Middle East Evangelical Christians call for peace and awareness of their continuing presence and importance
The Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Christians (FMEEC) released their final communique after their symposium on Evangelical and Christian Presence in the Middle East in Beirut, Lebanon. The group explored ways in which they could remain faithful to their universal Reformation legacy while...
UN Rapporteur Says Demolitions, Evictions and Poor Planning by Israel “Violate Palestinian Right to Adequate Housing”
Bedouin one example of the elimination of adequate Palestinian housing httpv://youtu.be/uhlrG2z2ccw On January 3rd the Government of Israel published the memorandum of a bill named “Regulation of the Bedouin settlement in the Negev“, in which in states the steps...
Bishop Younan and CRIHL Religious Leaders at US Institute of Peace Feb 28
Preventing Incitement and Promoting Peace: Obstacles and Opportunities for Religious Peacemaking in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Feb 28, 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm EST (Stay tuned for webcast information) The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is pleased to host...
Human Rights Watch Denounces Israeli Policies Denying Residency Based on Palestinian Identity
Israeli policies on Palestinian residency have arbitrarily denied thousands of Palestinians the ability to live in, and travel to and from, the West Bank and Gaza, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Israel should immediately stop denying...
Egyptian Christians Say Christian Political Party Is Not Solution
I encourage you to read this report from a recent meeting in Washington, DC, hosted by the World Evangelical Alliance. Two of the quoted speakers, Dr. Atef Gendy and Dr. Andrea Zaki, are close companions of the ELCA in Egypt.
Inequality between Palestinians and Israelis
While the peace process remains stymied, and all focus is on whether parties will return to talks or not, suffering does not stand still in the Holy Land, especially for those in the occupied Palestinian territories dealing with discrimination and inequities....
Syria and International Foreign Policy
The suffering in Syria has become horrifying and there is worse to come. It nevertheless remains quite difficult to determine the causes of the present situation and more difficult still to determine how other governments within the international community ought...
Right-Wing Israeli Extremists Desecrate Monastery and Arab-Jewish School
“Death to the Arabs,” “Death to the Christians,” and “Kahane was right” (a right-wing rabbi whose organization was labeled as a terrorist group by the US) were scrawled in Hebrew on a monastery in Jerusalem and an Arab-Jewish school operated by the...
Pray for the People of Syria
The people of Syria are in our thoughts and prayers as the violence intensifies following lack of action by the UN Security Council. China and Russia vetoed a Western-Arab U.N. Security Council resolution backing an Arab League plan for Syrian...
Bishop Hanson sends letters of support to Syrian church leaders
In letters to Christian church leaders in Syria, the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), offered his support of the churches’ collective call for an end to violence and his prayers for...