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Four Christian Denominations Urge Palestinian Membership in the UN

Four Christian denominations have issued a statement in support of the Palestinian bid for membership in the UN.  Officials from the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society signed the statement, which also urges negotiations as a necessary step to resolution of the conflict. 

From the statement:

We understand the view expressed by United States and Israeli representatives that international recognition by the UN is no substitute for two-party, two-state negotiations. But the reverse is also true, given the prolonged and undeniable failure of the negotiations between parties of vastly different power. Membership for Palestine does not preclude either the need for or the possibility of negotiations. Outstanding issues including an end to the occupation, final borders, the status of Jerusalem, settlements, and the right of return would remain to be resolved through negotiation. We believe that UN membership for Palestine would increase the likelihood of fair and transparent negotiations on these issues, as those negotiations would then take place between two members of the United Nations.   

Read the full statement in this Presbyterian News Service story