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ELCA Blogs


Lutheran Church of the Redeemer – Home to Many


If you’ve ever been to Jerusalem and wanted to worship in English, you may have been welcomed in the English-speaking congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.  The main Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is an Arabic Lutheran  congregation, and also hosts a German-speaking congregation as well.  It is one of the 6 churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, a small but vibrant and vocal force for justice and peace in the Holy Land.  It’s Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Munib Younan, is also the president of the Lutheran World Federation.

Each Sunday, this is the worship home for many internationals of all denominations who work for justice and peace in the area, as well as countless pilgrim groups just visiting.  If you’ve ever been there, you’ll know what a gift it is for the community, as this video by Laurin Whitnet-Gottbrath shows. Laurin is a Young Adult in Global Mission in Jerusalem finishing up her mission year.  Learn more about the program here.