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ELCA Blogs


Watch video of Presbyterian Symposium on Land and the Bible

  A symposium entitled “Bible, Land, and our Theological Challenge: A Presbyterian Conversation” was held in October with key speakers presenting views on biblical perspectives on the land and the Palestinian-Israeli situation.   See the schedule of speakers below and watch...

Four Christian Denominations Urge Palestinian Membership in the UN

Four Christian denominations have issued a statement in support of the Palestinian bid for membership in the UN.  Officials from the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society signed...

U.S. Church Leaders Respond to Jerusalem Heads of Churches

Today, church leaders in the United States made public their response to the communique issued by the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem regarding the current status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both documents were produced in September. In their statement, the...

Message from the Protestant Churches in Egypt

Today, Rev. Andrea Zaki, Ph.D., Vice President of the the Protestant Community in Egypt, issued a statement from the churches on the recent violence in their country. This statement follows a similar declaration from the Coptic Orthodox Church, with which...

Egypt We are Praying for You

  We express our sincere sympathy and pray for the people of Egypt and the Coptic Church who have suffered recent violence and death arising from religious discord.   The Rt. Rev. Munib Younan, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and President of...

US Accompanier Chris Cowan: This is Living Under Occupation

In the mix of the muddle over the Palestinians’ UN statehood bid, something often gets lost.  The US – and others – are adamant that the only way to Palestinian statehood is negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, probably brokered by...

Recent Announced Expansion of Gilo Settlement Shows Larger Plan

  The recent 1100-unit expansion announced for the south of the Gilo settlement – on the heels of the US and Quartet plea to resume negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis and that neither side should carry out provocative...

UNESCO Supports Palestinian Membership, Latest CMEP Bulletin

Despite strong opposition from the US and several European countries, UNESCO has shown initial support for Palestinian membership.  The US has hinted at reprisals based on prohibitions on granting membership to those who do not meet certain requirements for a state....

Palestinian UN Statehood Bid & Facts on the Ground

The Palestinian UN bid has been sent to a UN committee for consideration, but the US has vowed to veto the proposal. For more on the UN statehood and analysis, see: BBC Article Overview An Israeli View (BBC) A Palestinian...

Continued Regional Developments

In this past week of tremendous political drama surrounding Israel and Palestine, it is tempting to forget that the entire region is in the midst of profound change. NYT: Fearing Change, Many Christians in Syria Back Assad This report in...