. Joseph’s son? In fact, God gives them someone so much better. God gives them God’s son, not just to deliver the Jews from Roman oppression, but to deliver ALL people from sin and death. There is much more to Joseph’s son than they imagined. And they aren’t sure they like it at all. In fact, they try to throw him off a cliff! 

Little do they know, Joseph’s son, Jesus, will save them all, will save us all. Jesus is much more than they expected.

Discussion Questions

  • How would you react if someone from your hometown claimed to be the Messiah? Why is it so hard for the Nazarenes to believe?
  • What surprises the people in the synagogue about Jesus?
  • How do you expect God to show up in your life? Have you gotten what you expected? 

Activity Suggestions

Google search “What I ordered vs. What I’ve got.” Share the best ones with your group and laugh about it. 

Closing Prayer

Blessed Savior, You’re so much more than we expected! You show up in the messiness of our lives to free us, to love us, to be with us. Thank you for being not what we anticipated, but so much more. In your name we pray.  Amen.


January 23, 2022–Home Crisis

Jen Krausz, Bethlehem, PA

Warm-up Question

Have you or anyone in your family ever donated blood? What was the reasoning behind this act?

Home Crisis

The American Red Cross announced on January 11 that because U.S. blood supplies are at extremely low levels the country is facing an unprecedented blood crisis. “If the nation’s blood supply does not stabilize soon, life-saving blood may not be available for some patients when it is needed,” warned in a joint statement with America’s Blood Centers and the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies. 

The agency said that the current surge in COVID-19 infections has caused its no-show rates to increase, as large numbers of people get sick. In addition, blood donations were already around 34% lower than before the pandemic because most blood drives are not being held.

The Red Cross said it currently has “less than a one-day supply of critical blood types” and has had to limit distributions to hospitals.  “At times, as much as one-quarter of hospital blood needs are not being met.”

The Red Cross encourages those who can to donate, particularly those who are type O, the universal donor. “Please, if you are eligible, make an appointment to give blood or platelets in the days and weeks ahead to ensure no patient is forced to wait for critical care,” said Baia Lasky, medical director for the Red Cross.

Discussion Questions

  • Have there been any blood drives in your community, school, or church since the pandemic started?
  • Would you feel comfortable donating blood today if you were able to do so? Why or why not?
  • Have you or anyone in your family ever needed a blood transfusion? What happens if blood is not available when a transfusion is needed?
  • In what way is it a selfless act to donate blood? 

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

Luke 4:14-21

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

Many people find it scary or uncomfortable to give blood.  In this week’s gospel lesson Jesus does something even more difficult:  he goes back to his hometown, Nazareth, to teach in the synagogue there. He quickly finds out that it’s not easy to go back home, where everyone knows you as a “normal” person, and present yourself as the Son of God, healer, and savior.Some of the people listening to him probably babysat him when he was young, taught him to read, or watched him apprentice as a carpenter under his earthly father, Joseph. 

Luke’s gospel says that everyone was “amazed” at him and “spoke well” of him, but they just couldn’t get past one thing: how could “Joseph’s son” be a prophet?Jesus took their reaction, however kindly intended, as a rejection. “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.” The chapter ends with the townspeople angrily trying to stone Jesus outside of town. But Jesus escapes them and leaves the area, the rejection complete. 

It seems incredible that Jesus would be rejected, when to us he represents not only truth, but God’s unconditional love for each one of us. However, Jesus did not come to maintain the status quo, he came, in many ways, to demolish it. That was a lot for people to handle, especially people who knew him before his ministry started. 

Most times, when Jesus was rejected, people didn’t understand what he was trying to do. Even when Jesus gave them the information they needed, they couldn’t wrap their minds around it.  Their existing ideas of the world wouldn’t let their minds accept what Jesus was saying about God and the world. They found it hard to accept a divine love bigger than any nation, culture, religion, or community.

We too have existing ideas of the world and what it’s like.  They can get in the way of understanding Jesus—who he is, and why he came. We need to see Jesus as he really is, rather than making him who we want him to be. 

Discussion Questions

  • What makes people reject Jesus today?
  • What ideas about the world do you need to let go of before you can understand Jesus as savior?
  • Do you think the pandemic has brought people closer to Jesus or separated them more from him? In what ways? How about you?

Activity Suggestions

  • Contact your local blood donation center and ask them how you can help with the current blood crisis. Many students are too young to donate themselves, but they may be able to hand out flyers at church encouraging others to donate or make phone calls to people who can donate.
  • If your church is open to doing so, petition leadership to hold a blood drive there in the near future. The need for blood donations is ongoing, so even if your church is still restricted due to COVID-19, you may be able to convince leadership to schedule a drive in a month or two, when cases are likely to have peaked and are on the decline.

Closing Prayer

God who provides for those in need, we ask that you meet the medical needs of those who need donated blood in the coming weeks and months. Keep those who donate blood safe from any harm and healthy enough to do so. In Jesus’ name, amen.


January 16, 2022–Extravagant Light

Mary Ellen Helms, Loveland, OH

Warm-up Question

  • Did it seem like there were more Christmas lights up in your area this season? Where did you notice them?
  • List as many sources of light as you can think of (it can be physical light or figurative light).
  • Where did you see other signs of light this winter season?

Extravagant Light

We are officially in the season of Epiphany: a season of bringing light.  This time was marked at first by the magi visiting Jesus during the first Christmas, but the whole season is set to bring to light the reign of God in our world. It might just be because it’s been a long and dark couple of years, but it seemed like in my area there were more Christmas lights than ever. In the Midwest, it gets dark around 5:00 pm in December and only a little later now that we’re in January. The holiday displays of light break up the dark evenings and provide literal and figurative light during these long days. 

Within an hour of my house, I visited the following light displays during the holidays: a zoo, a historic mill, a small-town display, a sculpture park, and countless neighborhood drives. I didn’t make it to the amusement parks, the Christmas caves, or the nature center.  There were more than enough lights for me to see, but I just couldn’t get enough of the rainbows of glow, Christmas-themed decorations, and joyful moments these attractions provided for me.

It wasn’t just here that lights were in high demand.  All around the country, retailers ran out of lights. This article shares some of the big light displays all across the country.  Some people point to the need for something to do and others point back to the tradition of light displays, but there is one sure thing about these elaborate projects: “You feel a difference when there’s a lot of love behind the project. It’s not just a job for them” (Matt Reed from Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Products). 

I must admit, I leave my Christmas lights on my house a little longer than my neighbors do. There is something about driving home during the evenings and seeing the white twinkly lights that makes me happy to be home and gives me hope for longer days coming soon. 

Discussion Questions

  • What are some of the ways that you bring others joy in little ways, such as the holiday light displays did for so many this year?
  • Where are places in our communities that could use more light and joy? How can you be a part of bringing that to them?

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Isaiah 62:1-5

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

John 2:1-11

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year C at Lectionary Readings.)

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

John’s Gospel is quite a bit different from the other stories of Jesus’ life and death. Instead of starting with a story about Jesus’ birth featuring the shepherds and kings and angels, John’s Gospel starts with a prologue pointing to Jesus as the “Word” and “true light.” John’s gospel is written so that we might see God at work in the life of Jesus and that we might see how Jesus’ life always points to grace and truth (John 1:14).  

It is not a surprise, then, that early in John’s Gospel we see what grace looks like through Jesus’ eyes. Following the baptism of John in John 1:1:29-34 and the calling of the disciples (John 1:35-50), Jesus joins the community of Cana in celebrating a wedding. Weddings were weeklong events in Jesus’ time – more like a festival than a one-day celebration. Families and friends gathered and there was always a clear hierarchy – the invited and excluded, the servants and the guests, the haves and the have-nots.

During the party, something terribly embarrassing happened for the wedding hosts: the wine ran out! But Jesus was at the party and took this moment to illustrate the all-encompassing grace of God. Jesus takes something ordinary, water used for ceremonial washing, and turns it into something extraordinary – the finest of wines. Everyone in attendance got to revel in this glimpse of the extravagance of God’s kingdom. 

The gospel writer then tells us that this is the first of the signs (John 2:11) which will show Jesus’ glory and draw others into the kingdom. Throughout John’s gospel, we find these signs that point us to how God’s ways are different from the world’s ways. From this story alone, we see that Jesus values hospitality (providing for others), dignity (saving the hosts from embarrassment), and abundance (we are intended not just to survive but to enjoy life with one another!)  Just as the Christmas lights we see in our communities can feel a bit extravagant, the grace of Jesus makes us feel that same sense of hope, joy, and light for the world.

Discussion Questions

  • What are some of the ways you show hospitality to friends in your home? To others in your church? To the outsiders in our communities?
  • When was the last time you received something extravagant? How did it make you feel? Have you ever been able to provide an extravagant gift to others?
  • How can we live into Jesus’ way of hospitality, dignity, and abundance in our day-to-day lives?

Activity Suggestions

  • Food pantries and soup kitchens often see a surge in volunteers over the holidays and experience high need after the spirit of generosity passes.  Plan a youth group or personal outing to a facility that serves those experiencing hunger during the next few weeks.  Consider bringing something ‘extravagant’ to bless those who you will meet.
  • Read about the ELCA’s commitment to accompaniment as a way of sharing dignity with those who we walk with through ELCA Global Mission. Brainstorm ways that your community can get involved with ELCA Global Mission

Closing Prayer 

God of abundance, we seek to be people who overflow with your grace and truth. Help us to draw others into you as Jesus did at the wedding in Cana. Give us generous hearts that beat for love, joy, and justice. Amen.