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ELCA Blogs


Conference in Bethlehem for Evangelicals in March, 2012

        In March 2012, a unique Christian International Conference will take place in Bethlehem, Palestine, titled: Christ at the Checkpoint – Hope in the Midst of Conflict. The conference is organized by Bethlehem Bible College in Palestine,...

Palestinian family of 12 faces eviction from Silwan home of 30 years

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), the Israeli Committee against Home Demolitions (ICAHD) and many other groups are working to keep the Palestinian Sumarin family of 12, including 5 children, in their home of 30 years. They have received...

Jerusalem’s final status affected by settlements, home demolitions

A new report from Terrestrial Jerusalem shows the increase in settlement activity in and around Jerusalem.  Currently, there are pending plans for the construction of approximately 8000 new units, and, in addition, approximately 11,000 units in the pre-statutory stage.  This, combined...

On the Ground from the Nygards in Cairo

Continuing violence that claimed the lives of about 38 people in Cairo has left the area mourning, angry and uncertain, despite an official apology from the military and a promise that parliamentary elections will actually begin to take place next week as planned. ...

Advent Resources

On the way to celebrate what happened in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, let us not forget the people who yearn for peace with justice now in Bethlehem and all over the Holy Land.  Here are some Advent reflections by various people and...

Palestinian Freedom Riders Violently Arrested on Israeli Settler Bus

Palestinians who boarded a segregated Israeli bus in the occupied West Bank to travel to East Jerusalem were arrested for taking action reminiscent of the Civil Rights Movement’s Freedom Rides Earlier today, seven Palestinian Freedom Riders were violently arrested while...


Today I stood, as if I could hear voices from the past, present and the future of both horror and hope, but hope won.  For today I walked through the Brandenburg Gate, which used to separate East from West Berlin as one...

Bishop Hanson and other faith leaders visit White House officials to urge action on Israel and Palestine peace

The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, and other ecumenical faith leaders met with White House officials to express urgency and encourage action on the situation in Israel and Palestine.   According to Hanson, continued meetings with the Obama administration are “a...

Not just my morning bus driver

As a YAGM serving at the Dar Al-Kalima School (DAK) in Bethlehem, but living in Beit Sahour, I am privileged with the opportunity of riding the school bus with the kids everyday to and from school (I have to admit...

New report says Palestinian economy would be twice as strong without occupation

According to a September, 2011, report by the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy in cooperation with the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ), the Palestinian economy would be about twice what it is now were it not for occupation policies...